AVB Sacked (Merged - all in here please)

He got new job already :D

Re: spurs

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
bluemoonno1 said:
bluemoonno1 said:

harry back?

Junior Redknapp was grinding a few axes on SSNakesTV this morning. Having a go at Baldini!

He couldn't figure out which axe to grind! He slagged off Levy, AVB, Baldini, pretty much everyone involved with the club. Kept referring to the Spurs team of last season as "the previous manager's team".

All very funny.
supercrystal7 said:
I have a bit of sympathy for AVB despite the mistakes he has made. I think it is highly unlikely he did not buy any of the players. I think they bought terribly with no thoughts of team cohesion. They failed to strengthen their defence, which was very weak and everyone knew about it. Bought too many similar layers and left other areas woefully weak. Bought players from foreign leagues and then to make it worse only brought them in at the last minute all whilst selling their best player. He made mistakes and not tightening up when they were 2-0 down against City and Liverpool were the key ones for why he lost his job.

I dun understand why he is so enamored of that high defensive line. I mean I thought he would learn from past disastrous experiences like his old Chelsea against arsenal and his spurs against us this season. He just doesn't have the players for that.

I do find him quite likable though. Just from his relaxed friendly attitude to our players from viewing previous tunnel cam videos. Seems like a nice enough fella
Re: AVB Sacked

GHoddle said:
supercity88 said:
A ridiculous decision. Football has become such a short term game. Spurs are in the mix. They sold their star man and have bought well. You cannot deny that. Soldado is a good player, so is Paulinho, and Lamela and Erikson. They have to settle and answer their critics and find their style of play but they will improve. Despite having Aguero, Silva, Yaya, Tevez, Nasri, Dzeko etc we struggled to break teams down and score for long periods of time. They have the players, and they have a decent manager. Given time he would have improved results. I believe that if spuds had have lost 1-0 in both games he would still be in a job. Oh well. Will just cause more set backs for them I am sure. Wonder who will be on their radar.

Sorry but you don't know what you're talking about imo. I'm not sure how often you watch Spurs games but I watch every game we play, sometimes multiple times, and I look for signs of improvement or anything changing. I also have an idea of AVB's mindset and what goes on in training. Unfortunately it's become quite obvious that it's not going to improve significantly.

As for who is on our radar, I think it will be a short term appointment (till the end of the season) of Sherwood or Capello.

Next Summer.... Mancini. SShhhhhhhhh!
You have to imagine that's the end of AVB in England now, no sane owner will touch him with a barge pole.
Chelsea made a schoolboy error in appointing AVB because they thought " young , thrusting , same nationality as Mourinho - therefore likely to be a similar type of manager .
Spuds then compounded this misconception of the man by appointing him their manager!
I'm just wondering if there is any other clubs ( perhaps in the Trafford area ) who may have made a similar miscalculation in appointing a manager who looks and sounds reasonably like his predecessor but is in fact useless!
If anyone can help me with this , I would laugh a lot!

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