Atmosphere - 2023/24

  • Thread starter Deleted member 77198
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We go round in circles on this

The lower tier cannot gear tge other 2 and visa versa in the same stand, so what one person hears as loud section in one part of the ground some hear fuck all coming from there. you need at least 2 ends of the ground making noise for it to be heard, while only one area at a time is singing be is 110/111 SS1 or SS3 then the benefits are lost.

north and south or east and CB, get two stands making noise and we are getting somewhere
FWIW, I was right next to the Geordies and thought they were great (apart from the weird obsession with empty seats).

Plenty of piss taking and bantzzzzz but none of the nastiness that you get with some other supporters.
That was Fuckin shit. The newcastle fans were fucking brilliant. 2 nil down and they were having a better time than us they never stoped singing all game and were very loud.I was looking around at our fans everyone sat with a miserable faces on them looking at there phones. Tried to get chants going but i just got looked at as if I was a complete wrongun. The atmosphere has been worse than it's ever been. Doesn't matter about having a singing end you need the right people in that end to sing. I had a good look around our fan's today and I might piss people of here but we have alot of old and middle aged posh fans. These fans dont want to open there mouths or clap there hands as they dont want to look like a dick. Is it really that hard to sing or even clap your hands fuck me. Might as well stay at home and watch it on tv. I was actually hoping newcastle would score just to wake our fans up a bit jesus christ.
What a load of utter bollocks, the geordies weren't great tonight, best they could do was ”empty seats” and “like being in a library”. Whoopie fucking do.
SSL1,111,110 and 109 all tried in the 2nd half.

Saying that, the football isn’t end to end non stop attacking this season like it has been in previous seasons.
Yep I’ve long since accepted that we‘ll never have an imposing atmosphere with the majority of vocal blues in SS1. Even if those with season tickets there agree (which I’m sure they don’t), I don’t think there would be much appetite to move, as its their home, it‘s close to away fans and it’s noisy enough, it just simply doesn’t travel.
Tonight was a good example of the way sound travels.

Blues in L1 couldn’t hear the geordies. I sit in L2 CB and could only hear the Newcastle fans.

The only time we ever have a good atmosphere is when the rest of the stadium get involved which they didn’t tonight.
SSL1,111,110 and 109 all tried in the 2nd half.

Saying that, the football isn’t end to end non stop attacking this season like it has been in previous seasons.
I could hear all of those sections singing from the other end of the ground. The problem is ss1 just isn’t big enough and there aren’t enough singers in there to carry the songs.

There was about 3 moments where the rest of the ground joined in and the south stand had one voice.
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They're the most hypocritical supporters in the league.
I think if you check they were getting less than 10,000 before Keegan arrived in the 80s. Everyone does seem oblivious to that as they’re constantly called the best fans in the world by the media for some reason.
I think if you check they were getting less than 10,000 before Keegan arrived in the 80s. Everyone does seem oblivious to that as they’re constantly called the best fans in the world by the media for some reason.
They all but deserted the club when they were needed the most. I'd love to see what their support would be if they ever went to the third tier like we did.

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