I'm about 4 days in with this intermittent fasting/time restricted eating now.
Going to trial it for a month and gauge how I feel as I go along and tweak if necessary.
I've this element of OCD which can be detrimental (around other people I live with, or at least did live with!) or beneficial as it masquerades as will power.
So I'm definitely going to keep it up.
If it does nothing more than ensure I eat FAR earlier then I used to (10pm +) and perhaps trimmed me up a little then it's done its thing.
I feel really good btw. Skipping the breakfast and eating earlier is giving me a bit of a light bounce back.
Using a 9 hour window atm.
I even did my Park Run Saturday morning in the midst of a fast and energy seemed good (although with a leg injury I'm not exactly pushing it).
And according to those in the field of researching this, early tea/coffees are fine as their bitter, rather than sweet (as long as you don't pipe sugar/milk in to them).
I had a good listen to this on Friday which emboldened this habitual process somewhat.
Tim Spector (Zoe) is part of the discussion and I found it quite fascinating. Crucially there's a mention of those times when you feel utterly zapped with energy (what they call bonking in cycling) it absolutely recommends eating at this stage.
I'm also finding it simplifies my life even further (something less to think about in the morning).
I wonder if those studies at Bath Uni contradict any of this (I'll dive in and have a mooch)?