Attacks in Paris

Well at least there is a simple question at the end of your post :-)

As i have explained in my posts, there is no harm in it and nor does anything about wanting to show a bit of support do any harm.
That does not preclude certain peoples actions as coming across as rather crass.
Driving your own piano 400 miles to play in the open seems a bit like self publicizing to me on the back of a tragedy.
Also if your in a Jacuzzi holding a glass of wine having a good old time sticking a pic of the French flag on it seems a kind of empty gesture.

This is a minor irritation in my day, not something that affects me or my mood, just an little niggle that is forgot about as fast as it is noted.
A public forum on an the related event seems a decent place to note it.
That would be all well and good if it did not involve implanted cynicism onto peoples actions. That pianist may have felt he had no other outlet to show how he felt, the photo in the jacuzzi may have been took to show the terrorists that life goes on but i don't know i haven't seen it. in either way it does no harm and without knowing the people involved it just generalizes people who we don't know negatively but as i've said before that seems to be the way of the world these days.
I really don't know with these attacks. As evident in some of my previous fall outs on here I have struggled with the concept of mass immigration to this country but I like to consider myself a decent person and when I saw that poor lad dead on the beech a few weeks ago I was so sad and was thinking we should do our bit. But then I watch a video today about islamist extremists in Luton and 2 radical muslims talking about sharia law in the UK I am sat thinking cheeky bastads - if you don't like our way of life feel free to fuckoff.

Tonight I am going playing football with my muslim mate who is not really religious in the way I would label myself Church of England and he is the soundest lad you could ever meet but believes the Koran in the same way i might believe the bible - but I do worry that areas such as Bradford and Luton and maybe even Oldham will become potential future breeding grounds for extremist and one day my biggest hobby in life - visiting City will be subject to a terrorist attack. Surely if is human nature to think on that basis - I don't want more immigration until this problem is improved?

No doubt I will get labelled a racist but just being honest. I couldn't really give a shit about colour of skin - just don't want people living close to my home town who have these beliefs and might want to blow me up.
So 3 days on when emotions are now more calm this thread has turned this into a right v left pissing contest.

Drones strikes do kill many civilians so I would not like britain to use them, Di'ash if anyone has watched some of the special reports on them have a well set up system that mixes civilians with their members in villages, towns and cities they control, they are not just some fundamental nutters arsing about in the desert, they are ex high ranking and highly trained members of saddam old army and elite guard and well trained jihadi fighters that assad released from prison to fight his enemies, but then pissed off into the desert and joined the other fuckers. Bombimg the fuck out of them will not solve the problem though it does help weake some strategic positions
Firstly the west and russia should stop having a proxy cock fight in Syria and get the Assad government and rebels to settle their differences temperally and join together to fight these ****, while at the same time europe needs to tell turkey to get involved more with NATO support while we need to support the Kurds who, when helped have made good gains against them.
Lastly instead of pandering to the saudi's and treating Iran with caution we need to get them fully involved in supporting the Iraqi army, syria and kurds.

Only letting the local nations fight this (with our support) rather than we ourselves sending troops will this be sorted, settled governments and stability will defeat these twats.

This isn't a left/right - tory v corbyn issue this is a global problem as Di'ash/boko harem/al-shabaab are not only in syria/iraq/nigeria/egypt they are further afield and we need to deal with them globally not turn this into political point scoring
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I agree WW, at least unchecked immigration - happy to accommodate those who can prove they are genuine.

If your bathtub is overflowing, the first thing you do is turn off the tap. It's going to be incredibly difficult to weed out the extremists that currently live among us, but it's going to be nigh on impossible if the pot of people to investigate keeps growing.
So 3 days on when emotions are now more calm this thread has turned this into a right v left pissing contest.

