Arsenal post match thread

We did I agree, and no doubt that everyone is blaming the defence for losing, but we used 6 attacking players tonight, and there wasn't a decent one amongst them, and they are the ones to blame for not getting at least a point. We used two fresh players second half who contributed f*ck all, and one who should have scored but is scared to shoot when through on goal.

The after match stats (which count for f*ck all if you can't score) had us better on virtually every one, and even Walcott said they were pretty much dead on their feet at the end, suffering from cramps etc, so basiclly they worked harder than we did, because I didn't see any of ours running on empty in the last 15 minutes.

MP saying we fought to the end is all fine and well, but we need to start fighting long before the last 20 minutes, and we didn't play badly overall, but we simply don't work hard enough as a team, had we done that tonight, we'd have at worst drawn the game, and with better finishing, won it.

PG won't stand for some of these players under performing, defence or attack.

Agree. I've seen us play much worse than tonight.

ATM we are too easy to play against and don't seem to be closing down the most important areas on the football pitch and that suggests to me that one or two are not working hard enough.

The stats are pretty incredible in respect of how teams have a such a high percentage rate of shots that become goals. I believe it's in the high 80s and over the last few games has seemed even higher. This doesn't include the missed sitters tonight that may bring it down slightly.

We concede space to easily and as a consequence teams are playing right through us without applying a great deal of effort. It's quite staggering.

The emphasis is clearly to attack but I've never seen us look so defensively unstable since the take over. We look like conceding every game and if it's a couple then the confidence in us disappears. Our attacking players are null and void when we are a couple of goals down and without confidence.

ATM we just don't attack and defend as a unit and I'm finding it difficult to explain why that is. I'm scratching my head wondering what we actually do on the training field in terms of a defensive discipline because on a match day ATM there doesn't appear to be one.

It's OK being territorially better than the other team, but for parts of that game tonight, whilst far from playing poorly, I don't think we ever really looked like scoring. That is so uncharacteristic of this city team over the last 6 years.
Been saying it all season, football is quite a simple game, you score more than the other team and you win, tonight we had some great opportinities to score and fluffed them all, only a wonder strike from Yaya made it look reasonable, you can't go to arsenal and have 3 times the goal attempts, and nearly 3 times the possession, and still come away defeated, its very very frustrating.

Bayern Munich did the same. (Although they didn't score!)
I can't disagree with most of what you're saying.
BUT if a couple of incidents turn the other way KDB/ Mangala we win or draw that game and the whole narrative is different.
Arsenal were not that great or commanding in that game and we could easily have beaten them on another night.
So yes we should be doing much better but on another night we could have been second tonight and not the Arse.
Small margins. In some ways tonight I blame the attack more than the defence!
I agree, but the trouble is we're doing this too often.

I also blame the attack more than the defence, as I said above, the whole team defending was to blame for their second, from front to back it was shit, and then it goes through Hart's legs. Their first is a great goal. It was our attacking that was shit tonight, and its not the first time by a long way, Arsenal should have been kicking off, about when they scored, and there were numerous other piss poor decisions up front, not to mention awful efforts that were pointless.
Haven't got the heart to whinge about the ref.
He was still f**king awful, so it needs mentioning, nearly every challenge we made was a foul (head injury), and virtually none of their challenges were fouls, but I agree its not the reason we lost, it just f*cks me off, and its pretty well every time we have Mariner.

Today it was fouls: City - 16, Arse - 5.

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