Atmosphere at Eastlands


This might ruffle a few feathers and I might get some abuse, but I'm going to be as honest as I can be. Please bear that in mind. if you don't agree fair enough, but please don't abuse me.

Firstly let me say. The atmosphere this season has been much better. Especially the banter with the away fans. It's got even better since the Poznan started. Of that there is no doubt.

On two separate occasions last year I was invited to similar meetings along with members of Blue Alliance and some other supporters. No need name them.

Numerous City representatives where also there. In a nutshell the topic/discussion was how to improve the atmosphere at COMS. Similar to the one Ric, etc, attended.

Basically the fans that attended those meetings put forward numerous ideas to try and improve the atmosphere at COMS. Such as more banners and flags. Already mentioned. Creating an identity for the singing sections, Blocks 111, 110, 109 and especially the South Stand, inside the concourse and on the terraces. Allocating blocks for fans who want to stay together and sing after being relocated for FA cup games at home. The club helping out financially, along with supporters donations, for banners, flags, etc. Blue Alliance even did a presentation at one of the meetings. Basically we asked the club to help us out and to get more involved in some of the ideas and things we wanted to do.

Overall the meetings I attended seemed very positive and constructive. There was lots of dialogue, lots of discussion, lots of note taking, and a general can do attitude. (the hospitality and food was bloody marvelous as well. :-))

Sadly and to my knowledge nothing has come of those meetings or ideas so far. TBH I've been left frustrated ever since. In hindsight and I could be wrong, but it felt like a talking shop and nothing else. I accept the main priority at that time was the North Stand. Changing it to a family stand and relocating the fans. That was stated at one of the meetings.(point accepted) However, that has long since been completed and none of the ideas discussed about improving the atmosphere at COMS has been taken forward by the club to this date.(I stand corrected if some have)

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that the club is listening. I also appreciate that they are prepared to meet the fans and to discuss ideas with us. Not many, if any clubs do that. However, there is no point in doing the above if the club, with the support and effort of the fans, isn't going to make those ideas become a reality.

I sincerely hope those ideas discussed last night are finally taken forward by the club into next season. COMS is finally feeling like home. The atmosphere in general is much better. However, it can still be improved. This won't happen overnight and it won't happen unless the club makes an effort and 'gets involved' with the fans trying to make this happen.

On a positive note. The megaphone is in a depot somewhere in Trafford Park. I paid £5 extra to get it here before Thursday and they still can't deliver it on time. Arrrgh! Trying to get the details of where it is off the Ebay seller. I'll try and pick it up tomorrow.

BTW I'm in block 110. As stated, I'm not trying to take the singing over as there's a good group of lads in that block who start most of the songs off. I'm going to chip in every now and again. I'm using the softly, softly approach. Please join in. I'll see how it goes. If I don't get much abuse(who's the w***ker with the....) and get a positive reaction, I'll bring it to other Europa and maybe FA Cup games.

WNRH said:
Borrusia Dortmund, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Schalke - all top european clubs who's home ground has intimidating atmospheres on big european nights that is not shared with away fans and is colourful and a buzzing place to be. Do we want to be a top european club or do we want to be a top commerical european club like Arsenal and Chelsea?

Fair play, that kind of atmosphere would be great but it isn't going to happen overnight at City.
jrb said:

This might ruffle a few feathers and I might get some abuse, but I'm going to be as honest as I can be. Please bear that in mind. if you don't agree fair enough, but please don't abuse me.

Firstly let me say. The atmosphere this season has been much better. Especially the banter with the away fans. It's got even better since the Poznan started. Of that there is no doubt.

On two separate occasions last year I was invited to similar meetings along with members of Blue Alliance and some other supporters. No need name them.

Numerous City representatives where also there. In a nutshell the topic/discussion was how to improve the atmosphere at COMS. Similar to the one Ric, etc, attended.

Basically the fans that attended those meetings put forward numerous ideas to try and improve the atmosphere at COMS. Such as more banners and flags. Already mentioned. Creating an identity for the singing sections, Blocks 111, 110, 109 and especially the South Stand, inside the concourse and on the terraces. Allocating blocks for fans who want to stay together and sing after being relocated for FA cup games at home. The club helping out financially, along with supporters donations, for banners, flags, etc. Blue Alliance even did a presentation at one of the meetings. Basically we asked the club to help us out and to get more involved in some of the ideas and things we wanted to do.

