Away tickets

I don't really feel qualified to comment on this thread as, Wembley matches aside, I have attended three away matches since the Villa Park semi-final v Ipswich in 1981. The first was away to Newcastle when Tevez scored two when I was in the Gallowgate End (don't ask!) and the second was at Norwich in an FA Cup tie in the City support. This final one was at Celtic, when again I was in the home support area.

I am on around 10,000 points. This is likely to be sufficient to get me a ticket for any City match at Wembley and hopefully any Champions League final. So the current system suits me. It's enough of a trek to get to home matches from Edinburgh before thinking about away matches.

However, unless things change, away tickets are likely to get harder to obtain for a lot of away matches. Employing a strict points system is likely to result in City's away support consisting of mostly of pensioners over time. Or do I misunderstand the mechanics of how things work?

Do you not understand that pensioners don't live forever?
On my coach this season we've had one death, one triple bypass and one (permanent) absentee through general ill health.
Father time will cull many more over the next few seasons.
Not complaining. Just noticeable.

I can never workout how kids with their parent/s manage to get away ticket’s.

Can you bequeath your away points to your Grand Children when you pass away?

No but you could forget to tell the club that granddad died. They would probably get suspicious around his 110th birthday.
Never seen him in the away end until this season, a free press pass in the past wouldn't accrue points.

Perhaps his role working with the club, vlogging for us gets him in. Like him or not, he does post positive stuff about us in an era where it is unfashionable to do so.
Perhaps his role working with the club, vlogging for us gets him in. Like him or not, he does post positive stuff about us in an era where it is unfashionable to do so.

I know it does, I did put a :) smile thing on the end so people would not take it too seriously. There are far worse hangers on getting tickets.
Do you not understand that pensioners don't live forever?
On my coach this season we've had one death, one triple bypass and one (permanent) absentee through general ill health.
Father time will cull many more over the next few seasons.

Worth noting that I sit upstairs with the 'youngsters', god knows what the attrition rate was downstairs.
Do you not understand that pensioners don't live forever?
On my coach this season we've had one death, one triple bypass and one (permanent) absentee through general ill health.
Father time will cull many more over the next few seasons.
Worth noting that I sit upstairs with the 'youngsters', god knows what the attrition rate was downstairs.
God's waiting room on tour :+)
Club had to do something,does seem a bit extreme like but there needs to be a mix of young and old,I see plenty times at aways were camera pans in on City fans,and I think look at state of all the FOC's then to contradict that you see a lad around 19/20 and I think to myself,how the fuck has he got a ticket for there.

The points system was always deemed to eventually fail,fucking no way were some gonna be caught
I got chucked out of that Leeds game for suggesting that the few Leeds fans that were there should go forth and multiply as well as suggesting they were born out of wedlock.

Being there was awesome (in a weird way), but getting thrown out takes the biscuit ;-)
You couldn't be backing up my points more if you tried - you are like many who don't want to put the graft in to get yourself up the ladder because of the "shitty games on a wednesday night" but you want to go to Old Trafford.

As someone against these changes I apologise if sometimes the way we write about this comes across as personal abuse, it's just that those who think these changes are great have no idea the sacrifices we've been through over the years to get to where we are. It's such an emotive subject because if you are in the higher points bracket you have essentially dedicated your life to following City - and as I've said much earlier in the thread, do not get that mixed up with thinking that we believe we're "better" fans or "bigger blues", we all love the club and I sometimes wish I was someone who could just pop into the local and watch an away game on the telly with his mates, but we're wired up differently - not better or bigger - differently.

As I've said, I could just have an I'm alright Jack attitude about this because I will not be caught on my points and I know that if I wanted to I could go to every away game this season. But the points system is important. It is not a closed shop. All games do not sell out at high points. And those of us on high points are not all over 50. It is not a cartel.

Mate my comment about the ‘shitty games’ was a quote / reference of the poster I was replying to. Maybe should have made that clearer

Would love to put the graft in, but it’s not always possible. Lots have work, family and aren’t able to do newcastle on a Wednesday night. Local games are the only ones I could at times.

I think a lot of games are a closed shop. I’ve mentioned the bigger games, literally impossible for most of our fans to ever get enough points to go to them. I don’t agree on the age point - watch cheesmans videos and you can see the vast majority of attending fans are 50+ years old.

You mention loyal fans and putting the hard work in- my dad went to pretty much every away game in the 70s, 80s and early 90s - stopped because he couldn’t afford it and can now afford it again. Someone with 20+ years of going to away games with no chance whatsoever of going to the bigger games, unless you know someone. Barely any recognition either of the games he’s went too. I wouldn’t say he was less deserving of a ticket.

I completely understand your points and understand the sacrifices you have put in personally. I’m not trying to criticise long standing away fans. I just don’t think the current system works or is fair

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