Away tickets

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Loyalty is such a weird concept, in my opinion, and im speaking as somebody who does go home and away most weeks and spends the majority of my disposable income on city, going to games doesn't make you any more loyal than somebody who can't afford to, watching every game doesn't make you more loyal than somebody who has to work to support his family and can't see every match, etc etc. In the main, anybody born a city fan and who has remained a city throughout is as loyal as the next. But were getting sidetracked here. To clarify, any time i used the word loyalty in any of my posts in this thread it was purely meant in reference to the points system and wasn't questioning anybodies loyalty to the club.

As for why you shouldnt get tickets ahead of others, well because it makes a mockery of every single person higher up in the points system that doesnt get the option of purchasing a ticket before you. This isn't having a go at you personally mate and it applies to anybody and everybody who gets tickets that way but with respect, what makes you special? There's a queue, it's not perfect, it has many flaws that can be improved upon but it doesn't mean you or anybody else should get to ignore it and jump the queue.

To use an anaolgy that's probably poorly thought out, If you have been in the same job for say 15 years, working your way up from the bottom, taking the unsociable shifts, doing the nasty jobs and have worked your way up the ladder over time and then the promotion you've been waiting for becomes available and your next in line for it only for the manager to give the job to his mate who has zero experience or qualifications to be in that role, you're not going to be happy about it are you? It's the same principle here. Now of course, that does happen in life but i think the overwhelmkng majority would all agree it shouldn't, and given the power to, we would all vote to make sure it doesn't happen anymore wouldn't we?

In complete agreement with you with regards to overseas supporters obtaining rows of tickets from thin air, I was right infront of the infamous crowd of Belgians at Arsenal a few years ago, this season at Anfield I was directly behind a row of about 5/6 asian fans kitted out in their half and half scarves and cameras, Chelsea away last 3 years I've been directly infront of or behind foreign fans, one turned and asked me the words to a song once, it was blue moon... and there's been plenty more instances, my only issue was the distinction between those fans and SC queue jumpers, i get what you're saying but ultimately, they both have the exact same impact on people that use the loyalty points system in that it unfairly pushes them back even further.

I don't think either issue should be prioritised over the other in terms of importance, both need to be fixed, the only reason I mentioned SC's, aside from it being the hot topic in the thread when I decided to chip in is because it's the easiest thing to fix first. It's wrong, but City as a business have to attract the people with the most money and so it's going to be a hard sell to City for them to cut back on corporate tickets, its absolutely worth fighting for and a battle we need to win as fans if we are to keep the identity of the club local but the SC allocation is an easy fix, the fans get a win and feel like we're being listened to, the club aren't upsetting anybody other than the system abusers by doing it, nor would it cost them financially either in implementing the change or in lost revenue and given the percentage breakdown of the ticket distributions seen in here, it would swell the pool of tickets going to the points system the most which should be the main aim. It's as the old adage says, pick your battles. It's an easy win for both sides and should be the starting point.

So it’s systems abusers as well as touts now lol. You don’t like the current system. I agree it needs to be reviewed and probably improved. If it went to all points that wouldn’t really bother me but I find this name calling a bit petty.

The Club will review the evidence with City Matters. They will probably look at the 10 games that didn’t sell out as well as the half a dozen or so that had significant demand / oversubscribed. I would expect them to make the system fairer and that probably needs to include more checks that the tickets are going to the right people. If that works then why not increase the percentage of tickets that goes to points holders because that would work for most of us.

You say removing the Supporters Club allocation would be painless. Most SC memebrs would probably still go but you could still be talking about hundreds of empties at Newcastle and Goodison (and maybe thousands at Wembley). The sort of thing where the antil City media would have a field day.The Supoorters Club are also a big bulk / value purchaser (but I’ve pointed this out before). Reducing tickets for younger fans (points only) also goes against the direction of our Club.

On a broader point, not one aimed at your post, one thing that interests me on this thread is this reference to “Independent” Season card holders holders, as though everyone else is in a cult or something. I guess this has come from the more political contributors to this forum but I wouldn’t be surprised at a few Blues being uneasy that Utd have a similar sounding supporters group.
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I think I have the ideal solution
I get tickets first, and then I couldn’t give a shit after that.

Sounds ridiculous? Correct, but anybody arguing for anything that ultimately helps themselves (through Supporters club tickets) are doing exactly that (probably all vote bloody Tory as well...)
We will,never get rid of hospitality getting dibs on tickets - you pay a fortune and you expect perks. However it is easy to police - anyone caught “selling on tickets” to these arsehole tout companies loses the right to buy again. And we aren’t going to stop players etc. So only option is Supporters Club - all of whom presumably (as supporters) already go anyway if they have the points, so no loss

The current points scheme seems fair to me, and I say that personally losing out. I used to go every week in 80s and 90s - didn’t miss an Old Trafford derby including testimonials etc for 20years, but no chance of getting a ticket for one now as points system coincided with me missing away games for a few years through Moving to Scotland and having family, and I will never catch up
I think I have the ideal solution
I get tickets first, and then I couldn’t give a shit after that.
Sounds ridiculous? Correct, but anybody arguing for anything that ultimately helps themselves (through Supporters club tickets) are doing exactly that (probably all vote bloody Tory as well...)