Overall the meetings I attended seemed very positive and constructive. There was lots of dialogue, lots of discussion, lots of note taking, and a general can do attitude. (the hospitality and food was bloody marvelous as well. :-))

Sadly and to my knowledge nothing has come of those meetings or ideas so far. TBH I've been left frustrated ever since. In hindsight and I could be wrong, but it felt like a talking shop and nothing else. I accept the main priority at that time was the North Stand. Changing it to a family stand and relocating the fans. That was stated at one of the meetings.(point accepted) However, that has long since been completed and none of the ideas discussed about improving the atmosphere at COMS has been taken forward by the club to this date.(I stand corrected if some have)

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that the club is listening. I also appreciate that they are prepared to meet the fans and to discuss ideas with us. Not many, if any clubs do that. However, there is no point in doing the above if the club, with the support and effort of the fans, isn't going to make those ideas become a reality.

I sincerely hope those ideas discussed last night are finally taken forward by the club into next season. COMS is finally feeling like home. The atmosphere in general is much better. However, it can still be improved. This won't happen overnight and it won't happen unless the club makes an effort and 'gets involved' with the fans trying to make this happen.

On a positive note. The megaphone is in a depot somewhere in Trafford Park. I paid £5 extra to get it here before Thursday and they still can't deliver it on time. Arrrgh! Trying to get the details of where it is off the Ebay seller. I'll try and pick it up tomorrow.

BTW I'm in block 110. As stated, I'm not trying to take the singing over as there's a good group of lads in that block who start most of the songs off. I'm going to chip in every now and again. I'm using the Softly, softly approach. Please join in. I'll see how it goes. If I don't get much abuse(who's the w***ker with the....) and get a positive reaction, I'll bring it to other Europa and maybe FA Cup games.


That is excatly like i said just a few mins previous jrb, on one hand you can praise the club for meeting like this but on the other hand, deep down you feel like they are doing it so in future they can come back and say "we had meetings in the past, nothing could be done, we tried". Like i also said i so hope i am wrong and that this meeting can actually change something to what we want.
IMO their isn't too much to note, my only points being:

1. move the away fans, make the SS our kippax.
2. scrap the whole north stand/family thing, waste of time, doesn't help.

flags, banners etc just make the place look prettier, won't change or improve the atmosphere one bit.
i think the away fans should be pushed around the corner more into the colin bell stand so 1. the south stand fans and east stand could move closer together therefore creating a better atmosphere 2. you cant see away fans on tv.
obviously we would all like a standing section but its not going to happen
There is a light said:
WNRH said:
Borrusia Dortmund, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Schalke - all top european clubs who's home ground has intimidating atmospheres on big european nights that is not shared with away fans and is colourful and a buzzing place to be. Do we want to be a top european club or do we want to be a top commerical european club like Arsenal and Chelsea?

Fair play, that kind of atmosphere would be great but it isn't going to happen overnight at City.

No chance overnight, but it CAN happen mate, the european lot aren't better supporters than us, they haven't got louder singing voices than us, they are allowed to operate in an enviroment that allows them to generate great atmosphere, english clubs especially us are restricted from doing to the same.
goatinho said:
i think the away fans should be pushed around the corner more into the colin bell stand so 1. the south stand fans and east stand could move closer together therefore creating a better atmosphere 2. you cant see away fans on tv.
obviously we would all like a standing section but its not going to happen

the away fans should be pushed into the east stand, a bit like arsenal, so we can have the SS. they can't be out in the colin bell, too far away from coach park.

the coach park is still pretty much right behind the stand if they got moved round to the corner, it could easily be done.
Our main problem is the design of the ground doesn't help; It's too small! The South Stand needs to be at least twice the size in terms of numbers of rows. It's neither intimidating (for the opposition) or inspiring for the rest of the stadium. The lower tier is about the same size as the re-vamped Platt Lane Stand was and generally that stand was accepted to have been a huge mistake by Peter Swales.

What we need is an end similar in size to Dortmund's. If this was done, the away fans could still be accommodated within it but tucked away in the top corner of it with Blues all around them - just like the Kippax of old!!!!

Better still would be to demolish the East Stand and make that a huge Kippax-style terrace of one tier. The opposition players would shit it walking out facing that each game! We've always had our more vociferous fans at the side of the pitch and if we're to rebuild Eastlands, this for me would be the way to go.
Freestyler said:
goatinho said:
i think the away fans should be pushed around the corner more into the colin bell stand so 1. the south stand fans and east stand could move closer together therefore creating a better atmosphere 2. you cant see away fans on tv.
obviously we would all like a standing section but its not going to happen

the away fans should be pushed into the east stand, a bit like arsenal, so we can have the SS. they can't be out in the colin bell, too far away from coach park.

the coach park is still pretty much right behind the stand if they got moved round to the corner, it could easily be done.
yeah..never thought of the coach thing

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