Arsenal (H) - FA Cup | Post Match Thread

You guys used to create tons of chances and own ball. You seem complacent and more predictable in attack. Less balanced. Maybe it is just early stage in incorporating Haaland process. League is in disarray if you guys were playing your best we wouldn’t be top. But you haven’t been for half a season. Maybe you will flip the switch or Arsenal will collapse. I honestly think my side has a good shot. And yes all the competitions you guys are in levels it for us. Plus Arsenal have had tougher half of fixtures despite not playing you guys. 10 of last 19 at home. United and Spurs out the way despite not playing you guys. It is a close run race either way you look at it
We haven't been top for half a season oh no, your.lot haven't been top in about 11 years prior to this season, you have been playing europa league
Tbh mate we have a number of players drastically out of form , it’s a smokescreen that we are adapting to Haaland , and for the record you will take some reeling in , everybody said the same about Leicester , that they would drop off. If you don’t win it this year then the pressure is firmly on Arteta , and not to disregard how well you’re doing , but Liverpool , Chelsea , and to a lesser degree us won’t be as under par next season or as forgiving , you’ve just said as much yourself , that we aren’t dominating games like seasons gone by. The best team wins it at the end of the day , do yourselves a favour though, keep the lid on your obvious giddy ness on the champions of England’s forum.
Exactly league giants are all down it would be a giant historical blown opportunity for Arsenal to not close the deal. City i see today is not City of last few years. If we fail it is a disaster but we are all doing what we can if we get Caicedo that will be 130 million in January everyone knows this is our best shot. I am not giddy in anything other than trajectory of club and our players the league totle i am wreck over because it our best shot in forever. But we aren’t Leicester mate Kroenke has more money than god.
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Arteta is on the verge of a nervous breakdown every week-much like their fans, it will only take one draw for them to unravel for us all to see , they’re playing the underdog card , like they did last night with their “our reserves” garbage, trouble is , Leicester had a get out of jail card and Arsenal don’t with there “stature” in the game, Arteta looks a nervous wreck , and that will trans pond onto the players. It’s getting to squeaky bum time as the pisspot over at Trafford used to say.
Lol. I never booed any of those guys live too far from UK. By the way 2 of 3 names on that list Xhaka and Arteta are not without controversy. Xhaka could lose it in past years and just Kung fu kick a guy in the chest for the crime of doing him for the ball. Really nice guy by all accounts but in past he could lose his cookies and think he was the Swiss Bruce Lee. Arteta badly mismanaged last years CL we choked away. I support all those guys but i call out mistakes as i see them
Ok enjoy it congratulations . Seriously, though little distasteful to keep pretending i declared victory in league. I don’t know how many times i got to say nothing has been decided and both teams got a good shot. So i really don’t know what your on about in your monologue
Monologue? It's called being educated, ya dunce braindead Cockney twat... :-/

City are who we are. As always we'll focus on ourselves & let the results do the talking at the end of the season. If we win the title, we win. If we don't, we go again next season & correct what went wrong this.

Last summer we lost & replaced 4 senior first team players. This summer we're likely to lose another 3. Added to KDB & Walker being 33, we've got a big rebuilding job to do.

We'd hit a glass ceiling with Sterling, Jesus & Zinchenko. Those players wanted a new challenge with a guarantee of first team football. With Fernandinho moving back to Brazil too, City needed a change & refresh.

These changes will continue in the summer meaning we'll have probably lost SEVEN of last season's first team squad. It generally takes players 2 seasons to settle at City, so having this many changes prior to a season with a WC on the middle was always going to be an unpredictable challenge.

We've been way below our best this season, but we're still just about in there, which is a testament to the players & coaching staff.

As for you Tarquin, you're fooling no one. I highly respect Arsenal for the stellar season they're having so far. You've taken full advantage of the Scousers, Chavs & City's struggles, & have looked the real deal in the circumstances.

What I can't take is giddy, Gooner bell ends like you who feel the need to large it up. As it stands you're out of the two domestic cup competitions, & have won fuck all in the other two competitions you're still in.

Talking to your lot, you'd think Mystic Meg had guaranteed you the quadruple, & you're bursting to tell anyone interested enough to listen.

Also, if you can't process large amounts of data, use a ruler under each typed line, roll your finger under each word as you read them & give yourself a 5 minute break at the end of each sentence.

You should be used to that process from your remedial classes...
I never said it was over i keep repeating it is a close race which seems to annoy you guys. I never proclaimed victory. And yes like every football fan in world i would rather focus on PL than Europa. But again which Arsenal fan anywhere said City doesn’t have a good chance. In fact the reverse seems to be true Arsenal fans saying we got a good shot seems to bother you guys. That is all i said that it is a close race with both teams in it
Firstly,I quite like Arsenal and would have no problem if you won the league (Prefer you to do so over Liverpool/Utd).
I think it going to be very tight we need to get to the position we’ve been in with Liverpool many times before.Whereby they win and go top we play the next day and reclaim top spot.It will then be interesting to see how you react to the pressure (note you collapsed last year with Champs league in your hands).
Two things,I found interesting re the FA Cup. I heard many many Arsenal fans saying ,you were going to knock us out and land a psychological blow to our title chances.
Following your defeat I now hear Arsenal fans saying it doesn’t matter it’s actually better (less games etc)-strange
Some advice from our successful years,stay in all the cups compete it breeds success and good feeling around the club.
Lastly singing we are top of the league for me lacked class . There is a long long way to go you’re a good team, good luck May the best team win.
Would I prefer the Champs with you taking the league ?. At this stage for us absolutely . I also don’t want to end up with no trophies hence why the FA Cup is a good back up .

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