Attacks in Paris

The only hope is that they can get sharp shooters in place that can get a clear shot at both gunmen at the same time, you cant take out just one of them as the other could just spray bullets everywhere.
Boots on the ground doesn't win this war. What wins this war is allowing the Government to 'snoop' on us. The cunts who signed the petition complaining that the government gets too much data from us can shut the fuck up.
You believe any old shit don't you?
Where was GCHQ on 7/7?
No I certainly do not just believe any old shit. How many attacks have been succesfully thwarted in this country since, that you know of. By that I mean thwarted operations resulting in prosecutions and convictions of plotters with real plans that were stopped before they happened. Several is the answer.
No, I haven't proposed anything. There is no obvious solution to such a complex problem. I just think your tub-thumping, right-wing rhetoric is stupidly simplistic.
These people have told us flat out that they want to kill us. Isis isn't a group who makes idle threats. They've done it already. They're doing exactly what they told us they'd do. They aren't a stateless terrorist group, they have a country.

You can't fight them by loving them. They have no mercy. They're trading Christians and Yazidis in slave markets. They want you and your family dead. The funding and planning for these attacks happen in offshoot groups or in the caliphate itself. Destroying the caliphate is the only way to stop this.
What can you do when men, women and children are drowning at sea trying to flee bombing in there country ?

Sounds callous, but think objectively rather than subjectively. If we are going to allow people into Europe then they need to have background checks. I like our governments stance of taking refugees from Syrian camps as well - disincentives them to make that horrendous journey.

Whatever happens, all refugees should be temporary, which simply won't be the case with the huge numbers Merkel invited.

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