Atmosphere at Eastlands

Nitrogen (N2) 78.084%
Oxygen (O2) 20.946%
Argon (Ar) 0.934%
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.0383 %
Neon (Ne) 0.001818 %
Helium (He) 0.000524 %
Methane (CH4) 0.0001745 %
Krypton (Kr) 0.000114%
Hydrogen (H2) 0.000055 %

Atmosphere seems fine to me ;)
Knock down the South Stand and rebuild it as 1 single tier.

I actually had a dream that the bottom tier all around the stadium became a terrace and everyone would stand in their position half an hour before kick off, with no loud music, just singing City songs, singing each players name as they warmed up and turned to have banter with the away fans, so by the time the players came out, everyone was charged up. The players also didn't shake hands at the start, they just ran straight on to the pitch to the roar of thousands of Blues all stood together. We scored, the place went crazy, I woke up, buzzing at such a cool dream, but felt sad, knowing that will probably never happen.
mcfcinprague said:
Before I comment I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with what I am about to say but there are bound to be some who will agree, but hey that's what the forum is about.

Although being a season ticket holder I am based overseas and I can't get to many games.

I don't think it has anything to do with the music etc...

What has struck me about those games that I attended last season in the North Stand Level 1 and this season in the Colin Bell Stand level 1 is that "the new rules" governing football crowds is the real reason - sit down, don't stand up - do you have to shout and scream!! - don't swear - don't get too excited etc.....

If you do any of these things either a steward gives you a lecture automatically or someone else in the crowd reports you to a steward who comes and gives you a lecture and threatens you with ejection and possibly being banned from the ground.

At some games last season we were constantly being watched over by the private security thugs dressed in black - and if you were unlucky you were dragged out and beaten up by the fat guy who runs the show.

Sadly football will never be the same again and to be honest I don't enjoy being at games these days due to the fact that I can't enjoy myself as I am constantly looking over my shoulder.

Although there are some new rules in place I don't think the club help by employing the thugs that they do and also banning people who may never ever come back as they feel let down by the club that some of them have supported through thin and thinner for many years having been banned for sometimes very minor reasons.

The club can do much more to let us actually try to get excited like in the old days a little more.
this for me...............steward friend of mine told us only last week that we eject 30 fans per game for either smoking or swearing, who then get a two game ban or have to appeal.
Unfortunately until the government change the rules on all seater stadiums and allow safe standing a don't think the atmosphere will improve too much. It is the same across all English Stadiums, compared to when there was standing areas. This is the main reason and is unlikely to change anytime soon.
Tombola's are all the rage for 2011

mancmackem said:
Have a raffle at the 110 corner flag, similar to the below. Ric has a spare pasting table, he told me: -

It's not rocket science. We all know the Kippax helped make Maine Road rock and it's a Kippax we need that we need back. Whether it's a new single tier behind one of the goals or a Kippax like East Stand along the side, but that is the solution. Oh and get the away fans out of the South Stand it's doing my head in, at cup matches especially. The Geordies have got it right by putting the away fans in the lap of the Gods.

Perhaps if our 'esteemed' foursome could get this point across to the powers that be we can get an atmosphere like Hamburg every game. Cheers.
Elanos_Right_Boot said:
It's not rocket science. We all know the Kippax helped make Maine Road rock and it's a Kippax we need that we need back. Whether it's a new single tier behind one of the goals or a Kippax like East Stand along the side, but that is the solution. Oh and get the away fans out of the South Stand it's doing my head in, at cup matches especially. The Geordies have got it right by putting the away fans in the lap of the Gods.

Perhaps if our 'esteemed' foursome could get this point across to the powers that be we can get an atmosphere like Hamburg every game. Cheers.

What survey? I'm in 111 and the only survey I've seen was about food! Every man jack should be asked two simple questions 1. have you got a big gob and like to use it to support the the team 2. would you like to be moved amongst like minded folk.

Those that answer yes to both questions lump 'em all together in unreserved seating, that way they will be in early for the decent spots.

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