Attacks in Paris

Everywhere you go you see people on their phones, typing away, talking inane drivel. I'll be home in 5 minutes...and she/he couldn't wait until you got home so you had to tell them? Fuckwit.
It's as though they can't spend 5 minutes on their own without someone else to interact with. Years ago, before all this social fuckwittery, you met your mates down the pub to catch up on the news. Now? There's no need as everyone puts it up for the world to see. Changing your profile to a French flag is pointless. Utterly pointless. As with most things in life these days. Drivel on the tv, drivel on the radio, drivel on social media.

Change it to the flag today. Tomorrow change it to something else. Wednesday to a cat as one died badly. Thursday to a celebrity who has had a bad time of it bless...
If I placed a picture as my Facebook profile/cover of cars running over people and displaying the stats and then encouraging people to share this image, and place it as their Facebook page no fucker would bother even though more people die.

Just egotistical wankers who want the ir social circles to know that they themselves are in apparent mourning.... Whilst at the same time on YouPorn having a wank
Such absolute shite, after what you posted on here the other day i'm amazed you are even allowed still to post on this forum. No doubt you get on with the mods though.
Complete bollocks i responded to someone whining about competition grieving when there is none, just cynicism. Now of course you know this thats why you use phrases like"pissy shit" to try and demean my stance when in truth you're probably just trying to support posters you have more interaction with otherwise my "what does it matter" stance would cause no effect or anger at all. It says alot about your character.

You talk a lot but don't seem to say very much. In your opinion there is none, so why not wind your fucking neck in stomping around like your opinion is the fucking law eh pal.
There's no way that ISIS will ever opt for a political solution. If these fanatics really believe that they are carrying out Allah's will then this brand of terrorism will continue until the last man falls. In fact, the authorities already know that ISIS will attract a huge inflow of supporters if they, or a fringe cell, should launch a Paris style outrage on Israel. If that should happen then the world will really be in nightmare territory.
Such absolute shite, after what you posted on here the other day i'm amazed you are even allowed still to post on this forum. No doubt you get on with the mods though.
I was banned bud... And rightly so.
My view was at 2/3am and I totally disagree with it now. At that moment in time I felt that way.

I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

I never asked to be unbanned, what I did however was read more about other views, ways in which to resolve this ISIL conflict peacefully and then in an e-mail to BM staff I apologised, pointing out my wrongdoings.

Surprisingly, I was unbanned.
I was banned bud... And rightly so.
My view was at 2/3am and I totally disagree with it now. At that moment in time I felt that way.

I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

I never asked to be unbanned, what I did however was read more about other views, ways in which to resolve this ISIL conflict peacefully and then in an e-mail to BM staff I apologised, pointing out my wrongdoings.

Surprisingly, I was unbanned.
fair enough, i can at least see how immediate anger can lead to chatting shit, weve all done it. Its one of the evils of terrorism that makes good people, me included think things they never would before such as nuking Raqqa. I wonder if they ever attack Manchester would i post something similar to what you did.
So they've named Washington as next to suffer.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Washington, New York, London to be all targeted in the next years.

What's Russia's stance in bombings? Have they bombed Syria or not?
I would like to see terrorists pull out Kalashnikovs in Washington or New York, within about 20 seconds there would be guns firing back at them especially if they were foolish enough to attack a rock or rap gig

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