Ballotelli appeal (Merged)

Re: Ballotelli appeal?

SalfordCityBlue said:
Just saw it again on the Last Word on Sky. Andy Gray thinks the ref got it wrong too...

Get an appeal in.

Like I said before, this is what we need... Media backing. These things are always played out in the press and he's got a very good case.


The ref can say he didn't see Mulumbu grab his leg...
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

Plus the way the WBA player has hit the deck holding his face makes the ref think he has stood on his kite when his boot doesn't touch his boat race. Plenty of scope for an appeal I think. IF it was a straight red. I was under the impression you can't appeal a sending off for two yellows.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

Personally, I thought it was a nailed-on red, and it was quite clearly coming. Perhaps a blessing in disguise; judging by the way he acted today he'd last about 10 minutes in a Manchester Derby anyway. Couple of weeks off, get properly up to speed and he'll be raring to go again.

Thanks for the two goals but it was a red in my opinion and there's not even a chance of it being overturned anyway.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

Thatchersforearm said:
Plus the way the WBA player has hit the deck holding his face makes the ref think he has stood on his kite when his boot doesn't touch his boat race. Plenty of scope for an appeal I think. IF it was a straight red. I was under the impression you can't appeal a sending off for two yellows.

I didn't see a second yellow, and the commentators on my stream said it was a straight red, but I've not looked for any official confirmation.

From what Mancini has said, I think we can be sure it was an appeal-able straight red.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

Not a red just watched the final word and they even say that he did not touch the player but the ref was in a bad position. So we can win this.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

I don't think it was a straight red, not even a nailed on yellow for me.

I doubt we'd win an appeal (The FA don't do logic), but it's probably worth doing. If it was a 1 match ban I'd leave it alone, but 3 matches is a ridiculous punishment for that.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

dayvo said:
Andy Gray doesn't think he stood on him... how late can we leave it before we appeal, will his prolong the process long enough to allow him to play?

We have to notify the FA by 1pm the next working day that we intend to appeal against the decision, and then we'll have to provide evidence by 1pm the day after that.

Here are the rules for 2010-2011:

