Arsenal - Post match thread

Today I saw us boo our own player and three quarters of the stadium piss off before even giving a solitary clap to a bloke that won us a league title.

People who supposedly worshipped the likes of Zaba and Vinnie and Silva couldn't even be arsed to give them possibly a decent goodbye.
Please, for the love of God, tell me why I should stay and applaud their 'effort'. It's their job, and a job that makes them millionaires. I pay my money to support them, if they want me to stay behind to applaud them then I expect to be paid. As for booing players, I've never understood it. Who was booed?
The full game summed up the season. Total brain farts cost us.

Mangala poor for both goals. Fernandinho poor for the second. Don't know what will happen with Dinho. On one hand, his energy and tenacity is impressive but he's also a total headless chicken and causes problems when he doesn't just hold his position. He has poor positioning and plays such a risky pressing game. It's cost us goals in some really big matches this season.

Yaya looks totally gone. He looks like he has dumbbells on his feet. Sterling is just god awful and offers absolutely nothing. Navas does some good things but it only ever leaves to frustration.

We just need so much doing to the squad.

I would literally only keep Hart, Kompany, De Bruyne, Nacho and Aguero, maybe Silva and maybe Dinho but he needs moving to a wider position. He's not good enough to be a central player in a pep team. And he isn't disciplined enough.

A lot to be done in the summer.
I thought Fernando was superb until he ran himself into the ground,certainly a very useful player to have around.

Both Ferns were running the show but it's not possible to keep that up.

We were talking about it at half time. We have to be ready to beef up the midfield if we score, as we are potentially in danger.

No action taken.
Well I bit the bullet,and stayed,polite applause is about the most I could muster,because I didn't want to look a spoilt twat,after enduring many many years of shite,and looking at it anyone over 35 should have done the same really.
Unbelievable how shocking the fans of this club have become. A couple of league titles and now we've got a bunch of spoit, self entitled brats! The man won a league title with us.
Oh behave. He spent a fortune and should have done better with the squad. He was unable to motivate the players and kept making bizarre substitutions. It was obvious that he was after the champions league cup and put all his eggs in one basket. I never took to the guy but I guess he is a nice man! Lot of good that's going to do us. Well rid in my opinion. I've never wanted a season to end as I have this one.
Please, for the love of God, tell me why I should stay and applaud their 'effort'. It's their job, and a job that makes them millionaires. I pay my money to support them, if they want me to stay behind to applaud them then I expect to be paid. As for booing players, I've never understood it. Who was booed?
Bony before he even came on. Got booed for literally preparing to come on.

And yeah I think we should applaud a bloke who's won the league, 2 cups and taken us to the semis of the CL. Are we so entitled in under a decade of investment not to?

So the season went badly. It was shit.. We take our eye off the league. We sentimentally held on to way many players who are just done. We spent most of the season sacking our manager from the shadows.

The problems are way bigger than just pellegrini and I dare say the solution is much greater than just the saviour of Pep.
If we'd played like that all season we wouldn't be in this situation. I thought we were outstanding and incredibly unfortunate not to win that game, but the damage has been done far before this game. Makes such a difference when all the players try and are up for it, just shows up how meek we've been all season though and highlighted which players who weren't playing really haven't been grafting.
This is a fair assessment. I think we did have some wasted opportunities at critical times on offense as well as some brain dead mental lapses in defense. The sum result was a missed opportunity, just like the season as s whole.
The full game summed up the season. Total brain farts cost us.

Mangala poor for both goals. Fernandinho poor for the second. Don't know what will happen with Dinho. On one hand, his energy and tenacity is impressive but he's also a total headless chicken and causes problems when he doesn't just hold his position. He has poor positioning and plays such a risky pressing game. It's cost us goals in some really big matches this season.

Yaya looks totally gone. He looks like he has dumbbells on his feet. Sterling is just god awful and offers absolutely nothing. Navas does some good things but it only ever leaves to frustration.

We just need so much doing to the squad.

I would literally only keep Hart, Kompany, De Bruyne, Nacho and Aguero, maybe Silva and maybe Dinho but he needs moving to a wider position. He's not good enough to be a central player in a pep team. And he isn't disciplined enough.

A lot to be done in the summer.

You really think Fernandinho is told to 'hold his position' by that fucking clown ? Not a chance in hell imo.

And if he is told it & doesn't do it, why doesn't he get dropped.

And, he isn't & never should be, a player who holds his position. Imo the worst thing Fern did, was hoofing the ball into the stand when played through. That's his game & before we signed him, he would have done better. Three yeas of the Zomb, in a two, have taken the edge off his attacking game.
But of course not, he had a train to catch bla bla bla...

Not so shocking we're in this position, many predicted it a while back, however, one thing a stereotypical city fan can't take is 'lack of effort'... There are players in that squad who have coasted for 12 months, some longer, the hierarchy failed to address it and we are stuck with them....

Those thinking Pep will come in, wave a magic wand and replenish 7/8 players are deluded, we won't be able to shift a good number of them!!

Said as much myself mate , Kolorov will hang around and we will have to pay Yaya to fuck off, Delph , Bony , Fernando, Zabba will be here a bit longer yet, I mean why shouldn't they hang around and learn something off Pep -even if they only play a bit part?
Let us not forget that the rags are even worse than us. West Ham will turn them over and we'll get a point in the last game. We love doing things on goal difference!
Give over. They'll lie on their backs and let the Rags tickle their tummies just like they did in the FA cup.

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