'As A City Fan', Would You Like To See Safe Standing Introduced At The Etihad?

Unfortunately I need to sit these days which is fine in the Etihad because I have a front row seat, but at away grounds it is not so easy. If away fans would realise that there are people who NEED to be seated, but don't have the choice of sitting or standing if they can't get front row seats (& sometimes not even then) it would make our lives easier. I'm not just talking about myself here but quite a few people I see at away matches say the same thing. Just our humble opinion. We don't spoil the atmosphere, in fact when we are comfortable we can sing & cheer along with everyone else. JMHO

If I could stand I would, I spent my formative years standing at football matches not just at professional games but at school football matches and many happy Saturday and Sundays at Hough End etc., so I think I've served my 'time' so to speak. :-)

Maybe at away grounds the clubs could allocate say the first three rows to sitting and the rest to standing, that could solve my problem with safe standing. :-)
Always think that's a bit of a myth opposite ends works just as well and with probably less antagonism. Supporters will support the team more rather than goad the away fans.
I'm not sure either way, not like it's rocking every week and the south stand is pretty much standing anyway. What it might give people the chance to do is specifically move to the standing area if that's what they want and grouping like minded people.
Unfortunately I need to sit these days which is fine in the Etihad because I have a front row seat, but at away grounds it is not so easy. If away fans would realise that there are people who NEED to be seated, but don't have the choice of sitting or standing if they can't get front row seats (& sometimes not even then) it would make our lives easier. I'm not just talking about myself here but quite a few people I see at away matches say the same thing. Just our humble opinion. We don't spoil the atmosphere, in fact when we are comfortable we can sing & cheer along with everyone else. JMHO

If I could stand I would, I spent my formative years standing at football matches not just at professional games but at school football matches and many happy Saturday and Sundays at Hough End etc., so I think I've served my 'time' so to speak. :-)

Maybe at away grounds the clubs could allocate say the first three rows to sitting and the rest to standing, that could solve my problem with safe standing. :-)
Seating to the left or right of standing fans would be ideal.
Unfortunately I need to sit these days which is fine in the Etihad because I have a front row seat, but at away grounds it is not so easy. If away fans would realise that there are people who NEED to be seated, but don't have the choice of sitting or standing if they can't get front row seats (& sometimes not even then) it would make our lives easier. I'm not just talking about myself here but quite a few people I see at away matches say the same thing. Just our humble opinion. We don't spoil the atmosphere, in fact when we are comfortable we can sing & cheer along with everyone else. JMHO

If I could stand I would, I spent my formative years standing at football matches not just at professional games but at school football matches and many happy Saturday and Sundays at Hough End etc., so I think I've served my 'time' so to speak. :-)

Maybe at away grounds the clubs could allocate say the first three rows to sitting and the rest to standing, that could solve my problem with safe standing. :-)
At grounds with safe standing, ie Germany or Celtic are away fans given any safe standing area? Or are away fans put in seated areas only ? I don't remember seeing pictures with split safe standing areas but there may well be.
The standing needs to be near the away fans, to help generate a decent atmosphere. The atmosphere at City is generated largely by being next to the away fans. It was the same in the old Kippax when the away fans had the corner and Platt Lane and then in the new Kippax when the away fans went in the North Stand, that end of the Kippax and the North Stand, with the away fans in between generated the atmosphere.

If it was up to me, the 3rd tier of the South Stand would be for standing, so the noise can echo off the roof and down onto the pitch. When we played Everton in the league cup semi final last season and they had the top tier, the noise that came from the South Stand was mega and reminded me of the olden days. I was sat in the North Stand and it sounded very loud.
The same with the old Kippax, the noise used to be amazing because of the roof. When we did the Allianz Arena tour in the summer, they also said the roof was designed to reflect the noise.

thats a complete myth. we've had fans next to the away fans for the past ten years now- at the etihad and it makes no difference at all. unless you mean gesturing to the away fans ?. we need our own singing end in the north stand with no away fans. the barcelona game there were barely any away fans and it was great.
A definite yes.

We're desperate for some proper football culture in the stands. It's been like going to a kids theme park at City for the last five years or so.

It should be at the North Stand End of the ground.
Safe standing WTF does that mean.

Its always been safe standing in your home end....taking Hillsborough out of the figures (and we should never mention Hillsborough without Heysel) i bet the incidents are statistically below any other form of activity considered dangerous, I bet after over 100 years of standing on terraces the number of fatalities wouldn't even register as a meaningful statistic. Weve been standing on terraces without the governments help for 100 years before the Taylor report. Dont believe the hype folks...it was all just smoke and mirrors to make people think standing up on steps was a dangerous activity....whilst the Police and justice system who are the real villians started the cover up (that amazingly lasted the best part of 30 years) . You really couldnt make this up.

Why is there any debate on the matter....you've all been fooled into thinking you cant stand on a step safely for 90mins without trying to harm yourself. It's time we took back control of our god given freedoms and made the government and police realise thier here to serve us....the paying public. Soap box retired for the night now!
Won't make a bit of difference, because the problem with atmosphere is not the fact people sit or stand, the problem is the modern day fan. Effects most clubs with City included.

This won't be popular but i'd also argue the target fanbase is probably 18-25yr olds, and from what I've seen at home and away games, most of them are the great unwashed with caps and trackies, more bothered about bitching, moaning, snorting and drinking than they are singing City songs. Maybe an over generalisation but I don't really care.

It was before my time, but my Dad basically lived in the Kippax with his brothers and friends and they all admit the difference in personality and attitude of fellow fans in the Kippax back then, and the great unwashed nowadays, is like chalk and cheese.

I can see why people want safe standing and what the ambition is and i'm fully supportive of that, but I think people and times have sadly changed.

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