Arsenal v City (Community Shield) Post Match Thread

I wanted to win yesterday: I hate to see City lose, I don't like Wenger's smug smile and I find Arsenal's fans give me indigestion. I thought the eleven players Pellers picked were good enough to do the job, but they didn't and never looked as though they were going to. It's always said that City are building a squad to challenge for four trophies - and this was the fifth, the one noone thinks about even the on the day of the game. This for me was like the City of 14 August 2010, when a City team full of "stars" who had just arrived back from the world cup to make their debuts, scrambled a 0-0 draw at Spurs - not yet a team. I hope we do not suffer from the effect the WC has had on our preseason, because in 2010 we dropped 9 points before the end of September and finished third - 9 points behind the winners.
BluessinceHydeRoad said:
I wanted to win yesterday: I hate to see City lose, I don't like Wenger's smug smile and I find Arsenal's fans give me indigestion. I thought the eleven players Pellers picked were good enough to do the job, but they didn't and never looked as though they were going to. It's always said that City are building a squad to challenge for four trophies - and this was the fifth, the one noone thinks about even the on the day of the game. This for me was like the City of 14 August 2010, when a City team full of "stars" who had just arrived back from the world cup to make their debuts, scrambled a 0-0 draw at Spurs - not yet a team. I hope we do not suffer from the effect the WC has had on our preseason, because in 2010 we dropped 9 points before the end of September and finished third - 9 points behind the winners.
The attitude was all wrong. Arsenal wanted to win that whereas we treated the opening minutes like a training game. We deserved to be humiliated.

I am a bit worried about the opening weeks of the season. The stand-ins aren't up to it, whilst the World Cup players have time to fit in maybe 2-3 intense sessions in. I'm hoping that whilst the squad was preparing for Wembey, Kompany, Fernandinho, Aguero and co were training

I'd also like to think that they wont have lost too much fitness after a relatively short break.

After the World Cup Summer we could have done with an easier start
I was in 112 yesterday. Row 16 and witnessed the brawl as it happened just three rows immediately behind me. Went on for around 5 minutes. Some really heavy punches and kicks flying in.
Happened just after their 3rd goal.
Blokes from higher up the stand ran down to join in too.
Quite a lot involved and no idea what started it but it was really nasty. Not the first time this has happened at Wembley either.
One big bloke sat in his seat was being pummelled and just took it. My daughter was upset to witness this. Morons!!!
Two things I learned yesterday
1) I'm getting too old to drive to London and back in a day especially in tropical storm conditions on the way there
2) I will never ever use rail replacement buses from Watford Junction ever again. Tortuous !!!!
I'm so unarsed about the game teams couldn't be arsed showing up for in the 70's ( never mind fans) that I can't even be bothered to finish making my point.
We lost 3-1 to Arsenal in Helsinki last year and the rest is history.

We didn't use a lot of players who are normally very hard to replace. A lot ...

We were always gonna suffer from the WC because our players have been given a bit more time of due to the number of games played last season, as have the new lads who were at the WC. I assume the medical staff knows best and we will see the boys back in full flow soon enough. Giving them a bit extra rest hopefully will reflect on our season when we do not have so many injuryworries like last term.

We just need to expect another slow start to the season, hoping we are in or close to the top 3 at the start of November.
lets just hope its not the start of a very long
season ahead of us, because that was a piss poor
Was one of the 18000 (really?) and must admit im still trying to get my head round what MP actually achieved yesterday. Last week he said the game was an important friendly that he wanted to win. Then he let everyone know that he was keeping our top players out of the game because of fitness issues- surely he could have given them a run out for 45 minutes by starting with 4 or 5 of them then switching at half-time? Wouldn't that have helped with fitness and we may have got a look at Lampard in sky blue which would have been a good story. Now MP says it was pre season/last season, the new season starts next week!

Then i look at the players he did play and question whether it did them any good because we were awful in the first half and yes- i accept its a friendly but performing badly and getting beaten heavily does the confidence no good at all. I know i didn't feel great on the way home, Christ knows what our defence felt like. What did we actually learn about anyone that played that we didn't know already? It reinforced my opinion that we should sell Boyata to the rags.

Maybe ive got it wrong- after all MPs the man in charge and he's a winner, i do like the guy and don't want to sound over the top. Sometimes though he gets it wrong in my opinion, and i think he did yesterday. Look at what Wenger achieved- he played most of his squad, they didn't over exert themselves, kept a clean sheet and scored some cracking goals. Confidence up and the media are talking of them as possible champions this year. Gooners loved it and erased the memory of the 6 we put passed them last year. Fair play he got it right.

'A win next week and its forgotten'... i agree. Someone tell me what was the bloody point of it all.

Signed... pissed off and carnt wait for (pre/this/next) season to start!
HoJon said:
I was in 112 yesterday. Row 16 and witnessed the brawl as it happened just three rows immediately behind me. Went on for around 5 minutes. Some really heavy punches and kicks flying in.
Happened just after their 3rd goal.
Blokes from higher up the stand ran down to join in too.
Quite a lot involved and no idea what started it but it was really nasty. Not the first time this has happened at Wembley either.
One big bloke sat in his seat was being pummelled and just took it. My daughter was upset to witness this. Morons!!!
Two things I learned yesterday
1) I'm getting too old to drive to London and back in a day especially in tropical storm conditions on the way there
2) I will never ever use rail replacement buses from Watford Junction ever again. Tortuous !!!!
Bit late now be we went on the tube from Watford 1 1/2 mile up the road no problem we were back on the tube for Watford before arsenal picked the trophy up .couldn't believe it went on full time walked down Wembley through the station without pausing .will do it again instead of going from Watford junction
Whether it's been was complacency or arrogance these last two weeks in high profile games, I'm not sure. It's certainly left a flat feeling and already there will be pressure should we continue to play so piss poor next week.

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