Atmosphere - 2023/24

  • Thread starter Deleted member 77198
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Sad to say, having sat all over the ground over the years, I think we've got a lot of people who have got an emotional attachment to their seat, but feel no obligation to vocally support or see the game out. The 30k plus ST holders and the thousands of non-ST holding loyal/local shouldn't be shocked into a silence because there's a German guy behind them or a Chinese student, or an eight-year-old next to their long-standing group of friends, family and matchday acquaintances. They should be showing them how it's done, but in large sections of the ground, they won't. They sit there in silence, they gossip, mutter, flick through their phones, sing under their breath - after about 70mins - and then leave on the 75th. If anyone around them is shouting they look at them like they've farted in a lift. The club's policies don't always help, but the relatively small proportion of non-regulars are a convenient scapegoat for a fanbase that is overwhelmingly, local, mature, and has been going for so long it's become a quiet ritual. We have SS1 and a few noisy, but isolated pockets and a lot of snoozers and shy folk.
Fully agree with this.

I've moved around and it's all the same. So many fans who are too lazy or embarrassed to get involved. So many fans who are old and shout 'sit down!' every 10 minutes.

So few fans who join in with chants and add to the atmosphere. They probably make more noise watching matches on Sky in their living room.
Sad to say, having sat all over the ground over the years, I think we've got a lot of people who have got an emotional attachment to their seat, but feel no obligation to vocally support or see the game out. The 30k plus ST holders and the thousands of non-ST holding loyal/local shouldn't be shocked into a silence because there's a German guy behind them or a Chinese student, or an eight-year-old next to their long-standing group of friends, family and matchday acquaintances. They should be showing them how it's done, but in large sections of the ground, they won't. They sit there in silence, they gossip, mutter, flick through their phones, sing under their breath - after about 70mins - and then leave on the 75th. If anyone around them is shouting they look at them like they've farted in a lift. The club's policies don't always help, but the relatively small proportion of non-regulars are a convenient scapegoat for a fanbase that is overwhelmingly, local, mature, and has been going for so long it's become a quiet ritual. We have SS1 and a few noisy, but isolated pockets and a lot of snoozers and shy folk.

I wasn’t having a go at the tourists and day trippers. Due to the teams success, the players City have signed, Haaland being the prime example, etc, our new support, as well as tourists and day trippers have inadvertently changed the make up and demographics of our match day going support. Add to that all the new corporate and hospitality ares, now numbering 30 (on and off site), which have also had an impact on our match day support. But as you and others have rightly pointed out, there are still enough local, legacy fans, season ticket holders, etc, to support the team and to create an atmosphere during the match. For some reason, as a fan base, we’ve stopped doing that.
It’s similar to your old local pub being taken over, tarted up and becoming a bistro knocking out roast dinners for £25. The clientele will change and most of the old regulars are up the road elsewhere. Sadly this isn’t really possible with football!

What’s happened to City is a consequence of extreme success.
Have to agree. Yesterday was the worst all season. I'm not even talking about singing here, I'm talking about a lack of noise, of emotion even - a stubborn, arms folded refusal to get behind the lads. People talking about what they were going to have for tea, one bloke near me spent the entire match looking towards the east stand and not the pitch and was looking around at me when I was shouting and singing as if I was weird. But worst of all was the people scrolling through pet and holiday pictures on their phone. Really? Unbelievable. Put the thing away for five minutes will you!

At some points I half expected to hear an orchestra start tuning up there was that much silence and random murmuring. I was in a different place from where I'm usually sat and wouldn't ever want to go back to that section of the NS again. Me and the kids dubbed it the 'sleeping section'.

And there wasn't a tourist in sight around me. It was ST holders taking it for granted, sitting back and waiting to be entertained, holding onto their seat for dear life but not sure if they're still enjoying it or if they're really after a quiet place to catch up with cousins and in-laws. I felt sorry for SS1 trying to hold it down on their own. Usually you get a few people who are game in the NS and the East Stand but yesterday was poor - we deserved Palace saying 'We forgot that you were here'.

