Bad Pills at Warehouse Project


denislawsbackheel said:
My kids have been brought up properly. They don't do drugs.
Drugs are for losers.
You take a pill you don't know the provenance of in a Trafford dump you aren't the brightest in the box are you?
Haha yeah fucking keep on oldest has been brought up right to never been in any Mither works but goes to the Warehouse Project with his well to do mates girls included do I think he has never done bears shit in the woods
ob said:
Quite a few deaths from pills in Northern Ireland few months ago including daughter of a friend.

Aye mate, apparently 'shipped' from the south (condolences btw)

Anyway, from a reliable source, watch out for these too ' Green mitsubishi's and there's some white pills with triangles on them.'

denislawsbackheel said:
SWP's back said:
denislawsbackheel said:
Darwin award candidates
Like every person that died from alcohol or smoking I guess?
What a moronic post!

Both products you mention are legal and controlled. Theses dickheads took ecstacy.
As I said Darwin candidates, the gene pool won't miss them.

You really are an utter ****.
I read on here that you used to be a teacher.
You shouldn't be in the same fucking postcode as a child, and I am embarrassed to share a forum with such an unfeeling wanker as you.
Re: Re:

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
denislawsbackheel said:
SWP's back said:
Like every person that died from alcohol or smoking I guess?
What a moronic post!

Both products you mention are legal and controlled. Theses dickheads took ecstacy.
As I said Darwin candidates, the gene pool won't miss them.

You really are an utter ****.
I read on here that you used to be a teacher.
You shouldn't be in the same fucking postcode as a child, and I am embarrassed to share a forum with such an unfeeling wanker as you.

Yep, this tit is digging himself a hole. People deserve to die because they take drugs, what a load of crap. I hope his kids are currently out on the lash absolute out their minds. Your in denial.
D,l,b,heel you are so out of touch ,are you a judge by any chance ?why are you slagging someone who has just died?
Do you have any feelings at all ???
That is someone's son you sad sad man.
What a cock end.

I know someone who is the head of year in HER school and someone else who works for St. John's and both a partial to a pill or a bag of coke at a gig 3 or 4 times a year. Yes absolute scum ..... Hang them all
Re: Re:

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
denislawsbackheel said:
SWP's back said:
Like every person that died from alcohol or smoking I guess?
What a moronic post!

Both products you mention are legal and controlled. Theses dickheads took ecstacy.
As I said Darwin candidates, the gene pool won't miss them.

You really are an utter ****.
I read on here that you used to be a teacher.
You shouldn't be in the same fucking postcode as a child, and I am embarrassed to share a forum with such an unfeeling wanker as you.

I have never "done" drugs but am OK being on a forum with people either do them or defend the people do.Why the abuse to people who don't agree with you,I had a poster last week telling me to F*** off because we disagreed all very sad don't you think.
Time the mods took a hand in cutting out the abuse from the keyboard warriors.

denislawsbackheel said:
SWP's back said:
denislawsbackheel said:
Darwin award candidates
Like every person that died from alcohol or smoking I guess?
What a moronic post!

Both products you mention are legal and controlled. Theses dickheads took ecstacy.
As I said Darwin candidates, the gene pool won't miss them.

What an absolute fuckwit you are.
BTW, I can almost guarantee that your children have tried some illegal drug, maybe not ecstasy, but an illegal drug of some kind.

Someone mentioned that you used to be a teacher, I hope not, I would hate to share a profession with a dickhead like you.
Re: Re:

dawlish dave said:
I have never "done" drugs but am OK being on a forum with people either do them or defend the people do.Why the abuse to people who don't agree with you,I had a poster last week telling me to F*** off because we disagreed all very sad don't you think.
Time the mods took a hand in cutting out the abuse from the keyboard warriors.

Hate to break this to you, but mods are the biggest keyboard warriors going.

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