Ballotelli doesnt like Manchester (Merged)

dan1987 said:
OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt
Balotelli less than complimentary about City to his Inter buddies apparently. And it's got b

So Balotelli who is from Italy who goes there every free time he gets waits until he meets up with his old team mates at a friendly to slag off his current club?. He doesnt have a phone, or facebook or ever see these people?. Come on man we need to think a little this is all lies. We are our strongest ever and his performances are scaring many people. They need their golden boys "Rooney, Jack W, Van Persie" to name a few to stay just that. They dont need a black Italian who plays with a scowl on his face becoming top scorer in the Premiership. These are the same people who said Robinho flopped and so many blues just accepted that as fact. I dont believe any of it.
citytill1die84 said:
Oliver Holt The Mirror

Hearing that other City players fast losing patience with Balotelli's antics. Rift deveoping between him and them.
Mobile Web • 01/08/2011 19:40

I'd pay no heed whatsoever to anything that complete cnut has to say.
I've been a supporter of his for a while, as I thoroughly believe in his talent, and have felt a little angry at some of the hysteria that surrounds his red cards. Also, I think everyone, especially young people coming from other countries, should get 12 months to settle in. But push is coming to shove now and I'm not seeing the attitude I hoped for. I can't be alone.

Ostensibly there's not much wrong with what he's said. But we all know Tevez made similar comments about living in the city as part of his campaign to get a transfer. Perhaps Mario has just been caught napping but it's a bit suspect. Even if we just take it at face value this is a guy who can't afford this kind of slip up.

He does play up to get attention and column inches and that is just grossly unfair on his team mates. The body language between him and the team is all wrong.

It has to stop, right now, or he should be deposited back in italy, preferably from thirty thousand feet.
Italian Manc said:
Just wanted to point out that the captions on that video are incorrect. It actually goes:

Interviewer: Do you not find yourself well there?
Balo: I don't like the city but it's OK. Everything can't always be perfect. The city is not exactly to my taste, but it's OK.
Interviewer: Do you think you'll stay there until your contract expires?
Balo: I dont know, I don't know [At this point interview is edited] Milan is a great team, one day we may be able to talk... maybe even with Inter, I don't know.
Interviwer: You'd go back to Inter?
Balo: Now I'm at Manchester. I'm happy at Manchester. In the future, we'll see.

Completely blown out of proportion by the press, as per usual.

well that doesnt come as a shock.

the arseholes that believed that tripe in the first place will just ignore this anyway
I'm sitting on the fence regarding Mario. He's a talent that much is obvious and in his short time here he has already had some wonderful moments as well as some quite outlandish acts both on and off the pitch, which in all honesty don't seem to be getting any less. He does attract some of it and in turn becomes an unfair victim in other cases because of past misdemeanours.

He's a young lad and I can fully understand his unease at missing his home and all that goes with living away from there. Can any of us honestly say with hand on heart that as a 20yr old lad we were nothing more than perfect. I certainly wasn't and also for a few years more and I can't begin to imagine what trouble I would have found having had the amount of money he has now and that's without my every move being scrutinised, it must be like living his life in a goldfish bowl at times.

All that said he has been a much talked about superstar for a number of years now and I would hope that we would start to see a little less of his silly antics and a few more signs of maturity creeping in. I have nothing against his dislike of Manchester, we can't be everything to everyone but it does annoy me that footballers can't keep those feelings to themselves rather than publicly dis-respecting the City they chose to play for. Unless of course it is to be used as a tool for a move like in the case of Tevez.
bluefromleve32 said:
balottelli is right, manchester is shit. it rains all the time and its a shit hole, longsigt, leve, blackley, cheetham hill, moss side hulme, do i need to carry on.

i would much rather live some where nice a sunny near the beach........who wouldnt?

and before anyone questions where im from i was born and bred in leve.

Nowt wrong with Blackley mate or Cheetham for that matter.
Can't vouch for Leve' Moss Side or Hulme tho' :)
citytill1die84 said:
Oliver Holt The Mirror

Hearing that other City players fast losing patience with Balotelli's antics. Rift deveoping between him and them.
Mobile Web • 01/08/2011 19:40

Hearing that from our favorite shit stirrer Kia Joorabchian no doubt.
And so the campaign to unsettle begins

And already there are too many blues willing to jump ship at the slightest whiff of press shite

Turns my stomach..and you call yourself City fans

There will be a lot more of this from hacks with an agenda and you're already turning on your own

What annoys me the most is how quickly the MEN latched onto this story?

Am I getting paranoid? They never seem to publish anything negative about the Rags, yet given any given chance to stick the knife in City they relish it.

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