Attacks in Paris

Fuck me, you can stick your liberte, egalite etc.
Algerian asylum seeker arrested today for going around his asylum centre warning people of an attack in Paris, saying it was imminent. The Turks also told France about some of the suspects. The arrests and raids seemed to come very quickly after the attacks, I think the authorities knew an attack was going to occur and who was going to be involved but didn't act in time
I was saying similar at work earlier. Its a grief competition these days when something happens, people desperate to show how they are the saddest and they care the most.
Coach loads of Scouse are on their way to show how proper faux weeping and wailing is done, Brendan and Kenny driving in shifts
Watch the 'defence' budget soar. My missus is already scared of the idea of me getting a bus down Oxford road and it's that fear that fuels what has effectively been a hundred year arms race.

The problem is (amongst 910 other things) that this is retrospective action when we need preventative action. That doesn't involve a handful more harriers in the sky; it starts at ground level.

The fact is that tragedies like this happen on an almost daily basis and they won't stop as long as the people who have power stop stealing from those who don't. People who are shocked that others can be so easily manipulated to cause so much pain and suffering need to look at our own armed forces and our own governments, both past and present.

What do you get if you take a terrorist, shave their beard, bleach their skin and put them in a suit? A fucking terrorist.
There is no clamour to "be the most grieving" and putting up the French flag on facebook is all some can do to show support to a foreign country. Typical bluemoon chronic poster look at me bullshit that drowns every thread in this place.
My Mrs is a weeping and wailing soft arse, her bottom lip was wobbling the other day when she trod on a snail and smashed it's shell, even she has said all this facefuck grief is OTT and all these French flag changers are 'professional weepers'

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