Arsenal Post Match Thread.

Am I expecting too much to think that the second half performance could be reprised for both halves? We often played like this under Mancini. I was forever suggesting that Mancini should give the team the half time bollocking just after the warm up. Lacklustre first half followed by a stunning second half is how Barca went home to Cataluyna with their diddlers between their legs.
That little fella looks a right tit with his Arsenal headphones on (and the rest of the club shop). You'd feel embarrassed for him if he was 15, but then you realise he's a fully grown man.

They're like celebrations at Arsenal, much like that stupid **** at United that had his 15 minutes of fame!

Seems like if you're a grown man making a mockery of yourself on social media, acting like a child, then you'll be famous in the name of your own club fans!
The morning after and for the first time since Barcelona I actually want to rewatch the game. City were great last night. Not perfect but now isn't a time for criticism because we've had more than enough to critisice the last few months.

'Big 6' Clubs this season:

Played 4/5
Won 2
Lost 2

Much better than last year, that's for sure.
2nd half was faultless. Maybe we had some recent bad defeats to thank for the determination. I hope we go on from here and put a run together.

Winnable game at Hull, but they were incredibly unlucky at West Ham. battered them - hot the post 3 times and WHU got a very soft pen to win it
Arsenal fan at work, who is usually quite rational and talks sense, reckons Arsenal made City look good in the 2nd half

Obviously put him right
Arse Winger - " we played really well. apart from the two offside goals they didn't create any real chances"

I guess that would be apart from Raheem header, Kev hitting the post, Czech making a full length save to prevent Kevs deflected shot and Sane through on goal 1 on 1 (again).

Just shown Arsene your post. He says we were offside on those four incidents too.
If we are Liverpool or Utd, we're fucking fantastic, in City's case, Arsenal were terrible.

In fact should probably be docked points for letting everybody down.

It's a regular thing that when we win other teams play shit and there's me thinking every fucker raises their game against us.
Does anyone have a nickname for Leroy? My mate calls him Cheese and Bacon after his favourite butty
He's got to be the most ungracious miserable manager ever. Loved it to see him so upset in the second half as we controlled the game. Plus their fans have to be up there with the red dippers for self-entitlement. Enough of that, great performance and let's hope we can kick on now. Nice to see a young talented side with pace developing.

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