Arses in 116

beano46 said:
He also said he'd ask his mate and get back to us in another post, I find it strange that he starts a thread alleging intimidation yet his mate has not told him what was said, could of just been a bit of banter as much as it could of been out and out bullying which is totally out of fucking order, as some else said we before me we can't help the lad out without the full facts

True, i honestly don't think there's anything we can do either way. Hopefully its just a bit of an over reaction.
GStar said:
beano46 said:
He also said he'd ask his mate and get back to us in another post, I find it strange that he starts a thread alleging intimidation yet his mate has not told him what was said, could of just been a bit of banter as much as it could of been out and out bullying which is totally out of fucking order, as some else said we before me we can't help the lad out without the full facts

True, i honestly don't think there's anything we can do either way. Hopefully its just a bit of an over reaction.

I've just said. There's not much more to say. Just snide remarks and acting like complete tossers. I stated 2 of the things he told me
mancityscot said:
GStar said:
beano46 said:
He also said he'd ask his mate and get back to us in another post, I find it strange that he starts a thread alleging intimidation yet his mate has not told him what was said, could of just been a bit of banter as much as it could of been out and out bullying which is totally out of fucking order, as some else said we before me we can't help the lad out without the full facts

True, i honestly don't think there's anything we can do either way. Hopefully its just a bit of an over reaction.

I've just said. There's not much more to say. Just snide remarks and acting like complete tossers. I stated 2 of the things he told me

Some people are dragged up, some people must spend time in a bubble.........I really dont know which is worse.

Tell your friend never to get a job in an office, unless his dad owns it
mancityscot said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
if they don't want to talk to him they don't want to talk to him, so ignoring him is his problem and makes it sound like he was irritating them by trying to talk to them.

Not at all. He tried to make pleasant conversation before the match and they were ignoring him. He is a friendly guy and there is no reason why they shouldn't make conversation too. But to talk behind his back and just be unpleasant is just not on.

'Who's this guy?'
'it's gonna be a long season for you mate''

They sound like complete knobheads to me

I wouldn't talk to a group of complete strangers, whether at the match or not.

He'd come across as an annoying prick if I didn't want to talk to him, some people just want to be left alone and not be nagged by others they don't know.

I agree with not talking behind other's backs but let's face it groups of lads do that all the time about others they don't like, it's hardly a first.
I'm well versed in hand to hand combat (cue many wanking jokes from the forum's younger members)

For a small fee to cover expenses I'll meet you at the next home game and persuade these yobs to show more respect to the unfortunate "victim"
Santiago Street . said:
I'm well versed in hand to hand combat (cue many wanking jokes from the forum's younger members)

For a small fee to cover expenses I'll meet you at the next home game and persuade these yobs to show more respect to the unfortunate "victim"

If you think wanking is hand to hand, you are doing it wrong mate
Agreed, but if the lad was in fear did he say anything to a steward ?[/quote]

hahah seriously ?

may as well throw himself off the spirals before doing that, if he was getting a joky ribbing that was took the wrong it'd never ever end.
if he wsa getting bullied it'd get even worse and then some

sadly, if the wankers who did this don't get bored then he'll probably be best moving anyway, lets face it he'll never enjoy the game and spend the days up to it fretting about it by the sound of it

sad i know, but true.
Haven't read the 9 pages, so not sure if this has been posted. He has only been to one game, so is it really that bad? I've relocated from Level 3, and if someone was giving me any stick, I'd just tell them to fuck off, and throw the odd '****' in for comedic affect - maybe that's where he should start. Maybe call them Rags and see where it leads?
CTID1974 said:
Agreed, but if the lad was in fear did he say anything to a steward ?

hahah seriously ?

may as well throw himself off the spirals before doing that, if he was getting a joky ribbing that was took the wrong it'd never ever end.
if he wsa getting bullied it'd get even worse and then some

sadly, if the wankers who did this don't get bored then he'll probably be best moving anyway, lets face it he'll never enjoy the game and spend the days up to it fretting about it by the sound of it

sad i know, but true.[/quote]

Read the whole thread, someone gave him a bit of ribbing on his first day in a new seat. to think 16 yr olds can legally father children. I despair, and dont worry I have a 16 yr old, and i despair at him too
talkativesprout said:
CTID1974 said:
Agreed, but if the lad was in fear did he say anything to a steward ?

hahah seriously ?

may as well throw himself off the spirals before doing that, if he was getting a joky ribbing that was took the wrong it'd never ever end.
if he wsa getting bullied it'd get even worse and then some

sadly, if the wankers who did this don't get bored then he'll probably be best moving anyway, lets face it he'll never enjoy the game and spend the days up to it fretting about it by the sound of it

sad i know, but true.

Read the whole thread, someone gave him a bit of ribbing on his first day in a new seat. to think 16 yr olds can legally father children. I despair, and dont worry I have a 16 yr old, and i despair at him too[/quote]

i read the whole thread, seems to of turned into a bit of a row, i was just commenting that he couldn't of gone to a steward regards it, and that goes for someone at any age.

Not if he planned on staying in the same seat all season and enjoying the game anyway,
just standing up and singing very loud when people were singing probably would've shut the offenders up, they sound retarded, probably would''ve impressed them

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