Assisted dying

Aethiests try and deny that "lack of belief" is a belief system but that's like saying people who don't vote don't have a political opinion.
Simply put, If you criticise others for their belief then at that point aethism clearly BECOMES a belief system.
Each to their own.
I am an aetheist and I don't believe that there is no god. Unlike religion to me it isn't necessary to justify whether there is or isn't a god, there just isn't one. Indeed atheists stray into beliefs if they go so far as to justify themselves but they don't need to so it isn't a belief system at heart.

For example, I do not believe that the sky is blue, it just is blue, I'm not willing nor do I need to argue and therefore justify myself with an opinion on why I think the sky is blue.

From my point of view those believing the sky is red would certainly have to justify themselves though! This is where religion fails because it absolutely requires more than ignorance on the part of beliefs and truth and this is dressed up as something called faith.
The best definition of atheism is: An atheist is someone who has never been convinced by the argument for god.
I am an atheist but it is not a belief system. I have a philosophy, belief system if you like, and I have no reference in it to god or no god. It starts essentially with the idea that man creates morality from his own innate senses. Thus I have a clear view, for example, of right and wrong as a man made value. Theists ask where that comes from since they believe it comes from god and I am clear about that.
If theists want or need an external guide (ie god), that’s fine by me and I don’t need to deny their belief.
I support City, but I do not need to believe that my Everton supporting friend
is ‘wrong‘ in some way.
Similarly, I believe that killing people is wrong, but not because of a god given commandment.
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The best definition of atheism is: An atheist is someone who has never been convinced by the argument for god.
I am an atheist but it is not a belief system. I have a philosophy, belief system if you like, and I have no reference in it to god or no god. It starts essentially with the idea that man creates morality from his own innate senses. Thus I have a clear view, for example, of right and wrong as a man made value.
Start a fucking thread will you !
The best definition of atheism is: An atheist is someone who has never been convinced by the argument for god.
I am an atheist but it is not a belief system. I have a philosophy, belief system if you like, and I have no reference in it to god or no god. It starts essentially with the idea that man creates morality from his own innate senses. Thus I have a clear view, for example, of right and wrong as a man made value.
It’s still a belief though as nobody can fully prove or disprove the existence of a God.

If someone is trying to convert someone to their lack of God belief, then doesn’t that become religion-esque?
It’s still a belief though as nobody can fully prove or disprove the existence of a God.

If someone is trying to convert someone to their lack of God belief, then doesn’t that become religion-esque?
Yes, proselytism suggests that atheism is a driving force in one’s philosophy but atheism itself, unadorned by the need to convince theists that they are wrong is not a belief system. The argument that it is contradicts all philosophical norms.
As I said, god or no god plays no part in my belief system and it is not open to anybody else to deny that.(Philosophical norm)
As to your very first sentence, proof is not required as it starts from the proposition that atheism is an attempt to disprove the existence of god. If someone hadn’t ‘invented’ him in the first place, you could not hold that position, see the ontological proof of god.
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City is my religon
While I realise you weren't being 100% serious, I doubt City can be a religion according to religious doctrines that state faith rather than proof is required.
The Etihad is our temple, chants are our hymns and the half-time entertainment is as bad as many religious sermons. However City exist and we know they do as we can see them. We don't need faith to believe they are there.
I accept we needed lots and lots of faith for many years but that was faith that things couldn't get much worse rather than faith that they existed.
While I realise you weren't being 100% serious, I doubt City can be a religion according to religious doctrines that state faith rather than proof is required.
The Etihad is our temple, chants are our hymns and the half-time entertainment is as bad as many religious sermons. However City exist and we know they do as we can see them. We don't need faith to believe they are there.
I accept we needed lots and lots of faith for many years but that was faith that things couldn't get much worse rather than faith that they existed.

Well you've finally proven why the rags have that united is my religion banner. The majority of their fans have never seen them play so don't know for sure they exist.

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