Think you should pay more attention on breaking the habit of late eating, not much good comes of it as the body wants to shut down n let melatonin take over the late shift after serotonin signed off for the night, clogging up the system/small intestine with food just sat there awaiting the day shift to start can play havoc in the long run.
Better to eat more water soluble substances than dense if you feel to eat late, young thai coconut n its gel/flesh will suffice or a simple cucumber, both great for electrolytes n the former for medium chain fatty acids (mcfa's) too.
A really decent fruit for gut health is the Papaya, the Papain within its seeds if you can handle the bitterness n the flesh before it starts to orange up makes it a good friend to Pepsin n the whole digestion process.
The urge to eat late or the sensation of it is always there after working out late but the mind over matter route n sensible combination choices has many benefits.
The/your journey is really a self-case study n point, my perspective will no doubt differ from others as there is no one band aid solves all, especially when we all perceive differently according to our research methodologies.