Arsenal - Post match thread

the players and manager got the post-match response they deserved.

If they can't be arsed to achieve the bare minimum required for us then they don't deserve thanks, we've already gone through numerous price increases so we can have the "privilege" of watching the exorbitantly highly-paid so called professionals wear OUR shirt, and play for OUR team.

Today summed it up, fleeting good moments RUINED by a refusal to play properly once we'd scored and a REFUSAL by the manager to change or influence anything once it was clear that Arsenal were going to equalise unless we changed something to stop them.

They deserve what they got today. Hopefully the fallout from this will change the club for the better in the long run, they needed to learn that lesson today, they needed to learn they can't just take advantage of our loyalty and abuse it and expect to get away with it. You want to put the prices up, you want to fuck about with our kit colours, you want to keep a manager and players clearly not up to it just so you can get Pep, you want to throw away a league campaign and miss out on CL football because you took your eye of the ball and were so arrogant that you thought like your Barca days that we couldn't possibly miss out. That's fine, but you for damn sure ain't getting my applause for it.

I was delighted leaving today, because I NEVER, EVER have to watch a Pellegrini City team in the flesh ever again. It's a blessing.

He can look around the mostly empty stadium today, along with the players, and finally realise what he's done. They deserve it, they didn't live up to their side of the bargain and they got their reward today. Hope it kicks the entire club up the arse and in the long-term we fix the issues from this season, and the club starts appreciating the fans a damn site more than they have done. All they had to do was genuinely try, and they failed to do that so many times this season they didn't deserve any adulation.
I thought the fans who left in their thousands today are an absolute fuckin disgrace. I was embarrassed by the size of the crowd left to offer our outgoing manager & players thx for their endeavour on and, & as Joe Hart says a disappointing season. It looks like we're turning into big time Charlies like the wankers in Trafford. If you left early because of a commitment then ok but if you left coz you weren't happy enough with 1 trophy, 4th place (so far) in the league and a semi final in the Champs league then you can all fuck off, you spoilt twats. Go to OT & support them....wankers

Pull your head off and kick it against a wall you prick. Why the fuck should us the fans stay and show our appreciation to a team who hasn't given their full commitment this season excluding a few players? It's absolutely nothing to do with results or the standard of football, all us fans ask is for the players we have to give 100%, in the main they haven't and neither has Pellegrini. If we had played with the heart, determination and passion we showed today all season the majority of fans would have stayed to show the appreciation.

Now go fuck yourself you self righteous bellend.
Im not saying , dont show your annoyance etc but we have all all season to do that, last game of the season its about showing a bit of class. All signs at the moment point to Zaba leaving (which if thats the base i wanted to say thankyou for his service) Same with Yaya.

He wasn't there was he?

Today was just the culmination of people's feelings about him and the players. It's perceived lack of effort that fans cannot tolerate. It's not lack of effort today, the effort was fine. Throwing the game against Southampton before we kicked off and Wednesday's nights limp efforts won't have helped.

For me it's actually more a case of lack of quality both in the signings we have made and the players who have come to end end of their time with us.

There are people above the manager who are equally as culpable.
Anyway fuck it,I'm going Spain on Tuesday for a cheeky week,and got a City beach towel today from shop for £3.60 reduced from a tenner,fucking bargain
Post of the thread.

To be fair, Real Madrid must have thought he was half decent or they would surely never have appointed him? And although he got sacked there, didn't he get like 95 points and lose to perhaps the best club side of the past 20 years? And his CL record was pretty decent.

Personally, I think he's been absolutely shite, but I can understand why we originally thought he would do a good job. We should have fired him at the end of last season .
Nice dodge.
Sorry, his managerial ability is what it is. He's tenure here will be deemed a failure in terms of results. We had one good season and then some good patches in other seasons. Outside of his managerial ability he is a good honest man, which are few and far between in football. City do not come out of this well and the rag press will shit on us from a height, rightly so too
I wish everyone would have left at full time. We owe them nothing.
Unbelievable, do you think our support has been in the top 10 in the prem this year? Are you old enough to remember the away nights, pissing down on a Tues against Rotherham or Grimsby?, the Stuart Pearce era? or when we were within a £ of folding? Get a grip, yes, disappointing season in the league, yes, with the Sheiks investment we should be doing better but by no means should we ignore our Crest. We are a tribe, we live & breathe Manchester City, we should offer support to our team even & especially in adverse conditions like this season. Todays end of season showing by our fans was appalling. I stayed to clap out Stuart Pearce's team despite it being the lowest ebb of my 50 year City tenure. Just disappointed today....with us
I can accept losses all day long, But only If the players work their bollocks off and give it everything they have every time they step on the pitch. Too many times this season our players have strolled around with a half arsed attitude collecting their big paychecks not giving a fuck. This can not be tolerated anymore as the most important part of our club "the fans" spend a lot of hard earned cash turning up every week, The least the team can do is Show up for us.
Just a quick mention for the Arsenal fans today..... what a load of shite they were. Where were you when you were shit (yawn) ... Where the fook are you most weeks at home?

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