Baconface Rant (Merged)

Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

He really has taken the bait. All over a billboard that around 99% of rags will never see. Funny as.
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

svennis pennis said:
He really has taken the bait. All over a billboard that around 99% of rags will never see. Funny as.
They will you know. That single bill-board has been digitally reproduced all over the web.

It was on the MSN homepage yesterday. Best bit of marketing City have done in years
Ducado said:
For a man of experience Fergi has fallen straight into the trap City have set for him, I would have thought he would have realised that his reaction was the very one that the Club would have wanted, it makes him look small rather than us, plus it's giving us acres of free publicity and all the while City say nothing and maintain a quiet dignity, very clever stuff from City

Exactly! He has walked right into it. Now people the world over will see the billboard, I dont think ive read a single negative comment about it from a rival clubs fans and now it has a nuclear exposure level. Absolutely monumental decision to put that billboard up.
Ducado said:
For a man of experience Fergi has fallen straight into the trap City have set for him, I would have thought he would have realised that his reaction was the very one that the Club would have wanted, it makes him look small rather than us, plus it's giving us acres of free publicity and all the while City say nothing and maintain a quiet dignity, very clever stuff from City

People are laughing.
I'm away on holiday at the moment so I could be a little out the loop, however I have now seen in papers Wio, Gill and Fergie, twice by the way giving their opinion on City. Now what I'm wondering is why? Shouldn't they be talking about their own sinking ship, sorry 'club'? And they call us arrogant yet think they are in a position to stand in judgement of other, they just don't see the irony do they?
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

Marvin said:
svennis pennis said:
He really has taken the bait. All over a billboard that around 99% of rags will never see. Funny as.
They will you know. That single bill-board has been digitally reproduced all over the web.

It was on the MSN homepage yesterday. Best bit of marketing City have done in years

True, i did say that elsewhere, but the exposure is now nuclear. City have done their job well, Bacon doesnt realize he would of been better off to have dismissed it and carried on as usual. He has now drawn attention to something he really shouldnt of and the hypocrisy is poring out of him. I mean the whole "he wasnt worth the money" line completely contradicts the official statement released on their official site. Absolutely genius and will go down in folklore here.
One of the things i've enjoyed most about our new found wealth and fame,is watching the red scum squirm,from the drunken old Glaswegian to the rags at work,they are all pissed off that little city are grabbing all the headlines.Even that prick Gill has been gobing off this week saying that nobody will ever be as big as the rags!

If they keep dismissing us and saying they aren't bothered,then why do they keep spouting off about us?
I'm not sure whether to find this funny or just plain insulting..?

A "Knight of the Realm" coming out with stuff like this is stunning!

What's up Fergie, your cosy little cartel in danger of being broken is it? You'd think that English football only started in 1992!? Before that lots of other teams had won the league since your little club had won it last, with City being the first of those! You remember don't you Whiskey Nose, when the league was actually competitive and could be won by more than just one or two teams..? And what was it that changed in the early 90's...? Oh yeah MONEY, and you were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, granted with a good team which you built so well (see how we can give credit where it's due), but after that both you and Arsenal fed from the sky millions and only Liverpool and Chelsea with Russian oil money could keep up. Well, now there's another club who want, and are going to get, a piece of the action, so you just continue your usual pathetic little routine of bad-mouthing your perceived closest rival... Keegan, Wenger, Mourinho, Benitez have all been on the receiving end in previous seasons so all you're doing is acknowledging our arrival to the World and in the process reminding them of what a horrible **** you truly are!

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