(a) A Player and his Club may seek to limit the disciplinary consequences of the dismissal of a
Player from the Field of Play by demonstrating to The Association that the dismissal was
(b) A claim of wrongful dismissal may be lodged only for on-field offences which result in a
sending off, except for two cautions leading to a dismissal.
(c) The Regulatory Commission that considers a claim of wrongful dismissal is concerned with
only the question of whether any sanction of a suspension from play is one which should
be imposed in view of the facts of the case. This role is not to usurp the role of the Referee
and the dismissal from the Field of Play will remain on the record of the Club and the Player,
will remain the subject of the administration fee and will accrue the appropriate number of
penalty points for a first team sending off.
(d) The Club on behalf of the Player must, by 1pm on the next working day following the game,
notify The Association in writing (by fax or e-mail - Fax 0844 980 0626 or e-mail Disciplinary@
324 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES of their intention to submit a claim. The claim will NOT proceed if this deadline
is not met. The evidence upon which the claim is founded (which must include a video and/
or DVD recording showing the incident from all available angles), must be submitted by
the Player concerned or his Club, together with the relevant fee, by 1pm on the second
working day following the incident. The relevant fee, to be paid by cheque to The Football
Association Limited, for clubs in each league is as follows:
FA Premier League £1,500
Football League Championship £750
Football League 1 £500
Football League 2 £350
Football Conference National Division £300
Important - forfeiture of fee for late withdrawal of a claim. It should be noted that where a
claim is withdrawn after 5.00pm on the next working day following the game, any fee that
has been submitted to The Association in respect of the claim WILL NOT be refunded. If the
relevant fee has yet to be paid, the claimant will still be required to pay it to The Association.
Failure to pay the fee in these circumstances will result in disciplinary action against the
Where a claim is withdrawn before the 5.00pm deadline, if any fee has been submitted, it
will be refunded. If the relevant fee has yet to be paid to The Association the claimant will
not be required to pay it.
(e) The Claim will be determined based on video and/or DVD and written evidence only.
None of the Match Officials nor the Club or Player are entitled to be present or represented
at the Regulatory Commission.
(f) Players and Clubs should note that the time limits set out above are strict. Only complete
claims submitted before the relevant deadlines will be considered by The Association.
(g) Once the claim is lodged with The Association it will confirm that the video and/or DVD
shows the incident as reported by the Referee/Assistant Referee and the claim has
conformed with the criteria.
(h) Prior to the commencement of the suspension, a Regulatory Commission will be convened
to decide the matter on any relevant documentary and video and/or DVD evidence
submitted. The following procedures will be used at a Commission unless the Commission
thinks it appropriate to amend them:
The Commission Secretary will produce:
I. (i) The Referee’s report, reports from any other Match Official and any other
evidence supporting the Referee’s action.
(ii) All statements and video and other evidence provided in support of the
claim, including details of the Player ;
II. After considering the evidence, the Commission will decide whether the claim
should be rejected or successful.
III. If the Commission’s decision is to reject the claim, it will, in every case, go on to
consider whether or not the player’s punishment should be increased.
If the Commission considers that the rejected claim had no prospect of success
and / or amounts to an abuse of process, the Commission shall have the discretion
to increase the penalty up to twice the standard punishment set out in this
In all other cases, the Player reported by the Referee shall serve the standard
punishment as set out in this Memorandum. In all cases where a claim is rejected
the fee shall be retained.
IV. If the Commission’s decision is that the claim is successful, the standard
punishment set out in the Memorandum is withdrawn and the fee returned. The
dismissal will not be counted for the purposes of paragraph 8(g) below.
The decision shall be conveyed to the Commission Secretary who shall
prepare Minutes of the decision of the Commission and communicate
the decision to the Club that day. The Club must provide the Commission
with contact details.
(i) Should a Club have two FTCMs with no, or insufficient, working days in between for the
claim for wrongful dismissal to be notified, lodged and heard by a Regulatory Commission,
the following will apply:
I. Where there are no working days between two matches and a Club wishes to
make a claim for wrongful dismissal, the Club shall notify The Association by fax
and e-mail (using the contact details as set out in (d) hereabove) within 24 hours
of the dismissal. If, and only if, this notification is appropriately submitted, the
Player will be eligible to play in the second match. Submission of evidence and
the fee will still be required by 1pm on the second working day as set out in (d)
II. Where there are insufficient working days between two matches for a Regulatory
Commission to decide on a claim for wrongful dismissal, the timetable for
notification and submission as set out in (d) hereabove will still apply. However,
a Player will be eligible to play in matches prior to the decision of the Regulatory
Commission, provided the claim for wrongful dismissal has been appropriately
In respect of these specific circumstances, particular attention should be paid to
(h) III. here above, in respect of claims brought which had no prospect of success
or amounted to an abuse of process.
Should a Player play in a match without the appropriate notification having been
lodged as set out hereabove, this shall constitute Misconduct.
(j) As a general guide, the following schedule will apply:

Match Day

Notice of Claim

Claim Lodged


(k) In the event that a Club submits a notification of their intention to claim wrongful dismissal
but fails to complete the claim or withdraws a complete claim prior to it being considered
by a Regulatory Commission, and The Association believes that the notification or claim of
wrongful dismissal had no prospect of success or amounted to an abuse of process, The
Association may issue a charge of misconduct under FA Rule E3.
(l) The decision of the Regulatory Commission in relation to a claim of wrongful dismissal is
final and binding on all parties and is not subject to appeal.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

Never was it a sending off, the reaction of their player got him sent off imo, i think we should appeal because we will win it i think, is everyone forgetting he scored two goals today? What more do you expect this is a guy who caused alot of problems in milan, lucky for him we won today or this could of been alot worse.
Re: Ballotelli appeal?

never a sending off but if we dont apeal he will receive a 3 match ban, people are actually missing the point by saying the rags will get him sent off etc 'so dont bother apealing' what happens if we dont apeal and tevez gets a knock in training or in the first 10 mins of the derby then we are short. its madness not to apeal even if mario is on the bench on wed

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