Norway's state spends 47.5% of GDP , the UK spends around 36% of GDP
When North Sea oil boomed, Norway set up The Oil Fund. The aim of the oil fund is to ensure responsible and long-term management of revenue from Norway’s oil and gas resources, so that this wealth benefits both current and future generations.
The UK flogged our oil off to the private sector.
Norway's oil benefits Norwegian society , our oil made some wealthy people even more wealthy.
Norwegian wage inequality is low, which, combined with high labour-force participation (most importantly among women) and redistribution through the tax and benefit system, results in an egalitarian distribution of net household income. Norway's tax system raises a lot of revenue with a heavy emphasis on income taxation.
in the UK inequality is very high in comparison to other similarly wealthy countries, according to the Equality Trust, and has been so for some time. Poverty was already on the rise before the Covid-19 crisis hit the UK, which as well as affecting people’s immediate quality of life can limit the opportunities a child has access to in future. The average income for the UKs richest 20 per cent of people had increased by nearly five per cent between 2017 and 2018.The UK cuts income taxes for the wealthiest.