Arsenal - Post match thread

Brilliant- that should keep the super fans happy.
To be fair it's a good post - but it's just emotive over emotional drum thumping.
Why did all but 3000 leave - are they all not proper fans like you?
As blues we've tolerated and put up with lots of lows over the seasons, what differentiates this is the gross incompetence and inability to rectify glaring repetitive mistakes game in game out.
Putting up with and being indifferent to ultimately not being good enough is one thing, but it's incredibly difficult to be as magnanimous to incompetence.

Thing is though GM,we are not like other fans,we are unique,well used to be I suppose.

Having time to reflect on it after a nights kip,it was pretty sad how empty the ground was.but yet it was expected,but you know what MP probably didn't and couldn't give a fuck neither,as he's off anyway,so we can all draw a line under it now,apart from those going to Swansea that is.

We all need to pray that West Ham get somert tomorrow,and we do the business Sunday,then we have just about got away with it
You know it's been a bad weekend when you start heading to the off topic forum to try and avoid the bile.

So long Manuel, you're a true gent but you just weren't cut out for the job.

Various players I'm glad to see the back of.

because it hurts.
I don't know how old you are but i'm old.
I started watching city in the second division in 1965, luckily there wasn't the same rivalry with utd back then but we all wanted to catch them up. after doing just that and of course dominating football we all delighted. until poor managers and poor management took it all away again. so we wait, we sing, we go to games, we do all the "right" things and we fall deeper and deeper in to near oblivion. do we jump ship? do we fuck, we stick with them, we sing, we go to games and so it goes on, it goes on for nigh on 40 years. then a knight rides in on a white horse and we are transformed, not just transformed but in a totally different league, players we could only dream about. the rivalry now with the rags after all the years of taunting is immense so the fact we again have surpassed them is just wonderful to behold, deservedly they had become the team to beat. well now we are and its feels incredible, a long time coming but my it feels good.
so up pops a manager who for all the reasons already highlighted in this thread regresses us back to at best mediocrity. worst still he wont change his ways. then we have a board that if they have an ounce of football brain could see what was going on decide to stick with him. stick with players that don't give a fuck.

we have waited a long long time to be as good as this, to have this owner, this money, this opportunity, for someone to come along and take all that from us will not be tolerated. we will berate, we will have our say and we WILL vote with our feet.

it fucking hurts.

I'm 47 , my my first game was in 1976 against Bristol City , my Dad took me was in the Platt Lane don't remember much about the game except a bit of trouble in the corner of platt lane/main stand.
Since then they have been ups, downs and down again , so I know where you are coming from.
It's a shame it's panned out like this , I thought Pell was going to become a great manager, especially after the first season of winning 2 trophies. Never mind I'm sure next season will be better.
I'm one of the few City fans that enjoys the champions league, but if we end up in the Europa so it be, it's another trophy and there is some great teams in that comp too, so I agree with you on that.
And you are not old you are middle aged!I seen pics of you on thus forum, hope that makes you feel better.:-)
So chin up , and that goes for everyone on here , next season we will come back stronger !
I think fans are more disappointed because of the lack of passion, fight, hunger and leadership in many of the players this season.....I can take getting beat against a team that played better than us but what I do struggle with is a team that doesnt give 100% commitment when they put on a City shirt....I think the breakdown has happened on many levels this season and as mentioned above...I'm also hoping that a few of the players are going to follow Pelle out the door....Pelle was part of the problem but blame can be also given to the players and also Txiki as player recruitment also needs to improve....Lets hope West ham can help us out tomorrow!!
I think fans are more disappointed because of the lack of passion, fight, hunger and leadership in many of the players this season.....I can take getting beat against a team that played better than us but what I do struggle with is a team that doesnt give 100% commitment when they put on a City shirt....I think the breakdown has happened on many levels this season and as mentioned above...I'm also hoping that a few of the players are going to follow Pelle out the door....Pelle was part of the problem but blame can be also given to the players and also Txiki as player recruitment also needs to improve....Lets hope West ham can help us out tomorrow!!

Good post mate.

Easy to look for a scapegoat.

The poor league campaign is the culmination of several things going wrong and mistakes from the manager, players, poor form, injuries, poor recruitment and the club hanging its hat on the Pep door for the last 3/4 years.
I think fans are more disappointed because of the lack of passion, fight, hunger and leadership in many of the players this season.....I can take getting beat against a team that played better than us but what I do struggle with is a team that doesnt give 100% commitment when they put on a City shirt....

Sums up my opinion perfectly. If club mottos are to be used then we certainly haven't shown much pride in our battles this season!
As usual Pellegrini lost us the game, everyone could see that at 2-1 we were starting to get overrun in midfield and we needed to sacrifice a striker (iheanacho- who struggled to get into the game) and bring on an extra midfielder or Arsenal were going to score. then as usual we conceded because we got overrun in midfield and then we panicked and had to chase a goal. how many times have we not made changes and been able to manage games through - we were the better team against Arsenal - and played quite well but game management lost us the lead. we dont deserve top four - but lets hope west ham do us a favour.. becasue then we can afford to loose against swansea last game of the season - which would be typical... roll on next season....

We can't afford to lose to Swansea. A draw would be enough if the rags lose but only if that happens

because it hurts.
I don't know how old you are but i'm old.
I started watching city in the second division in 1965, luckily there wasn't the same rivalry with utd back then but we all wanted to catch them up. after doing just that and of course dominating football we all delighted. until poor managers and poor management took it all away again. so we wait, we sing, we go to games, we do all the "right" things and we fall deeper and deeper in to near oblivion. do we jump ship? do we fuck, we stick with them, we sing, we go to games and so it goes on, it goes on for nigh on 40 years. then a knight rides in on a white horse and we are transformed, not just transformed but in a totally different league, players we could only dream about. the rivalry now with the rags after all the years of taunting is immense so the fact we again have surpassed them is just wonderful to behold, deservedly they had become the team to beat. well now we are and its feels incredible, a long time coming but my it feels good.
so up pops a manager who for all the reasons already highlighted in this thread regresses us back to at best mediocrity. worst still he wont change his ways. then we have a board that if they have an ounce of football brain could see what was going on decide to stick with him. stick with players that don't give a fuck.

we have waited a long long time to be as good as this, to have this owner, this money, this opportunity, for someone to come along and take all that from us will not be tolerated. we will berate, we will have our say and we WILL vote with our feet.

it fucking hurts.
And what hurts more was the last three years was such an opportunity. Every one if our rivals was weak, and we could have built on the base built for us by mancini, absolutely dominated the league and set down a marker. It's not just winning the odd title, but building up an aura that, towards the end if fergue's tenure, was worth 10-15 points a season.

Instead we may actually be back to square one, scratching around in top six and trying to catch up to the sneering, "big" clubs who may well all be back in the CL especially if liverpool win their final.
Pellers said last week " we didn't deserve to lose against Madrid and yesterday, we deserve to be in next season's CL ".
That's the problem.

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