Arsenal Thread 2013/14

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JoeMercer'sWay said:
AwayDay said:
mancity dan said:
If Dortmund win tonight I can see them topping the group. Arsenal will then be in danger of finishing 3rd and going the Europa route.

Le Arse fans on here do you feel that this would scupper the league for you this year?

If we do end up in the wafer league I would hope Wenger plays the capital one team in it, it would still be a big negative, especially playing sundays after everyone else, it adds a lot of pressure.

I still think we will get through in 2nd behind Dortmund. Cant see Napoli beating us.

why not? Napoli are a different force at home, ask us, Chelsea and Dortmund.

One could argue that Cavani, Lavezzi were in an altogether different league as compared to their replacements.
City Raider said:
AwayDay said:
City Raider said:
exactly, that's my point - ozil in my opinion doesnt address this problem

What you term softness I call lack of quality, and I agree Ozil is not enough, I think Wenger himself is probably surprised where we are.

will have to agree to disagree - put tony adams in your back 4 and i'd be more worried

thats more about his leadership and abilities in battling adversity than a lack of quality

He's getting on a bit. said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
AwayDay said:
If we do end up in the wafer league I would hope Wenger plays the capital one team in it, it would still be a big negative, especially playing sundays after everyone else, it adds a lot of pressure.

I still think we will get through in 2nd behind Dortmund. Cant see Napoli beating us.

why not? Napoli are a different force at home, ask us, Chelsea and Dortmund.

One could argue that Cavani, Lavezzi were in an altogether different league as compared to their replacements.

yet Napoli still beat Dortmund on their own turf.
They did beat Dortmund, but even with 10 men Dortmund had them on the ropes late on. Still a good team with a manager that is an expert in champions leagues so it is a tough group that will go down to the wire.
AwayDay said:
BayernMan said:
AwayDay said:
If we do end up in the wafer league I would hope Wenger plays the capital one team in it, it would still be a big negative, especially playing sundays after everyone else, it adds a lot of pressure.

I still think we will get through in 2nd behind Dortmund. Cant see Napoli beating us.
But finishing second in your group is nothing to be happy about in my opinion, you will be forced to play teams like Barca, Bayern, R.Madrid or PSG in the round of 16...

Cant see us beating Dortmund away, so second it is.

scratch that, ill take 1st thanks
mancity dan said:
If Dortmund win tonight I can see them topping the group. Arsenal will then be in danger of finishing 3rd and going the Europa route.

Le Arse fans on here do you feel that this would scupper the league for you this year?
AwayDay said:
They did beat Dortmund, but even with 10 men Dortmund had them on the ropes late on. Still a good team with a manager that is an expert in champions leagues so it is a tough group that will go down to the wire.
Nah mate I think Dortmund is definitely out. You can see how shattered they were after their loss against us last night. This will wreck their confidence and I rate Benitez highly. He will find a way to knock Dortmund out. It will end up as a draw game and anything less than for a win for Dortmund and they are out irregardless of their last match. We will definitely beat Marseille and we will finish the group as winners and Napoli will finish second.
ArsenalGoon said:
AwayDay said:
They did beat Dortmund, but even with 10 men Dortmund had them on the ropes late on. Still a good team with a manager that is an expert in champions leagues so it is a tough group that will go down to the wire.
Nah mate I think Dortmund is definitely out. You can see how shattered they were after their loss against us last night. This will wreck their confidence and I rate Benitez highly. He will find a way to knock Dortmund out. It will end up as a draw game and anything less than for a win for Dortmund and they are out irregardless of their last match. We will definitely beat Marseille and we will finish the group as winners and Napoli will finish second.

Such certainty!

I don't know why they bother playing the matches to be honest...
A great win for Arsenal, I was cheering you on from the pub last night and hope one day to see City get such a result against a top European side away from home. The local Spurs and United fans did not share my feelings, now I can see why Spurs fans feel the way they do but for 25 years I have listened to United fans telling me to support English teams in Europe this of course was when City had no chance of playing in the champions league. Wankers every one of them.
It is great to see an English club get a big result in Europe, especially against a German side. As long as it isn't the Rags! I must say I was shocked by the result. Dortmund seemed to have picked up in recent weeks. Arsenal still face a tough away game in Naples but they do not have to go there and win now. I wonder if people are starting to sit up and take notice. I just cannot shake the feeling that Arsenal will fall short in every competition as per usual. They have an abundance of midfield options with pace, skill, technique and their style of play is fantastic. But in both attack and defence they lack strength in depth. Should they win at the swamp maybe I will give them more respect, but I cannot see them winning anything still. Their football is perfect for Europe. They pass and move and work hard as a team but can they win the Champions League? In the Premiership they lack that strength in depth and physicality over the season to win the league in my opinion. But their form certainly suggests they will be in the top 4 and I didn't expect that to be the case. Ideally the game on Sunday is a draw. Arsenal dropping points is what we need to bridge the gap, but still never want the Rags to win.
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