I actually thought it was a bit better yesterday. I've spent some games in Colin Bell and was back in South Stand yesterday though so I guess it's all relative. I really do dislike it in CB3, nobody makes any noise and you're the odd one out if you do. Seems like it's like that in other areas of the ground too. They do appear to get a lot of tourists, schools etc there but as has been stated there's enough season ticket holders to still make some noise. There just seems to be a general apathy amongst some or a lot of ST holders. Like you say I'm not sure they particularly enjoy going and just do it as it's in their routine and something they've always done. It's almost become a chore.

My memories of Maine Road are a bit cloudy now and I'm sure they are for others too. I do think it was generally better back then and I imagine most clubs would say the same. We've always been quite self-deprecating as a fanbase and that was what made us who we were. We weren't under the microscope back then though and nobody was focussing on our atmosphere or empty seats. Just plucky City in the 3rd tier getting crowds of 30k.There wasn't social media constantly ridiculing us, rival fans and pundits jealousy over our dominance in the past decade or so and using any opportunity to knock us. Forums such as this didn't exist either where some of those contributing to this thread may not get involved themselves at the game or even attend at all. The point I'm trying to make is we can knock ourselves but understandably take it personally when others do. Maine Road could be a great atmosphere- as can the Etihad on it's day- but it wasn't always like that.
I wasn’t having a go at the tourists and day trippers. Due to the teams success, the players City have signed, Haaland being the prime example, etc, our new support, as well as tourists and day trippers have inadvertently changed the make up and demographics of our match day going support. Add to that all the new corporate and hospitality ares, now numbering 30 (on and off site), which have also had an impact on our match day support. But as you and others have rightly pointed out, there are still enough local, legacy fans, season ticket holders, etc, to support the team and to create an atmosphere during the match. For some reason, as a fan base, we’ve stopped doing that.
Yes jrb, I think success feeds complacency across the board. And after the drama of the Treble and the charges and a season where the atmos really picked up, this season feels a bit like a hangover. There's every chance the this run of form will continue out of Christmas out of pure fatigue - and that the penny will drop that if we want four in a row, we will have to be the twelfth man again.
I actually thought it was a bit better yesterday. I've spent some games in Colin Bell and was back in South Stand yesterday though so I guess it's all relative. I really do dislike it in CB3, nobody makes any noise and you're the odd one out if you do. Seems like it's like that in other areas of the ground too. They do appear to get a lot of tourists, schools etc there but as has been stated there's enough season ticket holders to still make some noise. There just seems to be a general apathy amongst some or a lot of ST holders. Like you say I'm not sure they particularly enjoy going and just do it as it's in their routine and something they've always done. It's almost become a chore.

My memories of Maine Road are a bit cloudy now and I'm sure they are for others too. I do think it was generally better back then and I imagine most clubs would say the same. We've always been quite self-deprecating as a fanbase and that was what made us who we were. We weren't under the microscope back then though and nobody was focussing on our atmosphere or empty seats. Just plucky City in the 3rd tier getting crowds of 30k.There wasn't social media constantly ridiculing us, rival fans and pundits jealousy over our dominance in the past decade or so and using any opportunity to knock us. Forums such as this didn't exist either where some of those contributing to this thread may not get involved themselves at the game or even attend at all. The point I'm trying to make is we can knock ourselves but understandably take it personally when others do. Maine Road could be a great atmosphere- as can the Etihad on it's day- but it wasn't always like that.
I thought SS held their own yesterday. And I agree with you about Maine Road - to be honest there was always a lot of schools even back then, my first match was a school trip and a lot of those kids will end up being future legacy/loyal/FOCs (!). The saving grace is that these flat atmospheres are not unique to us. Even the places that get touted as having the most 'pashun' - your Anfields, Goddisons, St James Parks...they all have their torpor. Palace with their famous Ultras...they weren't great yesterday.
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