Arsenal - Post match thread

The full game summed up the season. Total brain farts cost us.

Mangala poor for both goals. Fernandinho poor for the second. Don't know what will happen with Dinho. On one hand, his energy and tenacity is impressive but he's also a total headless chicken and causes problems when he doesn't just hold his position. He has poor positioning and plays such a risky pressing game. It's cost us goals in some really big matches this season.

Yaya looks totally gone. He looks like he has dumbbells on his feet. Sterling is just god awful and offers absolutely nothing. Navas does some good things but it only ever leaves to frustration.

We just need so much doing to the squad.

I would literally only keep Hart, Kompany, De Bruyne, Nacho and Aguero, maybe Silva and maybe Dinho but he needs moving to a wider position. He's not good enough to be a central player in a pep team. And he isn't disciplined enough.

A lot to be done in the summer.

The fact that Navas has been so revered on here for nothing more than working hard shows how poor the rest have been.

Fernandinho has one year left on his contract as does Navas. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that both will be gone this summer.

you are right in everything else you say
if 50,000 of us stay, give everyone a nice clap,surely that sends the wrong message,we are saying its ok you turn up when you want its ok you play at 90%,we will still support you, i hope they all got the message loud and clear ,you are some of the best payed people in football and what you gave back is not good enough,one thing about a football crowd is you can not fool the whole stadium ,the collective 50,000 will see right throu everything
Well I bit the bullet,and stayed,polite applause is about the most I could muster,because I didn't want to look a spoilt twat,after enduring many many years of shite,and looking at it anyone over 35 should have done the same really.

I did the same. Never agreed with the Pellegrini appointment, believe he is a fraud however he has handled the media and criticism well for 3 years.

He brought us a title by the skin of his teeth, and 2 League Cups, I'm only 22 and never thought I'd see that. Today wasn't about MP, it was about Manchester City, and I'll always remain at the end each season despite the fact we have underperformed. Other clubs can give all the Emptihad jibes, laughable coming from Arsenal, but on the whole we deserve it.
Maybe it did but maybe then was the best time to let MP go and not hope that he could somehow win back the dressing room. If we would of got some experience in for the final few months maybe we wouldnt be were we are. Idealy if Vieira was still at the club give him the 3 months in charge. Sure the team will be better in the long term hopefully. Pep hopefully will stay longer than his 3 years term as this is his project to get City to go on and win a champions league and title again. Wont all happen straight away but he will be given everything to get it.
I wanted Vieira in last February as it looked like the wheels were falling off but somehow it got straightened out even if only temporarily

I am not a big fan of Pellegrini but he's been in an awkward position. City are in transition with players like Kolarov, Zabaleta, Toure, Nasri, Bony possibly moving on. maybe others too. And then we found out the manager was going too so not the easiest of situations. I have got fed up with his reluctance to change and refresh the City squad but who knows, maybe his brief was to keep things ticking over.

At least now all the problems that we've been grumbling about should get addressed or do we have impossibly high expectations of what Guardiola can do. After all we're not where Barcelona and Bayern were.
Bony before he even came on. Got booed for literally preparing to come on.

And yeah I think we should applaud a bloke who's won the league, 2 cups and taken us to the semis of the CL. Are we so entitled in under a decade of investment not to?

So the season went badly. It was shit.. We take our eye off the league. We sentimentally held on to way many players who are just done. We spent most of the season sacking our manager from the shadows.

The problems are way bigger than just pellegrini and I dare say the solution is much greater than just the saviour of Pep.

'Problems' Fucking minted with some of the best kids in the world ?

Fucking problems ?

'Problems' was Jamie Pollock, Gerry Creaney etc.

This is piss easy & just needs a bit of management.
The destruction of the team that Mancini built and our regression to the pre Mancini era is now almost complete. Our fans remained dignified until the end, we supported the team and others sang Manuel's name with gusto. We never boo'd Manuel or waved white handkerchiefs at the players and even now we live in hope that the Rags fuck up their opportunity to pass us and Arsenal get beat next Sunday.

We have only beaten one top 8 team all season, went months without back to back Premier League wins and served up some real dross along the way. Manuel came with his 442 and even with the weight of evidence against it, this is how he ended his final match at the Etihad with Bony as a striker and Yaya in a midfield two.

We've only another 90 minutes of his tactical cluelessness to endure, but god knows how long the effects of this damaging 3 years will take to repair. The fans showed what they thought of him at the end as they voted with their feet and his face said it all.

Thank you Manuel........ thank you.
outstanding post.
Said as much myself mate , Kolorov will hang around and we will have to pay Yaya to fuck off, Delph , Bony , Fernando, Zabba will be here a bit longer yet, I mean why shouldn't they hang around and learn something off Pep -even if they only play a bit part?

I'm sorry but Kolarov can't be allowed to hang around. Even if we have to pay him extra to fuck off.

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