Attacks in Paris

If Labour still want to exist the need to get rid of him, he's seriously damaging the party.

Your the only person on this forum who would drag corbyns name on a thread like this, you seem infatuated with him, day in day out, corbyn, corbyn, corbyn, ffs give it a rest you sad twat.
How ironic. A meme having a pop at people being brainwashed for having a pop at people who are brainwashed.

Ah yes, the fact that the west has never dropped a single bomb nor killed a single person in the Middle East, the brain washing is working.
Hollande's asking for 3 month state of emergency to be put in place and reiterated France is "At war" and he's talking to the US and Russia. This is either a risky strategy to encourage further repercussions or were on the brink of one of two things. World unity in defiance of the ideology of a brainwashed few or a French police state using the deaths of innocents to protect the few.

I prefer the unity version myself as long as they make the effort to distinguishe between terrorist and innocent.

This is all being done on emotion (and forthcoming regional French elections)

Cold critical heads are needed to win hearts and minds not create brainwashed martyrs.
You didn't read my posts did you? maybe just skimmed them in your rush to the aid of a poster you no doubt have "banter" with all over off topic. My posts are all of a "what harm does it do nature" except for the ones where responses are of the "fanny a wipe" type. What part of " What harm does it do" do you have a problem with?

Well at least there is a simple question at the end of your post :-)

As i have explained in my posts, there is no harm in it and nor does anything about wanting to show a bit of support do any harm.
That does not preclude certain peoples actions as coming across as rather crass.
Driving your own piano 400 miles to play in the open seems a bit like self publicizing to me on the back of a tragedy.
Also if your in a Jacuzzi holding a glass of wine having a good old time sticking a pic of the French flag on it seems a kind of empty gesture.

This is a minor irritation in my day, not something that affects me or my mood, just an little niggle that is forgot about as fast as it is noted.
A public forum on an the related event seems a decent place to note it.
If I placed a picture as my Facebook profile/cover of cars running over people and displaying the stats and then encouraging people to share this image, and place it as their Facebook page no fucker would bother even though more people die.

Just egotistical wankers who want the ir social circles to know that they themselves are in apparent mourning.... Whilst at the same time on YouPorn having a wank

It's only for a few days mate - I'll be back to calling them surrender monkeys this time next week!
Call me a sad twat in person you fucking nonce, I dare you. Fucking keyboard warrior.

Given he's leader of the opposition and has outrageous foreign affairs and defense policy I think it's appropriate to highlight his dangerous actions. He's also in the privy council so is a key figure in this country....

No different that posters on here posting about utd...

Fucking sick of posters on here making personal attacks on other posters, I disagree with other people's ideas, I've never gone out of my way to insult other poster despite their difference in opinion. On this occasion I've had to retort. People on here won't do it in person so why do it on a forum?
I think people are getting fed up with your relentless personal attacks on Corbyn, which are predictable, tedious and just serve to derail threads as well as encourage abuse. So it would be nice if you could practice what you preach regarding personal abuse. And that's me saying it, who's a friend.

No one is stopping you disagreeing with people's ideas, as that's what a forum is for but I'd prefer that you make some positive and constructive contribution to these threads in terms of presenting some ideas of your own.

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