Balotelli Apology

Dax777 said:
Lampard just walked off without a second thought fro the exact same tackle that got Balo a yellow.

it was neither of mario's yellows that have provoked a reaction. it was the ridiculous challenge on song. and the fact that he took his time strolling off, and his kicking of the post, and the turf, and the free-kick shambles against sunderland, and the constant throwing himself to the floor whenever he loses the ball, and claiming a free-kick for fuck all because he's not the player he believes he is, and the fact that despite kompany and lescott's jobs revolving around tackling it's always more likely that mario will be sent off, and the fact that he never learns, and his refusal to sprint, and the fact that half the players don't seem to like him anymore.......
This months scapegoat. Mario didn't cost us the game against Arsenal and he certainly didn't cost us the league.
If football clubs were run on emotions then he would be out the door. He is under contact he does not have to leave if he doesnt want to. The club may not want him to leave even if a new manager comes in. All this "he has embaressed the club and the fans" is made up bollocks by people still dealing with the fact we lost the title. He has become the scape goat and distraction for every terrible footballer to play the game with so ignorant fans calling in to Talksport and saying he should be deported. Again something that cannot happen as he is from an EU country.

This whole episode is being blow up to cover the obvious cheating that took place earlier in the day which noone is talking about now. United were handed a victory at home after a player cheated.

Instead of taking your frustrations out on a 21 year old who scored close to half of all our goals this season you might want to look at Tevez who is being credited for running for 20minutes on Sunday after fucking off for half a year. Something is seriously wrong here as Mario is 3 goals off the 20 Tevez scored in his best season for us? Yet one is still regarded as worthy of applause the other is being pushed out when he has a longer career ahead of himself.

If Mario leaves it will be a loss to the league as when it comes to raw talent alone besides the sarcastic remarks he is the best player in his age group. He is miles ahead of Sturridge, Welbeck, Ox Chamb and the rest of them and he is not broken beyond repair as those who keep qouting "The Biggest Ego in football management Jose M" keep trying to force us to believe.
Rushton121 said:
This months scapegoat. Mario didn't cost us the game against Arsenal and he certainly didn't cost us the league.

Judging by the way many were talking last week, you'd think it was his fault we conceded those 3 goals against Sunderland.

He has discipline issues that need ironing out of course, but we need to look elsewhere as to why we've let the title slip.
didactic said:
If football clubs were run on emotions then he would be out the door. He is under contact he does not have to leave if he doesnt want to. The club may not want him to leave even if a new manager comes in. All this "he has embaressed the club and the fans" is made up bollocks by people still dealing with the fact we lost the title. He has become the scape goat and distraction for every terrible footballer to play the game with so ignorant fans calling in to Talksport and saying he should be deported. Again something that cannot happen as he is from an EU country.

This whole episode is being blow up to cover the obvious cheating that took place earlier in the day which noone is talking about now. United were handed a victory at home after a player cheated.

Instead of taking your frustrations out on a 21 year old who scored close to half of all our goals this season you might want to look at Tevez who is being credited for running for 20minutes on Sunday after fucking off for half a year. Something is seriously wrong here as Mario is 3 goals off the 20 Tevez scored in his best season for us? Yet one is still regarded as worthy of applause the other is being pushed out when he has a longer career ahead of himself.

If Mario leaves it will be a loss to the league as when it comes to raw talent alone besides the sarcastic remarks he is the best player in his age group. He is miles ahead of Sturridge, Welbeck, Ox Chamb and the rest of them and he is not broken beyond repair as those who keep qouting "The Biggest Ego in football management Jose M" keep trying to force us to believe.

Is this bag head still being given air time ?

Oh dear.
didactic said:
If football clubs were run on emotions then he would be out the door. He is under contact he does not have to leave if he doesnt want to. The club may not want him to leave even if a new manager comes in. All this "he has embaressed the club and the fans" is made up bollocks by people still dealing with the fact we lost the title. He has become the scape goat and distraction for every terrible footballer to play the game with so ignorant fans calling in to Talksport and saying he should be deported. Again something that cannot happen as he is from an EU country.

This whole episode is being blow up to cover the obvious cheating that took place earlier in the day which noone is talking about now. United were handed a victory at home after a player cheated.

Instead of taking your frustrations out on a 21 year old who scored close to half of all our goals this season you might want to look at Tevez who is being credited for running for 20minutes on Sunday after fucking off for half a year. Something is seriously wrong here as Mario is 3 goals off the 20 Tevez scored in his best season for us? Yet one is still regarded as worthy of applause the other is being pushed out when he has a longer career ahead of himself.

If Mario leaves it will be a loss to the league as when it comes to raw talent alone besides the sarcastic remarks he is the best player in his age group. He is miles ahead of Sturridge, Welbeck, Ox Chamb and the rest of them and he is not broken beyond repair as those who keep qouting "The Biggest Ego in football management Jose M" keep trying to force us to believe.

I respect your comments and agree with some of them. However how many on this forum would straight swap for any of the three players quoted above?
All this 'scapegoat' bollocks does my head in!

Has anyone blamed him for the team not performing and losing? No, so how is he a 'scapegoat'?

It's his behaviour and attitude that people have a problem with.
What a load of shit. Do you honestly think Mario's actions are part of a coverup?

Why was Roberto so upset then? Is he involved in a conspiracy when he says the tackle should be reviewed and Mario won't play for us again? Christ this bullshit sounds like a creepy cult.

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