
With regards to Boxing day selling out, I usually miss three games a season due to holidays and I never want to leave my seat empty so I used to give my ticket to an elderly chap who is now too old to go. So this season not wanting to have my seat empty I have tried the ticket exchange twice but both times it has been unsold. It is a good seat on SS level two but curiously even though the game is sold out the seat is not sold. I'm not bothered about the money aspect but the problem is, if you sell the seat yourself or give it free (which I am happy to do) you don't know whether the person will end up getting you's just not worth it to fill your seat.
That's a fair point.
Well the club know exactly how many don't attend don't they.

They are also trying to ascertain why so many don't attend having paid for a ticket, hence the emails.

You say you wouldn't waste your time coming up with a reason why this problem is particularly endemic at City, yet do waste your time pulling another poster up for his opinion on this thread, which seems odd.

Because the idea of turning supporters away based on some arbitary attendance tally is appalling. Would be a disgrace if the club ever got involved with something like that.

I don't give a toss who turns up and who doesn't, they've paid for their seat and it's their right to choose what they do with it. I'd rather watch the football than count empty seats, and if all some Liverpool or rag supporter can have a go at us about is empty seats then I reckon we're doing pretty well as a club. It's still pretty easy to get tickets to most games if you want to go (all home games on sale) so I don't know why theres this mad rush to start turfing blues out.
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Citys fan base has changed for the worse ,why so many people buy a season ticket and don't go is mind boggling why tickets are so expensive for a single game is something I cant get my head round ,our support used to be the best in the world now we are becoming a laughing stock .we have thousands of fans who cant afford tickets and don't go yet we have thousands who can afford tickets and buy them then don't go ,the answer is quite simple reduce the number of season ticket holders and if you don't go to the majority of games you cant renew a season ticket .also make it easier and cheaper to get a match day ticket
I have tried ticket exchange and Viagogo in the past and it is has been my experience that my ticket has not sold. Even when games are "sold out" it is usually easy to buy tickets almost right up to the game with possible exceptions being United and Liverpool. In my view the empty seats are normally not stopping anyone who wants a ticket from getting one.
What might make the ticket exchange scheme work better, would be a facility to 'swap' a ticket for another seat. I go with my son every week and there was one game we couldn't get to. The tickets, as a pair, sold within a couple of hours. Subsequently, he couldn't make another game and the ticket was left unsold, although he had it on the exchange for a fortnight. I know it's not very scientific, but it suggests that 2's sell much easier than 1's. I would be happy to sit anywhere, if he can't make it again (as would he, if I couldn't get there).
There is probably some highly complex reason why it wouldn't work but it might be worth looking at.
Citys fan base has changed for the worse ,why so many people buy a season ticket and don't go is mind boggling why tickets are so expensive for a single game is something I cant get my head round ,our support used to be the best in the world now we are becoming a laughing stock .we have thousands of fans who cant afford tickets and don't go yet we have thousands who can afford tickets and buy them then don't go ,the answer is quite simple reduce the number of season ticket holders and if you don't go to the majority of games you cant renew a season ticket .also make it easier and cheaper to get a match day ticket
Laughing stock my arse, you're obviously still pissed!
Have we? Really?

Or are you just being a fanny?

We are one of the best supported clubs in Europe..even if you include empty seats we are still pulling in 50k+ crowds..but let's not let reality get in the way of a good story eh?
If you going to have a pop at me please stick to the facts and answer the questions .why do so many people who but season tickets don't go ? why are season tickets for a single game so expensive?
Over 50k at games and fans moaning about a thousand season ticked holders not choosing to go to certain games beggars belief.
Laughing stock my arse, you're obviously still pissed!
I have tried ticket exchange and Viagogo in the past and it is has been my experience that my ticket has not sold. Even when games are "sold out" it is usually easy to buy tickets almost right up to the game with possible exceptions being United and Liverpool. In my view the empty seats are normally not stopping anyone who wants a ticket from getting one.
I think the price for a single ticket is putting people off

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