Attacks in Paris

Of course not, but would you dispute that allowing hundreds of thousands of people into Europe from ISIS breeding grounds just might be a factor in an increase of terrorist attacks in this continent?

Having more of them here gives them the opportunity to pull off the well orchestrated, timed and planned attacks like we've seen tonight. This hasn't just been one or two nutjobs with guns like 7/7 or Charlie Hebdo.

What can you do when men, women and children are drowning at sea trying to flee bombing in there country ?
Letting Isis thrive in Syria has brought us here. They were planning this as Obama called Isis the "the jv team". By all means, keep killing yourselves to appear tolerant.

What you propose is doing nothing and waiting for it to be your country who is next.

Your crime is not taking murderous madmen seriously, and this is the result. Prepare to accept this every month until you get serious.

No, I haven't proposed anything. There is no obvious solution to such a complex problem. I just think your tub-thumping, right-wing rhetoric is stupidly simplistic.
I doubt it, a coordinated attack like this takes some planning. I hope the hostages are ok but I don't think it will end well for some of them.
Unfortunately I don't hold much hope for the hostages unless the French military and police can shoot the takers first. They're not going to let them go otherwise are they, it's not a bank robbery. Pray for them.

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