Attacks in Paris

Fucking right wing out in force. Do they forget there's was thousands of terrorist attacks including plenty in Europe way before the refugee crisis. Do they forget the 7/7 attacks in London was carried out by terrorists born and bred in this country ?

Of course not, but would you dispute that allowing hundreds of thousands of people into Europe from ISIS breeding grounds just might be a factor in an increase of terrorist attacks in this continent?

Having more of them here gives them the opportunity to pull off the well orchestrated, timed and planned attacks like we've seen tonight. This hasn't just been one or two nutjobs with guns like 7/7 or Charlie Hebdo.
That's a horrendous post in my opinion. Wanting to feel safe going for a meal on a plane doesn't make you a racist.

Not sure why you singled out the racist part and not the anti-Semitic part but anyway that's not what I meant! I meant if it spilled out onto the streets of Britain and turned into a civil war, it'd give the racists/anti-Semitics a reason to single out all Muslims.

I could have possibly strung my sentence better and more informative, I apologise for that.
No offence but I don't think it's the answer. It would be like chasing smoke and only lead to yet more of our soldiers' lives being wasted. Military involvement can only be effective when deployed in amongst a set of combined measures, top of which is dialogue with ISIS I'm afraid.

i can't ever see that happening tbh and it shouldnt - in my opinion they are a barbaric pieces of shit who need to be killed. you can't negotiate with people like that. what exactly do you talk to them about ? an organization that wants everyone who doesn't believe in what they believe dead.
No offence but I don't think it's the answer. It would be like chasing smoke and only lead to yet more of our soldiers' lives being wasted. Military involvement can only be effective when deployed in amongst a set of combined measures, top of which is dialogue with ISIS I'm afraid.

What dialogue? You can't negotiate with someone who only wants one thing - to kill everyone different from them.
My friend is in Paris now, romantic break with her husband! Didn't know it was this weekend. Currently trapped in a bar police won't let them go anywhere.
No offence but I don't think it's the answer. It would be like chasing smoke and only lead to yet more of our soldiers' lives being wasted. Military involvement can only be effective when deployed in amongst a set of combined measures, top of which is dialogue with ISIS I'm afraid.

Don't think diplomacy will have any effect they are involving to many know

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