Are City fans the best in England?

sirtaki said:
nashark said:
How you've not been banned is unbelievable.

The most blatant of the armchair cunts on bluemoon.

The fact is: I don't know of any Mancunian who actually supports United.

It's absolutely laughable the ease to which the Glazers tear apart your shitty soulless commercialised fairground. And all this happens while you're on a City forum. Now do one, you cockney muppet.
"The fact is: I don't know of any Mancunian who actually supports United.".

Just reading this shows you can't be from Manchester, you just read and believe the hype.

Match going supporters - I know of none.
moorsideblue said:
Dom38 said:
Liverpool have pretty decent support, bar them being delusional.

oh dear!!! hear we go again with the liverpool atmosphere myth!! FFS their fans are fuckin awfull
the other week when they were 3 nil up there support was still shit, we out sang them all game,shit ground shit delusional fans
I think we do brillant numbers wise considering how bad we've been over the last 20ish years while at the same time sharing a city with the most successful team of the era. history shows are fan base has always been between 40-45k and we've maintained that, obession with attendances is a scum thing because it's all they can say about us but they forget to mention half there ground is filled with tourist, they have the quanity of fans we have the quality.

I really do think we are the best fans in the country
Think the atmosphere at home and especially away is improving. The singing section has helped and the blue alliance boys grouping together at away games are big factors. There is room for improvement though. Think we have by far the best sense of humour and hope we never loose this. Hope we never start to become 'big time charlie's'.
Lets keep the atmosphere going!!
In terms of 'best fans in England' - couldnt care less. However, personally i think we were at our best towards the second half of the 98-99 season and the following 3-4 years. We took big numbers everywhere and each away day was like a cup final. Maine rd was rocking at time's back then.
Manchester la la la la said:
danburge82 said:
a) Loyalty - Nobody beats us. Newcastle have had title challenges, cup finals and Champions Lg footy to attract fans. We've had nothing at all!
b) Louder - Sunderland@SoL are the loudest when they get going, best in the country for it. Mainly because of their stadium with it mainly being one big tier all the way round (with a little bit of a second tier above a bit of it). Villa with the Holt End when they can be arsed to get going are very loud n'all. 14500 that stand holds, great stand! Stoke are overrated IMO, but still louder than us. Wolves are loud too, as are both Sheffield clubs two good sets of fans them!
c) Better song variety - United have dozens and dozens of songs. We maybe have a dozen that get sung regularly, which is a huge amount compared to Arsenal and Spurs who hardly sing any songs at all. Liverpool have a lot of good songs as well.
d) Humour - Scousers? NOT A CHANCE MATE! I never hear them chanting funny stuff, off the cuff, like we do! Villa fans are funny, they are original with it and off the cuff. When we beat them 4-0 at Christmas they were really funny and sharing some good banter without being dicks! But we are brilliant for this. One of our best assets for a set of fans!
e) Matchday atmosphere - Liverpool have good banners but that's about it. I think the Poznan is the best thing in English football for a long long time AS LONG AS WE DON'T RINSE IT TOO MUCH!!!
f) Numbers - I think we can be a bit shit on the numbers side considering the size of our club, the size of our city, our situation (most 'on the up' club in world football!). We haven't filled the CoMS once this season! and many away games go on open sale! Blackpool, Sunderland, Wolves, Everton, Newcastle, Spurs, Stoke, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and United can take more than us on a given day to away games.

But I suppose we fair fairly well in each of those catagories. Which makes us pretty good fans. But we aren't the best fans in the country, we have far too many who are far too quiet at the CoMS!

best post ever

i agree couldnt be arsed writing all that myself so top marks fella
city are city ie unique club and fans.

loudest fans no question at our place arris in the eufa cup(hamburglers were pretty good as well)
biggest turn out = sheff weds in the cup replay a few years back
loudest for a prem game normal allocation leeds.

best atmosphere the 4-1 against the scum or the hamburg game.

yesterday the noise was dog shite for 3/4 of the game

too many "fans" worrying about wot people are singing rather than actually doing some singing in a word weve got too many voyeurs at our manor not enough singers.

in europe probably got to be borussia dortmund or fernebahce as the loudest sets of fans.
Definetly, city fans are the only fans, that i know, that leave hours/days in advance and just party upuntill the match, sing all the way through then party afterwards, city were once awful and the fans stayed by them so that just shows how loyal fans are, and dont forget wembley xx

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