Arsenal - Post match thread

Pep will be a **** in three years in my eyes if, we buy shit like Bony, if players we pay 40+Million for and hale as the next great thing end up looking like lost schoolboys a la Sterling, if we consistently allow the opposition to outnumber and dominate our midfield, if he talks about playing entertaining attacking football when he in reality its slow, predictable and ineffective. FOR TWO YEARS then yes I will call him a ****.

But hopefully he will get the most out of our very talented squad, play the entertaining and attacking football we currently pretend we play and with a touch of luck win a few trophies.
Maybe I've just got a bit more respect for people especially my elders than you do. If someone messed with my children, or robbed an old woman etc then they'd be a ****. Not a bloke who has helped win 3 trophies in three years, even if he had screwed up this season
Let's just accept that the rags will beat Bournemouth at home.
Pellers seems to think that if West Ham beat the rags, all's well.
No mate, we'll still have to win at Swansea.
Yeah, cos there are only 4 trophies to play for each season, and we won one of them
Yes. A trophy that's nice to win but one any sensible fan would swap for Bonys shot to have gone in today. If we lose out on 4th a dozen league cup wins in a tow won't compensate.

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