Are you ready for the hammering that awaits you tomorrow?

Well, this was Everton's Cup Final today, they did play aggressive and overall better for it, looking forward for the revenge game at home, Everton fans should be very happy with how they controlled the game.
Darker shade of Blue said:
Evening lads.

I'm not here to gloat, as nobody likes a smart ass especially after a defeat, and besides, the roles may be reversed next time.

What I will say is that before the match, we were hitting quite a bit of form.
We totally outplayed Liverpool despite losing, matched Chelsea, totally outplayed Arsenal, and the same again today against an emerging City side.

When we consider that we are missing some of our dominant players through injury, and again through the African Nations,( as your good selves are ), we are starting to look like the Everton we all know, and our troubles seem to be lessening with each week that goes by.

Today, we showed City fans that yes, we can play good football, and yes, we are one of the better teams in the league, and that is the standard that hopefully will be built upon in time for next season, and perhaps the remainder of this season.

With respect to City, today, you lacked a lot of composure, and leadership on the pitch, and were simply outplayed in every department.
I think we may have got the bounce of the ball, but we fought for every possssion, while the City lads looked a little slow and clumbsy.

I'm sure you'll agree that my prediction of 4-0, although being light hearted banter, actually could have come true today, such was the difference between the two sides.

Any way, like I said, I'm not here to gloat, even if I am feeling rather pleased that certain fans here may have to eat humble pie after their comments.

Today was our day, and next time who knows, so all the best for the season and see you next time.

Can't argue with any of that and 4-0 might have flattered us.
evening all, blue in peace.

thought it was a great game, fellaini was fantastic, i was worried about bellamy and petrov coming into the game but they were so ineffective it was almost embarassing, tevez didnt really look like he wanted to be there either. robinho, the less said the better in regard to you lot i suppose.

i hope you do break the top 4 this year, its about time you pulled away from the redshite, how many chances are you gonna give those bastards to keep clawing points back?

good luck for tuesday, perhaps you can win your cup final ;)
everton back on track after a shocking start to the season, that we did rather crow over a bit. lescott situation upset their manager, the team, upset the start to the season. moyes made a big deal over yesterday probably not because he's bitter but because it was a chance for them all to put everything that happened to bed for once and for all, and go back to being the team that finished 5th last season. he played it just right for everton and has gone back up in my estimation.
Yes, Everton are back and Moyes certainly gets the most out of what he's got But it is not the school of science football that Everton fans think they are known for. Moyes plays percentage football, pressure the opponent and knock it long, look for free kicks and corners because that is where the majority of goals come from. Fair play to them today the game plan worked with the help of an incompetent ref who gave a free kick when a player fell over, the first goal, then a penalty when it should have been a free kick. Personally I hate this Wimbledon style of football and the only way to beat it is to match it unfortunately we had too many of our players who can't play that way leaving too much for the ones who can. Mancini will have learn't today more about the players and the league than the previous four games and one defeat and four wins is better than being undefeated with five draws. So lets put it to bed and roll on Tuesday.
rastus said:
Your getting carried away with yourself, you did well at arse and played well today against a side full of injuries/ anc. You only have 1 or 2.
A bit of advice dont Big yourself up, we wouldnt ;)

We've been playing more like the Everton of the last few years for 2 months now, we dominated Arsenal last week (similar to yesterday), give as good as we got at Stamford Bridge, the same at Spurs and totally outclassed Sunderland up there yet only managed draws in all those games. We also dominated against Birmingham & Liverpool at home but only got 1 point for our troubles.

We've still got 10 important 1st team squad players missing, at least 4 or 5 of them would be in our best 11. The oldest outfield player on the bench today was 21.

Respect to the OP for calling this one, and for being magnanimous in victory.

At least we have got the "When will we lose our first game" thing out of the way. What is important now is winning the next four (relatively easy) games in the league to be build up some confidence for the big games end Feb and March.

And, of course, performing on Tuesday.
Fair play DSOB, was awaiting the smart arse version to back onto Bluemoon after the win however I don't think any of us can argue with that post.

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