Dobsy87 said:
I won't be singing it for one simple reason: I think it's a shit chant. That's all.

As for the politics: we sang 'USA, USA, USA' for Claudio Reyna, and the USA killed a lot of British servicemen in 1775-6. At what point do we let the past lie? When I see Zabaleta and Tevez I'll see City players, and if I see someone with an Argentina flag, it'll be because it's support for those players. Again, that's all.

Well said. Some of the people on this thread are xenophobic, brain-dead morons. We English are not saints. We conquered two-thirds of the world, enslaved thousands of people, used concentration camps before the Nazis, the list could go on and on. Do you think it's right for people from those countries to bear a grudge against us?

The Falklands War was 27 years ago FFS. Tevez wasn't even born. Just let it go.
alabaster said:
Dobsy87 said:
I won't be singing it for one simple reason: I think it's a shit chant. That's all.

As for the politics: we sang 'USA, USA, USA' for Claudio Reyna, and the USA killed a lot of British servicemen in 1775-6. At what point do we let the past lie? When I see Zabaleta and Tevez I'll see City players, and if I see someone with an Argentina flag, it'll be because it's support for those players. Again, that's all.

Well said. Some of the people on this thread are xenophobic, brain-dead morons. We English are not saints. We conquered two-thirds of the world, enslaved thousands of people, used concentration camps before the Nazis, the list could go on and on. Do you think it's right for people from those countries to bear a grudge against us?

The Falklands War was 27 years ago FFS. Tevez wasn't even born. Just let it go.
Valid points. Let me counter: AR-GEN-TINA is a Rags song, sung by the Rags and popularised by them. Regardless of any political bollocks I'll be shouting down the chant because I hate the scum and don't want their plastic songs sung in our stadium.

That, I think, we can all agree on!
Ubiquitous said:
alabaster said:
Dobsy87 said:
I won't be singing it for one simple reason: I think it's a shit chant. That's all.

As for the politics: we sang 'USA, USA, USA' for Claudio Reyna, and the USA killed a lot of British servicemen in 1775-6. At what point do we let the past lie? When I see Zabaleta and Tevez I'll see City players, and if I see someone with an Argentina flag, it'll be because it's support for those players. Again, that's all.

Well said. Some of the people on this thread are xenophobic, brain-dead morons. We English are not saints. We conquered two-thirds of the world, enslaved thousands of people, used concentration camps before the Nazis, the list could go on and on. Do you think it's right for people from those countries to bear a grudge against us?

The Falklands War was 27 years ago FFS. Tevez wasn't even born. Just let it go.
Valid points. Let me counter: AR-GEN-TINA is a Rags song, sung by the Rags and popularised by them. Regardless of any political bollocks I'll be shouting down the chant because I hate the scum and don't want their plastic songs sung in our stadium.

That, I think, we can all agree on!

Yes, I agree with that part.
Ubiquitous said:
alabaster said:
Dobsy87 said:
I won't be singing it for one simple reason: I think it's a shit chant. That's all.

As for the politics: we sang 'USA, USA, USA' for Claudio Reyna, and the USA killed a lot of British servicemen in 1775-6. At what point do we let the past lie? When I see Zabaleta and Tevez I'll see City players, and if I see someone with an Argentina flag, it'll be because it's support for those players. Again, that's all.

Well said. Some of the people on this thread are xenophobic, brain-dead morons. We English are not saints. We conquered two-thirds of the world, enslaved thousands of people, used concentration camps before the Nazis, the list could go on and on. Do you think it's right for people from those countries to bear a grudge against us?

The Falklands War was 27 years ago FFS. Tevez wasn't even born. Just let it go.
Valid points. Let me counter: AR-GEN-TINA is a Rags song, sung by the Rags and popularised by them. Regardless of any political bollocks I'll be shouting down the chant because I hate the scum and don't want their plastic songs sung in our stadium.

That, I think, we can all agree on!

I do agree with that. We're above s/h songs from Landan

No issue between us and Argentina (as long as they don't try again). The ties between our two peoples go back long before the Falklands.

Alabaster - although we had 'concentration camps' they were just holding camps.

The Germans were practicing systematic genocide in their camps in Africa before that (about the same time Belgians were mutilating African children on an industrial scale).

By all means point out our colonial flaws but don't forget we were a lot less bad than many, many others.
What about when City fans chanted USA USA USA when the Glazers bought the rags, and a lot of rag supporters hated the Glazers so City fans chanted that to wind the rags up?

Or is that different? Isn't AR GEN TINA actually winding the rags up, seeing as though he (and Zab) are here now?

As for the Falklands vets, I accept your point, but if you're going to be so xenophobic, you might as well hate any other nationality as we've fought most of em down the years.
westy said:
On the point of RESPECT none of that MU**** Crap either, i absolutely hate hearing it, it makes our club and the majority of our fans look so bad. When Tevez got out the car people all over the world will have been watching as the ppl there sung his first song "CARLOS TEVEZ IS A BLUE HE HATES MU*****" That the best that "fans" can come up with.... Maybe Im fighting a losing battle... ppl will always do it but it bugs me

I fucking hate it, its pointless and not even remotely funny. It's just pure lazyness and ignorance that people can't think of another two syllable word to refer to the red twats as in a song. I believe that if the disaster had happened somewhere such as gelsenkirchen which is difficult to fit into a shite song the twats wouldn't still be going on about it.
bluecore said:
Alabaster - although we had 'concentration camps' they were just holding camps.

'Holding camps' in which thousands of people, including children, died from starvation. They were not in the same league as the the Nazi camps admittedly, but they weren't particularly nice places to be either. They were still places where innocent people were imprisoned without trial and left to die.

bluecore said:
By all means point out our colonial flaws but don't forget we were a lot less bad than many, many others.

This is a false dichotomy. I don't think we are any better or worse than anyone else. As a nation, we have killed millions of innocent people and continue to do so. The same is true for most, if not all, countries. Until people lose their ridiculous jingoistic and/or religious prejudices, nothing will change.
pee dubyas crayons said:
I know we're all excited by the arrival of Tevez, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't see this as an invitation to start chanting 'Ar-gen-tina' like the rags used to for him and Heinze.

It's not big, it's not clever and it's downright disrespectful to the 255 British soldiers who lost their lives in the Falklands conflict.

Please don't emulate idiotic rag fans by chanting this.


I totally agree.I lost a couple of good friends in the falklands.
It would piss me off big time if anyone sang it.

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