AVB sacked/Abramovich. (Merged)

Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Pearcey said:
Let's face it. The Portuguese league is a tin-pot league where only 2 teams ever win. AVB was out of his depth from start to finish. Clueless, classless and cretinous.

See, people say this, but Mourinho won that league with a record worse than AVB's last season. It surely can't be that bad if the best manager in the world trained himself in it.

Also the fact that the only 2 clubs that ever win it always do quite well in Europe and one of the teams that struggles to ever win is our opponent in the next round of the Europa league and that some very very good players including the 2nd best player in the world have come from that league and that Portugal are a very good international side. Apart from that though its piss poor
Said on SSN this morning that the Chelsea players are not keen on Di Matteo either..

For once Im hoping that SSN are correct.
Prestwich_Blue said:
The timing is interesting with AVB sacked just as Abramovich's friend and protector wins a disputed election in Russia.

'Friend' and 'protector' is pushing it a bit, I think. Probably better to regard Putin from Abramovich's point of view someone with whom he has an accommodation based on mutual self-interest, but who Roman is very careful indeed not to piss off.
Re: Re: AVB sacked/Abramovich. (Merged)

Dzeko's Right Boot said:
Pearcey said:
Let's face it. The Portuguese league is a tin-pot league where only 2 teams ever win. AVB was out of his depth from start to finish. Clueless, classless and cretinous.

See, people say this, but Mourinho won that league with a record worse than AVB's last season. It surely can't be that bad if the best manager in the world trained himself in it.

You could argue that great managers don't learn It's either something you have or something you don't have. I think this is especially true of man management. You're either a leader or you're not. Mourhino was. Mancini is. AVB clearly isn't.
AVB had a difficult job because the team rebuilding at CFC had been delayed by the changes of previous managers.

Some observers are blaming the players for not playing to their maximum, but it seems to me that AVB discarded several senior players like Anelka and Alex before he had replacements.

Maybe decline at CFC was inevitable as the team grew old together.

Perhaps now under a new manager we will see. Will their form pick up, or will they continue to struggle
petrusha said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The timing is interesting with AVB sacked just as Abramovich's friend and protector wins a disputed election in Russia.

'Friend' and 'protector' is pushing it a bit, I think. Probably better to regard Putin from Abramovich's point of view someone with whom he has an accommodation based on mutual self-interest, but who Roman is very careful indeed not to piss off.

it's a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and if you don't you're in jail" type relationship.
Andre Villas-Boaz; "I do not want a team that plays like Manchester City."

Roman Abramovich; "I do! Get your coat."
petrusha said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The timing is interesting with AVB sacked just as Abramovich's friend and protector wins a disputed election in Russia.

'Friend' and 'protector' is pushing it a bit, I think. Probably better to regard Putin from Abramovich's point of view someone with whom he has an accommodation based on mutual self-interest, but who Roman is very careful indeed not to piss off.
Yes - probably a better description of their relationship. But what better way to help him out than distract attention in the UK (and Europe).

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