Arsenal Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

80s Shorts said:
citysix said:
arse-holes on 606 lmfao

Its sweet. They are all talking about the money. The nurses and doctors wages are coming into it now. FFS
Phil the city fan on now.....praising the team and Zabba. Talking about classless arsenal fans and the t**t has just cut him off!!
strongbowholic said:
Blue Haze said:
Arsenal 0-2 Man City
A controversial early red card allowed the champions to cruise to a comfortable win at the Emirates

Guardian at it again. I'm done with that site, they've thrown away any shred of credibility with their football tribalism.
To be fair mate, if you was a journo and had to do a write up on a rags game, would you not let your Blue view cloud your report? I know I would.

True. Nothing more than Gill butt boys masquerading as journalists
Not seen the game, but heard on the radio that the Arse fans were booing at the end. Was that Wenger and the performance or the officials that were getting the stick?
rastus said:
Benarbia said:
Milner is a beast and Dzeko is a donkey. Very pleased with that

haha you wont let it lie,,,

Can't. He's terrible any redeeming features about him were lost when his ego took over wanting to take the pen
Funny as fuck, rags really deflated thought they was going 10 in front, just had Paul McGrath on talkshite sounded like he was really pissed off when asked if title was over he grudgingly said no, sounded like he had been on the sauce...yet again
2013 so far

Won 3/3
Scored 8
Conceded 0

The rags will break, keep that pressure on, we WILL win this league!
lazerblue said:
Caveman said:
blueinsa said:
Hate doing this but any fooker saying that was a red card is a Rag!

Not only are they Rags, they are fooking no nothing Rags who have never kicked a ball in their lives.

Red card my fooking arse!
I can clearly see why it was a red card from the angle closest to what the ref's view of it was. I have no problems with the decision. From that angle it looked a dangerous tackle.

From the other angles you can clearly see that it was a good tackle. It should be rescinded. But surely you have the knowledge of the rules, history of what refs send players off for and that one view to see why he was sent off?

Haha, i love a considered opinion :)
Blue Tooth said:
Delighted with the 3 points and a win at the Emirates but the second half was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be. We never really pressed them after half time...might have been tactical...sit tight, soak it up but I would have loved to see us improve or GD. Not convinced Kompany should have seen red but think it's a borderline case for appeal.

reddishblue said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
not only are ticket prices killing football, soft approaches to tackling are too.

dreadful decision to send kompany off


it will be overturned and if it isn't then the cries of bent bastards will be justified
Lifted off RAWK;


Made me smile!

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