Attacks in Paris

Corbyn isn't allowing a free vote for his MPs being the communist tyrant he is despite him constantly voting against every form Labour leader.

He also wants to make "peace with Isis". So he's pretty happy to see westerners die at the hands of ISIS.
Dan, for a supposedly intelligent lad, you can make a single-cell amoeba look like an Oxbridge graduate at times. As far as I can see, Corbyn has said he'd like a negotiated political settlement in Syria, as opposed to the Bush/Blair approach of blowing anything that moves to fuck.

Had we (a) not interfered in Iraq in the first place and (b) however unpalatable it may have seemed, supported Assad against the rag-bag of violent fundametalists opposing him, then most of the shit pulled by ISIS probably would never have happened.

Corbyn is absolutely right that dropping a few bombs won't solve anything long-term and that we need a more multi-faceted, broadly based, local political solution as the only way to solve this problem. History shows that military force may have a part to play but, for a lasting outcome, there always has to be a political solution.
Well said bud... It's like every Muppet on my Facebook is pressuring me into a guilt trip to have the French flag as my profile picture... With messages from people asking why I haven't yet to do it.....

Having to justify to morons why I will freely mourn in my own way and not conform to almost fascist like procedures.
Whats "pressure on facebook"? does that even exist? its just cynicism.
Dan, for a supposedly intelligent lad, you can make a single-cell amoeba look like an Oxbridge graduate at times. As far as I can see, Corbyn has said he'd like a negotiated political settlement in Syria, as opposed to the Bush/Blair approach of blowing anything that moves to fuck.

Had we (a) not interfered in Iraq in the first place and (b) however unpalatable it may have seemed, supported Assad against the rag-bag of violent fundametalists opposing him, then most of the shit pulled by ISIS probably would never have happened.

Corbyn is absolutely right that dropping a few bombs won't solve anything long-term and that we need a more multi-faceted, broadly based, local political solution as the only way to solve this problem. History shows that military force may have a part to play but, for a lasting outcome, there always has to be a political solution.

We can't undo what happened with Iraq so we can only play with the hand we have been dealt with...

ISIS aren't a group that will negotiate with. As horrible as the Taliban are, they actually hold negotiations. ISIS are a different breed, they are an evil cult and show no diplomacy what so ever. What world does Jihadi Jez live in?

The old fool is also unhappy with the shoot to kill policy on UK streets, which also demonstrates why he's content on Western folk dying at the hands of ISIS. Shoot to kill could prevent atrocities.

Can nobody see the irony in the man not allowing a free vote despite him voting against his party on over 500 occasions? His bullying team are also pressure Danczuk to leave, again anybody else see the irony?
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No it doesn't i haven't changed my background but i know people who have. Its a tiny 10 second thing that most do because they want to show some kind of support, most of the people who do it will also donate money. You just have a cynical way of looking at it as it helps you to generalise a large amount of people enabling you to feel better than them. Thats the bluemmon way it seems so no doubt i'll be rounded on by chronic posters.

He finds it annoying and you don't we get it, you started the pissy shit when you could just say "meh, doesn't bother me" as opposed to then poking posters in the chest with your comments for their opinion.

I feel bad regularly with such a waste of life, the same day 145 Kenyan people were murdered and i feel bad for them also. I just can affect the situation that much.
If people want to change their pic then that is up to them, but seeing the fella drive his piano to do that was just over the top imo and smacked of "look at me".

Maybe i am just more reserved with my actions in certain scenarios.
No it doesn't i haven't changed my background but i know people who have. Its a tiny 10 second thing that most do because they want to show some kind of support, most of the people who do it will also donate money. You just have a cynical way of looking at it as it helps you to generalise a large amount of people enabling you to feel better than them. Thats the bluemmon way it seems so no doubt i'll be rounded on by chronic posters.

French women explains it better

''I won’t be changing my profile to the French flag even though I am French and from Paris. The reason for this is that if I did this for only Paris this would be wrong. If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day. My heart is with the world, no borders, no hierarchy, I hold every human’s life with value who is attacked by extremist beliefs whether they are based on religion, prejudice or profit! Don’t be part of the “us and them” mentality which the war mongers want you to do!”
It just comes across as jumping on the fake bandwagon

changing the background of your profile pic to a french flag with the picture being lads in nando's, or girls in bikinis. Its complete bullsh*t. If people genuinely cared they would donate money to help the injured or something more useful but the reality is they don't actually give a crap and are doing so to boost there ego.
And we Brits are the worse of the lot, travel abroad and the locals seem to be talking to each other face to face over drinks or a meal, you can tell the Brits they have their phones out 'liking' berryl's cat chasing wool around the kitchen or something equally earth shattering
A reporter on a news channel the other day reported that unlike the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January millions of French people were not coming onto the streets to weep and wail or do gimmicks like putting their flag on facebook but were sat at home quietly seething and keeping their anger within their family at what has happened to Paris and France, they are sick of gimmicks and want positive action instead
He finds it annoying and you don't we get it, you started the pissy shit when you could just say "meh, doesn't bother me" as opposed to then poking posters in the chest with your comments for their opinion.

I feel bad regularly with such a waste of life, the same day 145 Kenyan people were murdered and i feel bad for them also. I just can affect the situation that much.
If people want to change their pic then that is up to them, but seeing the fella drive his piano to do that was just over the top imo and smacked of "look at me".

Maybe i am just more reserved with my actions in certain scenarios.
Complete bollocks i responded to someone whining about competition grieving when there is none, just cynicism. Now of course you know this thats why you use phrases like"pissy shit" to try and demean my stance when in truth you're probably just trying to support posters you have more interaction with otherwise my "what does it matter" stance would cause no effect or anger at all. It says alot about your character.
We can't undo what happened with Iraq so we can only play with the hand we have been dealt with...

ISIS aren't a group that will negotiate with. As horrible as the Taliban are, they actually hold negotiations. ISIS are a different breed, they are an evil cult and show no diplomacy what so ever. What world does Jihadi Jez live in?
We can't undo it but we can learn from it and not repeat the same mistakes again and again. I agree that ISIS appear to be a different breed and that some sort of military response is needed. But the Iraqi army, militia and the Kurdish Peshmerga are dealing with that in Iraq. It may take time but there are successes. Syria is a more complex set of problems but we should give the Russians the green light to work with Assad to roll back the fundamentalists. Then, once the government have re-established control over the physical territory, it will be time to talk a bout a political settlement. But despite all the sanctimonious crap about Palestine being the key issue, there will never be peace in the Arab world until good government is the rule rather than the exception. And that could take 50, 100 years.

It's like growing culture in Agar dishes, which need jelly to feed on. Without the jelly, you can't grow the culture and the lack of political stability, economic opportunity and individual freedom is the jelly that allows bacteria like ISIS to thrive.
If I placed a picture as my Facebook profile/cover of cars running over people and displaying the stats and then encouraging people to share this image, and place it as their Facebook page no fucker would bother even though more people die.

Just egotistical wankers who want the ir social circles to know that they themselves are in apparent mourning.... Whilst at the same time on YouPorn having a wank
French women explains it better

''I won’t be changing my profile to the French flag even though I am French and from Paris. The reason for this is that if I did this for only Paris this would be wrong. If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day. My heart is with the world, no borders, no hierarchy, I hold every human’s life with value who is attacked by extremist beliefs whether they are based on religion, prejudice or profit! Don’t be part of the “us and them” mentality which the war mongers want you to do!”
What does that even prove as i,m sure if i could be arsed to check i could pull up some quote from a French person who likes the sentiment.

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