The points system is very Tory like. The more points you have, the more games you can attend, which gets you even more points. Rich getting richer (but with points).
So it’s systems abusers as well as touts now lol. You don’t like the current system. I agree it needs to be reviewed and probably improved. If it went to all points that wouldn’t really bother me but I find this name calling a bit petty.

The Club will review the evidence with City Matters. They will probably look at the 10 games that didn’t sell out as well as the half a dozen or so that had significant demand / oversubscribed. I would expect them to make the system fairer and that probably needs to include more checks that the tickets are going to the right people. If that works then why not increase the percentage of tickets that goes to points holders because that would work for most of us.

You say removing the Supporters Club allocation would be painless. Most SC memebrs would probably still go but you could still be talking about hundreds of empties at Newcastle and Goodison (and maybe thousands at Wembley). The sort of thing where the antil City media would have a field day.The Supoorters Club are also a big bulk / value purchaser (but I’ve pointed this out before). Reducing tickets for younger fans (points only) also goes against the direction of our Club.

On a broader point, not one aimed at your post, one thing that interests me on this thread is this reference to “Independent” Season card holders holders, as though everyone else is in a cult or something. I guess this has come from the more political contributors to this forum but I wouldn’t be surprised at a few Blues being uneasy that Utd have a similar sounding supporters group.

Not quite sure what your'e on about with the petty name calling remark? I'm certainly not aiming to insult anybody. People who get tickets from supporters clubs that wouldn't otherwise qualify via points to get their own ticket are abusing the system. If you take issue with that label then im happy to refer to them as something else, im not bothered what we label them but the fact remains they are abusing the system. I'm not even having a go at them or any particular person for doing it, I've said previously I understand why they do it, there's not many that wouldn't in the same circumstances and if they didn't then the next person to come along certainly would, my issue is with the club for allowing this to happen.

it's the same with the overseas fans that get tickets for big games and get abused, I don't like seeing them getting abuse and dont blame the person in the ground, if anything they've made more of an effort to travel from wherever and spend a fortune compared to me for the same experience, the problem again is with the club for allowing it to happen. So just to reiterate, none of my views on this matter are directed towards anybody personally.

With that out of the way, What 10 games didn't sell out? I was under the impression every game this season has sold out have they not? I could well be wrong but I dont think weve failed to sell out an away game for years. Some went to general sale, but that's entirely different from not selling out. You seem to be suggesting that SC's take up the slack if/when games don't sell out and do something unique to fill the seats. I dont believe that to be true, but if it is, i would be interested to hear what exactly they do to fill these supposed hundreds of empty seats as well as what it is that would stop those same people from doing the same thing without the SC getting an allocation as supply obviously wouldn't be an option in that instance.

As for the independent season card holders, I can't speak for others, but I take that to simply mean people who purchase their own away tickets via the points system with no help from SC, corporate, players, staff etc I don't read it as being anything other than a simple term to categorise a section of fans and see no political agenda in its use or see it as a way of having a dig at any other set of fans who obtain tickets via other means. Maybe others see it differently though.
Every person that defends supporters clubs getting tickets does so because they have a vested interest in it, they either get tickets themselves or get them for friends that way. I dont blame them personally for it, they want to look after their own interests and the majority of people would do the same in their situation. Everybody else sees it for what it is, a means for people to get extra tickets to dish out to mates and help them skip the orderly queue formed by the loyalty points method. It's wrong, there's absolutely no credible reason for it to happen and should have been stopped decades ago when we reached the age of the Internet and mobile phones which virtually made the purpose of a supporters club obsolete. If somebody has a genuine credible reason for supporters clubs getting away tickets I'd be more than open to hearing it. The favoured argument from defenders of supporters clubs is to simply shift the blame to corporate/players/staff/sponsors etc, all of which are equally as to blame and are a huge problem too but it doesn't absolve them just because they only get 1 or 2 tickets they shouldn't have now instead of 4 or 5
I'm still waiting to find out how many on the City Matters group are members of a supporters club,
It was a complete fucking piss take today.
There were dozens of seats behind us left empty.
Supporters Club had additional tickets they sent out to people who didn’t want them.

Meanwhile people who wanted to go, who just missed out on their points were sat at home blissfully unaware of the fuck up.

And at the same time some people are trying to blame the ones who didn’t fuck it up.
My mate missed out by 150 points I think, he was fuckin fuming at the empty seats and the extra tickets Supporter clubs got. It's fuckin scandelous what's going on.
Ninja You've been Timmed, he defends the indefensible.
Always makes snide remarks,then whinges when someone does it to him
But he's alright because hes got enough points and if he hasn't he can use his supporters club hat, and if that doesn't work,he can wait for the late email of big Kev
Supporters clubs are taking a lot of heat here but we really need to be looking at that corporate allocation, 450 tickets to corporate in a 3000 allocation is shocking.
Supporters clubs are taking a lot of heat here but we really need to be looking at that corporate allocation, 450 tickets to corporate in a 3000 allocation is shocking.
Pound to a pinch of shit these are the bulk of the no shows as well.
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