Armani acquitted of all charges (update p21)

Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

Been looking for this thread and wondered what had happened. "Too busy to attend"? If this was the UK she'd be given 7 days for contempt of court. Court proceedings override any other business and whilst occasionally a victim may not be able to attend owing to a sudden and urgent matter cropping up, this sounds like she's just trying it on, although quite why she would is anyone's guess.

I fear that a request for dismissal on that basis alone may not succeed, but if the court feel that there is no proper justification for the adjournment they could well potentially dismiss the case.

Perhaps this is Johanson's plan. Make up a ridiculous story about being too busy, seeing the case collapse on a minor technicality and not pursue it any further. This way she is not exposed as a corrupt liar. (For the legal eagles I'm not saying she is, just that she can't be proven as being one given the reason for dismissal).

Part of me would be happy if it is dismissed for this reason, but part of me wants it to go all the way so that the truth comes out and if she is exposed as a corrupt liar then her reputation can be in tatters.

I am presuming that there is nothing stopping her reading Bluemoon, or any other form of media which has an interest in this case, but I suspect that if she is reading it she may well be getting a bit twitchy knowing that she's not simply taking on someone she thought she could bully, but a whole fraternity wanting justice.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

This looks unhelpful

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ed-country</a>

Sierra Leone elect female FA president but healing needed in a divided country

Published on Wednesday, 07 August 2013 11:47
Isha JohansenBy Andrew Warshaw
August 7 - At a time when FIFA is promoting greater representation among women on its executive committee, Isha Johansen has become only the second active female leader of a national governing body after being appointed as president of the Sierra Leone Football Association.

But in classic African football politics, her elevation to the post was not without opposition and anger in some quarters.

Johansen was elected unopposed but only after FIFA endorsed a decision by the Sierra Leone authorities to disqualify three other candidates - Mohamed Kallon, Rodney Michael and Foday Turay - from standing.

All three boycotted the ballot in protest at their expulsion and have refused to endorse Johansen as new SLFA President.

The elections had been embroiled in controversy for almost a year and prompted deep divisions. Her first task will be to ensure the resumption of league football in the West African country after clubs reportedly staged a boycott in the wake of the bans handed to the three rival presidential candidates.

"We can work together because I don't have all the ideas - I appeal for the anger to stop," Johansen said. "In the next three months we'll be holding an extraordinary conference to map out the way forward, we'll have a blueprint."

And in further remarks to the BBC, she added: "My focus now really is to try to bring some semblance of sanity and peace into the football and we can move forward. I've never been big on words, I've never been big on promise, I don't do that. I actually implement, I actually do things.

"But in order to get anything done, even if it's a short-term plan, you have to bring sanity, integrity and discipline within your system, your working environment, and right now that's really not really the situation."

The 48-year-old is the only current female national FA president in world football apart from Lydia Nsekera of Burundi who became the first woman ever elected to the inner sanctum of FIFA at its Congress in Mauritius in May. Two other women were also co-opted on to the FIFA executive committee, in their case for one year, as world football's governing body attempts to embrace greater transparency as part of its reform process.

In all, Johansen is the third female boss of an African football association after Izetta Wesley of Liberia and Burundi's Nsekera. She urged her rivals to "lay down their arms" and join the common cause. "I am looking forward to a more healthy and renewed football in Sierra Leone," she told reporters in the capital Freetown.

"I think that jointly we can make a formidable force in football. We have, as a nation, come a long way, we have the emotional scars and a physical scars to prove that senseless wars don't yield anything and for me that this is happening now in football is rather senseless.

"I think that my coming to football as a woman can open global doors, which have been shut on us because people still perceived us as that doom and gloom war-torn country which we are not.

"People should expect a president who will encourage the development of football, bringing in more education, as there are so many young kids who want to play football but don't want to go to school. We shall also see female football grow."

Contact the writer of this story at

Might it be useful to email the author of that article?
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

Just to let you all know that Armani was in court yesterday (Tuesday 20 August) and yet again his accuser did not turn up.

The case has now been rescheduled for 9 September (Armani's birthday) and his lawyers are looking at getting the case thrown out.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

howard said:
Just to let you all know that Armani was in court yesterday (Tuesday 20 August) and yet again his accuser did not turn up.

The case has now been rescheduled for 9 September (Armani's birthday) and his lawyers are looking at getting the case thrown out.

Thanks Howard. She's clearly wasting the court's time and causing undue distress to an innocent man. She should be charged with contempt.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

She met Sepp Blatter according to Blatters twitter just now. Mind you as one corrupt bastard to another they're obviously well suited
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

Unbelievable isn't it? Corrupt and vindictive, she is clearly a match made in heaven for FIFA. To hide behind words around unity, education, balance and sanity really is vomit inducing.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone & Donations Link (merged)

Isha is certainly a very influential person in Sierra Leone so it is a worry. She seems capable of getting her own way and removing anyone who gets in her way. Hopefully she wont attend court for the 4th time and this ridiculous case is dismissed immediately.

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