Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

DTeacher said:
SWP's back said:
ono said:
Yes i was joking. Meanie.

Just a quick note, you should always capitalise an "I" when referring to yourself.

When else would you use 'I'?

Well three off the top of my head:
  • When referring to the chemical element iodene.
  • When using the symbol for 1 in Roman numerals.
  • When wanting to use the correct symbol for electric current in a formula.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Why were there no appeals at the time?

Because it was accidental maybe?
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

JDW said:
I have looked at it many times now and have wanted it to appear accidental but it ain't. Mario sticks his right leg backwards by about 2 ft towards Parkers general direction. The natural thing to do when stumbling is put your leg forward and there doesn't seem to be a reason why he couldn't do that. He then throws himself to the floor a bit theatrically. To me he instantly regrets what he has done and goes over to Parker. He was getting frustrated in the game because he was losing the ball having shots blocked and I could see this coming. The red mist just descended for a fraction of a second as it is always liable to do with him.

Prepare for World War 3
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

SWP's back said:
DTeacher said:
SWP's back said:

Just a quick note, you should always capitalise an "I" when referring to yourself.

When else would you use 'I'?

Well three off the top of my head:
  • When refrring to the chemical element iodene.
  • When using the symbol for 1 in Roman numerals.
  • When wanting to use the correct symbol for electric current in a formula.

Aren't they all capital 'I's too?
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

SWP's back said:
DTeacher said:
SWP's back said:

Just a quick note, you should always capitalise an "I" when referring to yourself.

When else would you use 'I'?

Well three off the top of my head:
  • When referring to the chemical element iodene.
  • When using the symbol for 1 in Roman numerals.
  • When wanting to use the correct symbol for electric current in a formula.

Top of your head hey??
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

JDW said:
I have looked at it many times now and have wanted it to appear accidental but it ain't. Mario sticks his right leg backwards by about 2 ft towards Parkers general direction. The natural thing to do when stumbling is put your leg forward and there doesn't seem to be a reason why he couldn't do that. He then throws himself to the floor a bit theatrically. To me he instantly regrets what he has done and goes over to Parker. He was getting frustrated in the game because he was losing the ball having shots blocked and I could see this coming. The red mist just descended for a fraction of a second as it is always liable to do with him.

TWO posts in EIGHT years!!

Both on Balotelli and both slagging him off - the last time in November!

Not a fan then?
Re: twitchers comments about Mario

Eggsy said:
Dont forget Taggert also said that Vinny had done it before.

It is obviously a tatic to get refs to watch out for them in the future.

For those comments they both should be up for FA Charges.

And I have missed the LMA and individual managers chargin' out of the blocks and chastising 'Arry and the PurpleNosedTosser for these comments as they did when Roberto waved the imaginary card. Hypocrites - total and unreconstructed hypocrites.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

And biggest "journalist" overreaction (Hereby starting a new "Dickhead of the Day" award) goes to Paul Parker for this article on Yahoo:

It is such a shame that Mario Balotelli's apparent stamp on Scott Parker has overshadowed what was an exciting 3-2 win for Manchester City over Tottenham on Sunday.

One of the biggest matches in the Premier League this season — bigger than United's visit to Arsenal was later that same day — lived up to its billing in the second half, but all anyone is able to focus on now are the negatives.

When the incident happened in real-time it was difficult to ascertain how serious it was. The lack of reaction from the Spurs players and the close proximity of referee Howard Webb seemed to show it was not that serious.

However, after repeated viewings in slow-motion it seems clear to me that Balotelli was in control of his actions. The first contact with his right leg may have meant him stumbling over the England midfielder, but his second action of stamping down with his left boot was his decision. Only he knows whether he truly meant to stamp on an opponent's head, but in my opinion he meant to bring his leg down in that sharp manner while fully aware that Parker was underneath him. In my book, that makes him guilty.

It was no surprise to me that Roberto Mancini did not come out to face the press after the match. Instead he sent out assistant David Platt (or, as we used to call him in the England squad, George Formby...). After his touchline histrionics last week in waving imaginary cards, for him not to face up when one of his players has serious questions over his conduct to answer only makes the situation worse in my eyes.

Parker is very fortunate that Balotelli did not catch him in the eye or sustain any serious damage. Any professional athlete is bound to have significant strength in the legs, and Balotelli is a particularly powerful player. Sustaining a blow like that would be far more severe than someone landing a punch.

In all my years of playing and watching football, that is one of the worst things I've seen one professional do to another on the pitch. Quite frankly, it was a disgrace.

The issue of tackles which are two-footed and lunging has come up recently — ironically following a harsh red card for a City player, Vincent Kompany. However, that furore over a few tackles which you would have been applauded for a decade ago or less pales into comparison to the dangers present if players exhibit the sort of behaviour that Balotelli did. I hope he gets punished severely, for the sake of football.

The FA has to be serious in their actions. A ban for a few matches or even an eight-game suspension, which we have already seen this season, will not send a strong enough message.

Back in 1998, Paolo di Canio was banned for 11 games for pushing a referee over. If Balotelli gets less than that then it would be a miscarriage of justice. Eric Cantona was taken out of the game for nine months for leaping into the crowd and attacking a thug that was abusing him. I think Balotelli should be dealt with just as severely.

The worst thing is that people have all known Balotelli was capable of something like this. While this cult has built up around him for his supposed crazy antics, it has not exactly been the behaviour of a well-adjusted individual. By not addressing the little things, something big like this was always likely to happen.
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

Right then Bluemooners heres the thing... in a split second whilst spinning with two feet off the ground and being shoved by modric balotelli decides to stamp on Parkers head but has to make it look like an accident...not a full on full weight stamp that would have caused serious injury but a glancing blow to let him know he was there..all this whilst his back was turned off balance and the whole episode lasting less than a second..

Now c'mon....think about it... Really!!
Re: Balotelli Stamp V Spurs

DTeacher said:
JDW said:
I have looked at it many times now and have wanted it to appear accidental but it ain't. Mario sticks his right leg backwards by about 2 ft towards Parkers general direction. The natural thing to do when stumbling is put your leg forward and there doesn't seem to be a reason why he couldn't do that. He then throws himself to the floor a bit theatrically. To me he instantly regrets what he has done and goes over to Parker. He was getting frustrated in the game because he was losing the ball having shots blocked and I could see this coming. The red mist just descended for a fraction of a second as it is always liable to do with him.

TWO posts in EIGHT years!!

Both on Balotelli and both slagging him off - the last time in November!

Not a fan then?

Also 2 fucking ft, 24 " i suggest you buy a tape measure
Not you DTeacher by the way

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