Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

Mario has until Wednesday to respond, and so do we.

Contact the FA, petitions, whatever it takes. I'm sick of City being singled out by everyone
Typical FA i knew they would charge him.............BIg point is are they going to review the TWO FOOTED sliding challange parker did on micah?

hum let me think


should do



course they will

then again


We should all make signs for next match to hold up

if he can play weds then i say appeal it we get vinny back and and have aguero and edin. weds is very important
Balotelli alleged "stamp" V Spurs

This will probably get lost in a deluge, but my opinion nevertheless is that I thought it looked deliberate and Balo should face his punishment. Maybe he will learn another important lesson.

The ban is a good thing. Imagine if he 'got away' with it. I think anything we win this season would be tainted with that lingering sense that there had been an injustice. Forget about the things that have gone against us, there can be no accusations of unfairness levelled at us after this. The inconsistency of others getting away with similar misdemeanours will give us that continued feeling that there is an 'agenda', and we will be stronger, and more determined.

I also felt we were being somewhat hypocritical. Just weeks ago we were criticising Liverpool fans for their blinkered defence of Suarez, yet here we are in an overwhelming minority trying to convince ourselves of Balo's innocence. It isn't credible and we do ourselves no favours.

Mancini needs to let Balo know that this sort of thing is not acceptable, and we as fans should not condone it either.
Contacted the FA post as follows, won't hold my breath for a reply:!!!!!

I see the FA have charged Mario Balottelli with violent conduct, whether I think he is guilty or not, doesn't matter for the purpose of this e-mail. My over-riding concern, and that of many of my friends is the unfairness of retrospective bans. Ballotelli's incident results in a charge, whereas many other incidents equally as bad, or worse at times do not. I understand this ruling was brought in with the best intentions but as it stands at the moment it doesn't appear to working. Personally I think the fairest method is for a team who feel they have been wronged to be able to appeal for an incident to be reviewed i.e Scott Parker's two footed tackle on Micah Richards during the same match. If this system is deemed unworkable then retrospective bans and punishments should be stopped immediately and go back to the referees decision on the day being final.
Right FA.

PLEASE look at every match that involves a tackle equal to or the worse than Vinnies and start 'stamping' that out the game if it was sooooo bad (my opinion perfect tackle as are the others I have been seeing but if its the rules then so be it and we'll stop tackling but the same for EVERYONE... Start with ... errr ... let me see ... Scott Parker !

Harry Redknapp you bitter saggy faced tax dodging t**t.. Now who's influencing things with your comments ?

Of course Marios problem was doing it to yet another "England finest" ... The FA are a DISGRACE

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