Aston Villa (A) | PL | Post Match Thread

They don't look anywhere near good enough even when I wear my bluest tinted glasses.

If he thinks they're "excellent players", I'd love to hear what the bloke thought of Gundogan and Fernandinho.
Kovacic a decent squad signing but he was signed as a Gundo replacement and isn’t fit to lace his boots. Need to see more of Nunes. Had pretty high hopes but disappointing so far.
I get that other teams will raise their game against us, but last season (and the season before) we were reigning champions so where were the game-raising opponents as were retained the title (2021-22) and then won the treble?

Liverpool, Brentford, Everton?
Liverpool are Liverpool, always formidable opponents at Anfield. But Brentford were merely a pretty useful side, as they are this season. And Everton couldn't buy a point at that stage of the season! Both Brentford and Everton raised their game. And we weren't treble holders then. It's clear we're the biggest scalp around. You've only got to look at the way Arsenal celebrated, as though they'd actually won some kind of trophy — the Beat City trophy — after being thoroughly dominated, and having a scummy deflected goal in the very final minutes.
Not that I'm not somewhat worried. If we don't turn it round fast, I think the gap will become too big. We have to relearn how to take one good chance in every two (I'm not even asking for all of them to be taken), and stop conceding in the final ten minutes of the game. That doesn't seem too much for a team of this quality. We haven't suddenly become a shit team.
This is very much an extended blip by City's recent standards. Chelsea have been quite shite for most of the season to date yet we conceded the lead three times, Liverpool didn't look that good but we only drew and again conceded the lead. Spurs should have been dead and buried but we conceded the lead twice. At Villa we were just abysmal after the first fifteen minutes. - So much for the "we'll bounce back next game" I read on here after every draw or defeat.
I get that other teams will raise their game against us, but last season (and the season before) we were reigning champions so where were the game-raising opponents as were retained the title (2021-22) and then won the treble?
Poor recruitment is certainly a contributing factor but I think we are also suffering from the disruption caused by the Covid seasons (2019-20 and 2020-21) and WC2022 being held halfway through last season. It seems like it's all catching up with us.
I've not written off the title, but I'm less optimistic about becoming the first team to win four in a row. I'll settle for winning the CL at Wembley, at least that venue means those who couldn't afford Istanbul will be able to endure UEFA's strange ticket application system.
And buses from a meeting point somewhere south of the river.
Im hoping KDB and pep are cooking up some masterplan to redefine his role so the best player ever to pull on the shirt can see out his last years with us with less stress on his aging body
Hopefully he comes back and shines but I do worry, for me we have seen the best of him and anything we get until the end of the season will be a bonus.
Maybe, but games like last night do take it out of you. As for no point blowing it, I disagree. We aren't title contenders, we're a top 6/7 side potentially knocking on the door of top 4 but that's about it. Anything v you or the goons is a bonus.

Thanks, and I agree. Outside of Pep & Klopp I genuinely believe we have the best manager around. He's superb and we are very very fortunate to have him. 9 of those players last night were playing under Gerrard, a few were playing a few years ago when you beat us 6 at VP and we couldn't even get the ball off you. The transformation under him as a manager is frightening and it peaked last night. I hope it hasn't taken too much out of us for Saturday.

As a neutral looking in I do feel there's a bit of an over panic on here. I looked at your fixtures earlier and you have some very winnable games going forward (every game is winnable for city but you get my point). As long as you're in the mix then you'll eventually go on a run when it matters - you always do. I spent last night talking about who you didn't have (Rodri etc) without even realising that you have De Bruyne sitting on the sidelines.
Problem we have is that there is a definite feeling that we have to accept the level dropping at some time - I mean the players lost v players in - the difference in quality is stark... You can't keep winning that's understandable but the side that scored 6 at your place would hammer 0ur team today by 4 or 5..The drop off is quite dramatic that's why some fans are really feeling it. On our best day we can still produce quality performances but the draws with Chelsea, Da'pool and Spuds...all from winning positions shows we have ability but nowhere near the level we had and the drop of confidence and belief just invites other teams to go for it ...last few seasons we had the luxury that teams wouldn't. Could be a tough one for us v Luton on Saturday - big test for Pep i think. As for Villa, always a top 3 - 7 team this year - you look for steady improvement and Emre is doing as expected gradually improving your league position.
They don't look anywhere near good enough even when I wear my bluest tinted glasses.

If he thinks they're "excellent players", I'd love to hear what the bloke thought of Gundogan and Fernandinho.
Weird isn't it. I thought Gundo was capable of disappearing and had a mistake or two in him. Now he's left and you look at what we got in. He is Pele/Messi. Either the Txiki got this window badly wrong, or the players are letting him down badly.
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On the motorway coming home, Pep's coach was next to ours. He was sat at the front seat upstairs and he looked like he was ranting at others behind him, he did not look happy and he should not be

However the traffic was also a nightmare so maybe he was calling that
Weird isn't it. I thought Gundo was capable of disappearing and had a mistake or two in him. Now he's left and you look at what we got in. He is Pele/Messi. Either the Txiki hot this window badly wrong, or the players are letting him down badly.

I have a feeling that a few of our recent signings may well here for the money and nothing else.

Phillips and Nunes are nowhere near elite standard and I suspect they are both well aware of it. I've spoken with Leeds and Wolves fans who can't believe that City signed them for any fee, saying they're just not good enough for top level.

As for Kovacic, he's been there and done it at top level but was effectively surplus to requirements at Chelsea. He and his agent must have been rubbing their hands together when City moved in for him. His last big payday - probably totally unexpected.

Of the three, only Kovacic looks like he has a decent game in him at top level.

The others aren't necessarily a waste of money, (other than wages) because we'll probably get more for them than we paid as prices go even more ridiculous.

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