Arsenal post match thread

Plenty of day trippers in the city end including a section of what looked like 200 or so Belgians
I feel sorry for people who are falling short on loyalty points when the club are clearly shifting a large amount to tourists
It stinks
He was still f**king awful, so it needs mentioning, nearly every challenge we made was a foul (head injury), and virtually none of their challenges were fouls, but I agree its not the reason we lost, it just f*cks me off, and its pretty well every time we have Mariner.

Can't disagree with that. He was fucking awful & mostly in their favour, but still hey whined for more.
I'm also of the opinion that this game really went bad for us in a short space of time.
De Bruyne wasn't that great, can't say anyone was really but, I wish he could've passed it to Silva or even Agüero if I'm not mistaken. Then their defender cuts our whole midfield apart with an easy pass and we got done. Their second goal was awful. Delph probably shouldn't have played it back, again think we played it back a bit too much tonight. But a really bad ball from Mangala and I'm not sure how Sagna was passed so easily either.
Yaya's goal was stunning but I have to say we didn't so much fight 'til the end than fight at the end. The league table is rough viewing at the moment but I'm sure we can still turn it around. Hoping that the return of Vinny will lead us back to the promised land as I think we even attack better with him in the team.
Stupid comment, he's not 'gone' at all, unless you can find some patsy who will agree to stay till May, before our new manager takes over.
Well let's see then . Lose 2 of the next three and the top 4 spot is in serious doubt . That's pressure . MP is paid well enough to weather this storm so lets hope he brings it off . Tonight was better and there's still hope
i remeber a rag teling me your title is over when we lost to arsenal in our first title win and then it all changed after the defeat #justsaying
Bottom line is that under Pellegrini's management City have become less than the sum of their parts.

Looking at the team sheet before the start of the game on paper only one side should win it, but it lost mainly due to baffling tactical decisions from the manager. I'm wondering if Pellegrini is shagging Yaya's wife, and part of the deal is that Yaya has to play every week. That is the only logical reason I can come up with. Yaya has been great but for a while his attitude has been atrocious, he's now a complete liability when the opposition has the ball and because of this he has to be a massively unsettling figure in the dressing room.

Yaya to NYC in Jan and bring in an established premier league centre half and see if we can tempt Everton to part with Ross Barkley.
Agree. I've seen us play much worse than tonight.

ATM we are too easy to play against and don't seem to be closing down the most important areas on the football pitch and that suggests to me that one or two are not working hard enough.

The stats are pretty incredible in respect of how teams have a such a high percentage rate of shots that become goals. I believe it's in the high 80s and over the last few games has seemed even higher. This doesn't include the missed sitters tonight that may bring it down slightly.

We concede space to easily and as a consequence teams are playing right through us without applying a great deal of effort. It's quite staggering.

The emphasis is clearly to attack but I've never seen us look so defensively unstable since the take over. We look like conceding every game and if it's a couple then the confidence in us disappears. Our attacking players are null and void when we are a couple of goals down and without confidence.

ATM we just don't attack and defend as a unit and I'm finding it difficult to explain why that is. I'm scratching my head wondering what we actually do on the training field in terms of a defensive discipline because on a match day ATM there doesn't appear to be one.

It's OK being territorially better than the other team, but for parts of that game tonight, whilst far from playing poorly, I don't think we ever really looked like scoring. That is so uncharacteristic of this city team over the last 6 years.
It's become a hallmark of this team. Who have we got upfront. A half-fit striker, or Bony who is going to be back in the cold now

We really made a mistake a season or so ago when we went back to one striker. It means we are totally reliant on Aguero. Bony goes back into cold storage now, and that ensures the next time Aguero gets injured, he'll be rubbish. We need to play with 2 strikers. It'll look great when Aguero starts to fly, but just as likely he'll get injured again
Let's stop shitting ourselves and wake up to the truth. We are the only team still in every competition. Yes we had a bad day at the office but we will win the league and we will lose ineurope. I remember the old third division as do most of you so keep the faith

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