Drones strikes do kill many civilians so I would not like britain to use them, Di'ash if anyone has watched some of the special reports on them have a well set up system that mixes civilians with their members in villages, towns and cities they control, they are not just some fundamental nutters arsing about in the desert, they are ex high ranking and highly trained members of saddam old army and elite guard and well trained jihadi fighters that assad released from prison to fight his enemies, but then pissed off into the desert and joined the other fuckers. Bombimg the fuck out of them will not solve the problem though it does help weake some strategic positions
Firstly the west and russia should stop having a proxy cock fight in Syria and get the Assad government and rebels to settle their differences temperally and join together to fight these ****, while at the same time europe needs to tell turkey to get involved more with NATO support while we need to support the Kurds who, when helped have made good gains against them.
Lastly instead of pandering to the saudi's and treating Iran with caution we need to get them fully involved in supporting the Iraqi army, syria and kurds.

Only letting the local nations fight this (with our support) rather than we ourselves sending troops will this be sorted, settled governments and stability will defeat these twats.

This isn't a left/right - tory v corbyn issue this is a global problem as Di'ash/boko harem/al-shabaab are not only in syria/iraq/nigeria/egypt they are further afield and we need to dela with them globally not turn this into political poit scoring

Agree with this post. In bold more so.
What's your solution Ken?

Quite a way down the road now, very very difficult. To find a solution you need to know what the causes are. No one on any of the sides are straight about their intentions, ISIS, the west, other ME countries, Gulf countries and Israel all have their own agendas. Whether anyone likes him or not, what Galloway said has played out almost to a T. According to Bliar and his "intelligence" the same intelligence we use now thought Hussein should be overthrown for his WMD's and the gassing of Kurds. Gas we had sold and have done very little to help the Kurds since. That is one very small example of one very small part of what is happening.
People are saying ISIS are not for talking. They are clearly talking to someone. They travel about in a showroom full of Honda motors, better comfort than any army in the world. They are selling oil to fund and were formed in the cells of Abu Ghraib, so the US will know who is who.
I cannot pretend to have a solution but what is currently happening is plainly not working, so someone somewhere has to make the first move to try and get all those mentioned above around some table unless of course it is not on their agenda to have any kind of peace in the ME.
Quite a way down the road now, very very difficult. To find a solution you need to know what the causes are. No one on any of the sides are straight about their intentions, ISIS, the west, other ME countries, Gulf countries and Israel all have their own agendas. Whether anyone likes him or not, what Galloway said has played out almost to a T. According to Bliar and his "intelligence" the same intelligence we use now thought Hussein should be overthrown for his WMD's and the gassing of Kurds. Gas we had sold and have done very little to help the Kurds since. That is one very small example of one very small part of what is happening.
People are saying ISIS are not for talking. They are clearly talking to someone. They travel about in a showroom full of Honda motors, better comfort than any army in the world. They are selling oil to fund and were formed in the cells of Abu Ghraib, so the US will know who is who.
I cannot pretend to have a solution but what is currently happening is plainly not working, so someone somewhere has to make the first move to try and get all those mentioned above around some table unless of course it is not on their agenda to have any kind of peace in the ME.

Isis won't talk, their aim is quite simple. The death of every infidel. You can't reason with them, you can't negotiate with them because we can't give them what they want.
Isis won't talk, their aim is quite simple. The death of every infidel. You can't reason with them, you can't negotiate with them because we can't give them what they want.

As i said they are talking to someone, make no bones about that. It might not suit the west's narrative but they are known to the US and they are not stupid.
Quite a way down the road now, very very difficult. To find a solution you need to know what the causes are. No one on any of the sides are straight about their intentions, ISIS, the west, other ME countries, Gulf countries and Israel all have their own agendas. Whether anyone likes him or not, what Galloway said has played out almost to a T. According to Bliar and his "intelligence" the same intelligence we use now thought Hussein should be overthrown for his WMD's and the gassing of Kurds. Gas we had sold and have done very little to help the Kurds since. That is one very small example of one very small part of what is happening.
People are saying ISIS are not for talking. They are clearly talking to someone. They travel about in a showroom full of Honda motors, better comfort than any army in the world. They are selling oil to fund and were formed in the cells of Abu Ghraib, so the US will know who is who.
I cannot pretend to have a solution but what is currently happening is plainly not working, so someone somewhere has to make the first move to try and get all those mentioned above around some table unless of course it is not on their agenda to have any kind of peace in the ME.
Good post up to the name Galloway, i stopped reading after that

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