AVB sacked/Abramovich. (Merged)

Pearcey said:
Let's face it. The Portuguese league is a tin-pot league where only 2 teams ever win. AVB was out of his depth from start to finish. Clueless, classless and cretinous.

See, people say this, but Mourinho won that league with a record worse than AVB's last season. It surely can't be that bad if the best manager in the world trained himself in it.
mcfc_ms said:
Fernando Torres is averaging 1.6 goals per manager at Chelsea.

If only they changed manager every week he would be the premier leagues top scorer.
Unknown_Genius said:
Doesn't surprise me really. It was a decision they had to make. Some, maybe even most of the players had lost their faith in him, and they can't afford to miss out on fourth. He was trying to build a new team, in his image, and the players didn't really fit/buy into it. He tried getting tough by dropping the likes of Lampard, and later Cole, and that only alienated him even more. In the end it became clear they weren't playing for him. The Chelsea old guard has a lot of influence in that dressing room.

based on the new team in his image, will Mata stay?
A good manager gets the best out of the players at his disposal,regardless of what people on here might think,Terry,Lampard,Cole,Drogba et al are good players,these players know how to win games,cups,titles,AVB didn't need to reinvent the wheel at Chelsea,all he needed to do was to oversee Chelseas transitional period while maintaining a challenge for trophies,he failed.
feel bad for him, undermined from day one from a bunch of shitty individuals when it's obvious that what he wanted to do was what chelsea have to do
The thing is that it's natural to feel sorry for him, and he is very young so that gets our sympathy, but on the other hand he is a protege of Mourinho, the grand prick of all pricks, he was manager of Porto and fit in well there and we all saw what a bunch of pricks that lot are, and he does seem to have some pretty arrogant things along the way.

So maybe it will turn out that he's a detestable, arrogant prick who only gained our sympathy because he was a complete failure in the Premier League. I guess we'll find out if he's ever successful in a top flight league.
One of Lampard, Terry, Cashley or Drogba should have been fucked off in the summer. It's obvious they wern't giving it their all for the club.
royle said:
A good manager gets the best out of the players at his disposal,regardless of what people on here might think,Terry,Lampard,Cole,Drogba et al are good players,these players know how to win games,cups,titles,AVB didn't need to reinvent the wheel at Chelsea,all he needed to do was to oversee Chelseas transitional period while maintaining a challenge for trophies,he failed.
Martin Samuel sums it all up pretty well in today's Mail when he says that while the behaviour of Abramovich and the senior players has veeb an absolute disgrace, AVB's tenure as manager was an unmitigated disaster as he failed at every aspect of the job.

In hindsight, he tried to do too much too soon. You can't fuck off all those players yet keep them in the squad, poisoning things from within. He had to keep them onside somehow until he could get them out of the club completely, and failing to do so was what ultimately cost him his job.

But he'll be better off in the long run away from the madhouse that is Chelsea. He was never going to get a fair crack at the job and he's become an extremely wealthy man pretty much over night, so there's not too much to complain about really.

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