
m27 said:
I've also got another question; WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO WITH THE ORANGE??????

What Ive heard is that they put a tablet into the orange segment I think its an aspirin, and when they come they bite into the orange segment which releases the juice and tablet to be swallowed which helps kick start the heart again in case of going to far!

Hope this clears things up!
Biggsy1 said:
m27 said:
I've also got another question; WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO WITH THE ORANGE??????

What Ive heard is that they put a tablet into the orange segment I think its an aspirin, and when they come they bite into the orange segment which releases the juice and tablet to be swallowed which helps kick start the heart again in case of going to far!

Hope this clears things up!

If true, that is genius.
meldrew said:
What's wrong with the old finger up your arse?

*Not that I've tried it!*

Let me tell you a story about that.

17 years ago our school treated the 5th year football team to a trip to somewhere rural (forgotten where exactly) as a reward for winning the cup. We stayed in a cottage and wewere all crammed in a bedroom one night swopping stories about birds and sexual encounters as 16 year olds do before all going to bed.

The mood was pretty jovial and then one of the lads, for the purposes of this exercise we shall call him Joe (because that's what he was fucking called) started telling his story:

"I was in my bedroom the other night at home and I heard my Mum and Dad shagging so I started having a wank...." *jaws drop*

*oblivious* "Then just as I was about to shoot my load I stuck a pencil up my arse. Has anyone tried it, it's fucking ace!"

I think Joe had issues. The pencil on its own I can accept but the pencil/parents having sex combo is surely not right. Pinkwheeltrim, is this something you've tried?
m27 said:
meldrew said:
What's wrong with the old finger up your arse?

*Not that I've tried it!*

Let me tell you a story about that.

17 years ago our school treated the 5th year football team to a trip to somewhere rural (forgotten where exactly) as a reward for winning the cup. We stayed in a cottage and wewere all crammed in a bedroom one night swopping stories about birds and sexual encounters as 16 year olds do before all going to bed.

The mood was pretty jovial and then one of the lads, for the purposes of this exercise we shall call him Joe (because that's what he was fucking called) started telling his story:

"I was in my bedroom the other night at home and I heard my Mum and Dad shagging so I started having a wank...." *jaws drop*

*oblivious* "Then just as I was about to shoot my load I stuck a pencil up my arse. Has anyone tried it, it's fucking ace!"

I think Joe had issues. The pencil on its own I can accept but the pencil/parents having sex combo is surely not right. Pinkwheeltrim, is this something you've tried?

Pencil/Finger I can understand on a level!

But to listen to your parents whilst doing the business, is just fucking wrong!
m27 said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
For reference, this does not work with a paper bag....

Sports bag?

I was actually discussing this at a mates last night, no, not whilst in a circle jerk, but would a JD bag suffice?

That way it isnt actually tied more "drawn" shut meaning a last second escape could me made?

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