You wont starve mate...youve a food store around your belly button called get the key you go 20+ hrs without food.
If you start eating building foods pre having a dump your stacking your foods...middle aged spread.
Once youve dumped your toxins you can have your tea whenever you want ( it was only set at factory chucking out time for necessity) and then decide how you feel about skidding through the rest of the day/night without eating to repeat the move the following day.
Break-fast is about dropping the toxins from the day before ( forget proteins) food that fascilitates that is goer..bananas according to our culture will be binding ..though fully ripe and theyre fine.
Forget all cereals and the bum steer egg bacon breakfasts...building foods are for the afternoon session ( if you must) .
Watermelon and dandelion/burdoch are your friend.
As ever, it's perhaps a case of adjusting for your own personal situations.
I do like a lot of fruit and recently started chucking Kafir down my neck (coz 'supposed' to be good for your gut health) but as I tend to work out every day (lifting weights, running, walking, yoga, pilates) I'm going to hazard a guess I need to fill it with some good protein too.
Before I stated a gym (around 5 years ago) I ran a fair bit - 15ks/half marathons etc and was quite thin (healthy but muscle was starting to diminish and my ass had all but gone).
Great for running but wasn't a look I was keen on.
After an injury (hip Cartledge) I was advised to take up gym work to strengthen my core and never looked back.
Sorting sleep is a priortit now. My eyes sometimes sting with tiredness.
Actually the last couple of nights have been the first time I've dreamt in quite some time, so maybe it's heading in the right direction.